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Taric Build Guide by Kannonball

Support Taric, always there to smack you with his Hammer.

Support Taric, always there to smack you with his Hammer.

Updated on December 7, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kannonball Build Guide By Kannonball 1,565 Views 0 Comments
1,565 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kannonball Taric Build Guide By Kannonball Updated on December 7, 2012
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Introduction to my guide.

Hey there, I though I would just throw together this build to show you what I build while playing Taric. I find Taric being my favorite champ even though I love to play other lanes, there is just something special about playing taric this way.

My moma always said a good support changes games.
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The runes I use is kinda wierd, but they benefit you in alot of diffrent ways.

quint of gold x3 Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist x9 Mark of Attack Damage x9 Seal of Armor x9

quint of gold helps you get gold while in lane without needing to last hit or do anything, they are just a great chose overall.
Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist I pick these beacuse you dont need the magic resistance in lane so you will benefit from these later, when it comes to teamfights, you will get crushed by aoe ults beacuse you want to get into the action throwing down your aoes. They benefit you so that you wont die before you can do anything.
Mark of Attack Damage Well this is a bit of a strange pick, but i realy like the damage that you get in lane with these. Beacuse you want to get into your enemys face and smack then with your hammer. You will deal alot of damage just with auto attacks
Seal of Armor Well these are just to survive the damage from the enemys attack damage carry.
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Picking masteries is pretty standard, they might look confusing with the changes coming into season 3 but they are realy simple. I am just going to go over some of them that others might want to pick that I dident.

Wealth In my opinion I dont think they points are worth it, I feel like the extra armor in defense is so much better.
Pickpocket I take this mastery beacuse of Taric capability to stun you, run into your face and hit you with his hammer, 5+ gold is a nice amount while in lane.
Hardiness This is for just getting the nice big amount of armor stacking up on taric. Just love haveing it in lane, 5 armor dosent seem like a lot but with Runes + Tarics passive from hes Shatter, it adds up to a high amount even at low levels.
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The items i chose is a bit strange, but I realy love them. I have played alot of matches with Taric already and found out that these items are the best ones I have tried so far.

Why are you getting speed boots so late? The answer for that I dont need them at this early stages of the game. Tarics movment speed will be enough to allow you to get though those early levels without a problem. If your lane is getting ganked alot I recommend getting Boots before kage's lucky pick

Mikael's Blessing have I found just being the best support item there is currently available, this dosent not only heal one of your team mates, but it also removes a debuff.
Shard of True Ice this item is just wonderful for engages. Use it on a initiator like and everyone that he hits will also get slowed. It is also a nice tool for you to hold people away from your carries if you use it on your self.
Runic Bulwark Is a wonderful item to just grant your team a nice aura of health regain, armor and magic resistance. It also helps your get tanky. Note: If someone like your jungler or top laner takes this item, take Spirit of the Ancient Golem.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Stun, auras, tanky, heal.

Cons: Low mobility, vulnerable againts Ability Power Damage.

After you play him alot of games, you will see what you can do and what you cant do.
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I would just like to say thanks for checking out my guide, hope you got some ideas of what items you can get on other support champions.

Would like to know your oppinion on this build, and i gladly take advices of what other items I can get, I will for sure try it out!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kannonball
Kannonball Taric Guide
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Taric, always there to smack you with his Hammer.

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