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Fiora Build Guide by justjohn123

Top Tanky fiora, while still dealing massive damage

Top Tanky fiora, while still dealing massive damage

Updated on April 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author justjohn123 Build Guide By justjohn123 2,019 Views 0 Comments
2,019 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author justjohn123 Fiora Build Guide By justjohn123 Updated on April 14, 2014
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Survive early game

In most cases Fiora is sort of meant be a lane bully (correct me if i'm wrong) but with this build i highly suggest playing it safe. She's weakest during early game so sustain early is needed. This build is meant for mid to late game. I'm not very good at lengthy well thought out strategies when it comes to guides so i'll just make this short and sweet.

Early game - Sustain is key. Stay in lane and farm up well, this build is a little pricey early on. If you're against someone you counter really well (such as GP, Aatrox, Yasuo ect.) go ahead and be a bully. Not much can stop you as long as you have sustain.

Mid game - By now you should have Hydra and Spirit visage. You're well sustained now. Depending on how things are going in your match, is how you build off that. If your team is doing well in terms of objectives and and kills, then build some power. If your team is behind then build some tank, like a Mog. then go for damage. in short adapt to how the game rolls. if you already have a tank on your team in this situation then go for both and build a clever. it gives you a little bit of tank whilst giving you the damage you need to bring your team back.

Late game - When build is complete, you should have 30% cd, 350+ ad, 1.50+ as, Nearly 4k hp, 84 armor (111 if you have scaling armor runes) 102 mr (129 with scaling MR runes) [Note: these are approximations I wasn't paying too much attention while using this build]. The point of this build is pretty simple, Deal damage and survive while doing so.

I know this isn't the best guide but i thought i'd just share my build with everyone. Hit me with some feedback. I want to know if it worked for you guys. Constructive criticism is wanted. I want to make this better if possible.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author justjohn123
justjohn123 Fiora Guide
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