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Champion Build Guide
More items
Prismatic Items

Cloak of Starry Night
Good against heavy AP and strong spell spammers (Ryze, Cassiopeia, Corki, etc)

Good choice if your teammate lacks damage, this item does numbers.

Empyrean Promise
I only recommend this item if you're going as a healing tank and your teammate is tanky/a healer as well, such as a "survive the fire ring" composition (ex: Karma, Poppy, Alistar).

Eleisa's Miracle
A great item for sustain and a more heal-oriented build. Best paired with Fimbulwinter, Moonstone and Blossoming Dawn.

Darksteel Talons
Great agaisnt AD compositions, and pretty good overall, since all its stats benefit Taric. Can be used for both on-hit and tanky builds.

Not bad if enemies are stacking resistances and paired with on-hit multipliers, although other items are better.

Force of Entropy
Great item for when you want to be annoying and not let the enemy move. Pair this with Fimbulwinter, Navori and Rite of Ruin for maximun fun (and a perma-stun)

Gambler's Blade
If you're feeling lucky, sure. I've made over 6k a couple of games with this item, but it's pretty unreliable since this lacks the resistances other prismatics offer you. Better used when your teammate is stronger during early so you can scale safely and get a second prismatic.

Only use this if you can weave auto attacks and kite. Works well with crit items and AA area extensions.

Innervating Locket
If the enemies are heavy on sustained DPS and lack immediate burst, it's a solid choice for surviving very extended fights, plus the AP amplifies your healing.

Lightning Rod
This is basically Volibear's W. Tried it once and it worked pretty well, but it's a bit hard to time well your E stun with when the item procs, so it's a bit unreliable.

Moonflair Spellblade
The bug between Taric and the trascendence passive has been partly fixed and now this item's passive correctly refreshes Taric's Q cooldown, so this is now a good choice. Best paired with Fimbulwinter so you can spam your spells for longer.

Reality Fracture
Not the worst, not the best either. Only go this if there are no better items.

A perfect item for Taric, it synergises with all of his best items. Build Fimbulwinter, Blossoming Dawnn and Guinsoos for on-hit healing, perma-cc and constant shielding, becoming practically immortal. The AS to HP ratio is great as well.

A worse version of Cruelty for Taric. Still decent for a more damage-oriented build.

Sanguine Gift
Decent pick for a Moonstone build.

Shield of Molten Stone
Great for heavy AD and auto atacker enemies. Good for tanky builds, since Taric has an armor multiplier that can also be applied to his ally. Build with stacking resistances (Iceborn, Thornmail, Jak'Sho)
Other Items

Anathema's Chain
Good pick if you're getting focused and the enemy has absurd damage.

Hellfire Hatchet
A weird but effective item if you're going on-hit. Specially good against unkillable tanks and Heartsteel stackers. Goes well paired with Death's Dance.

Sundered Sky
Not the best stat wise, but provides nice sustain during longer fights.

Sword of Blossoming Dawn
A great item for Taric. It allows you to heal on hit, which doubles your healing power and allows you to keep squishier allies alive for longer. You can further amplify your healing with Moonstone for self-healing on hit as well. This is my go-to third item most games.

The Golden Spatula
Sure, why not.

Do not buy Heartsteel.
Prismatic Augments
Gold Augments
Silver Augments
Gold Augments
Silver Augments
How to decide what to build, synergies, strategies and more
*Note: The Navori bug hasn't been solved completely and I haven't been able to figure out what is exactly what causes the bug. So far I've tested Navori with different CDR reducing augments and items and it seems to work as intended, but when used on its own with no other overlapping passive it doesn't refresh Q, except when I have bought Lucidity Boots for some reason? So keep this in mind when building Navori.
As you may know, Taric is a very versatile champion. With basically a 2x attack speed ratio on his passive, an armor scalling tether that also gives your ally a % of your armor, plus his healing and stun, there's a vast variety of builds you can go.
I divide Taric's main archetypes as it follows (note that due to Taric's kit, these do intersect and most of the time you'll want a couple items and augments from a different archetype):
Tank: Taric's most basic build. Core items for this archetype are Fimbulwinter, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage and Jak'Sho.
Healer: Focused on healing and protecting yourself and your ally through Q, W and item effects. Core items are Moonstone, Spirit Visage, Echoes of Helia and Blossoming Dawn
DPS: Attack speed Taric go brrrr. Navori, Guinsoo, Blossoming Dawn and Wit's End are your go-to choices.
Juggernaut: Taric's kit provides him enough sustain to fight and beat most champs if you can lock them with your E. Weaving abilities and AAs will allow you to survive for longer. Iceborn Gauntlet, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, Hellfire Hatch and Sundered Sky are all options to help you damage your enemy, while providing sustain to beat them in extended fights.
As I mentioned earlier, most of the times (specially if you manage to get ahead from early) your best first (non prismatic) item option will be Fimbulwinter. No matter what you build, this item will allow you to fight for longer with its mana, and after two rounds you'll get a shield every 8 seconds when you stun an enemy (less if you get item CDR). This will allow you to soak damage when you engage with E for initiating a fight, and also give you the chance to regain some HP with Q if you're lower on health. Fimbulwinter synergizes well with most Taric items and playstyles, such as amplified shielding with tankier builds, echoed shield with Moonstone and similar items/augments, and more sustain overall with duelis builds.
From the third item onwards it's pretty much up to you what you want to build, but there are several items and augments that synergize very well and you might want to adjust your build accordingly.
As you may know, Taric is a very versatile champion. With basically a 2x attack speed ratio on his passive, an armor scalling tether that also gives your ally a % of your armor, plus his healing and stun, there's a vast variety of builds you can go.
I divide Taric's main archetypes as it follows (note that due to Taric's kit, these do intersect and most of the time you'll want a couple items and augments from a different archetype):
Tank: Taric's most basic build. Core items for this archetype are Fimbulwinter, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage and Jak'Sho.
Healer: Focused on healing and protecting yourself and your ally through Q, W and item effects. Core items are Moonstone, Spirit Visage, Echoes of Helia and Blossoming Dawn
DPS: Attack speed Taric go brrrr. Navori, Guinsoo, Blossoming Dawn and Wit's End are your go-to choices.
Juggernaut: Taric's kit provides him enough sustain to fight and beat most champs if you can lock them with your E. Weaving abilities and AAs will allow you to survive for longer. Iceborn Gauntlet, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, Hellfire Hatch and Sundered Sky are all options to help you damage your enemy, while providing sustain to beat them in extended fights.
As I mentioned earlier, most of the times (specially if you manage to get ahead from early) your best first (non prismatic) item option will be Fimbulwinter. No matter what you build, this item will allow you to fight for longer with its mana, and after two rounds you'll get a shield every 8 seconds when you stun an enemy (less if you get item CDR). This will allow you to soak damage when you engage with E for initiating a fight, and also give you the chance to regain some HP with Q if you're lower on health. Fimbulwinter synergizes well with most Taric items and playstyles, such as amplified shielding with tankier builds, echoed shield with Moonstone and similar items/augments, and more sustain overall with duelis builds.
From the third item onwards it's pretty much up to you what you want to build, but there are several items and augments that synergize very well and you might want to adjust your build accordingly.
It's okay if you're impressed. The Protector was too.
Hello, I'm a League player since Season 6, specifically since Taric's rework was launched. His outrageouness caught me and I'm a Taric main ever since. I have played him in support, top and jungle throughout the different seasons and metas, and I think I have adquired a pretty decent understanding of the champion. Arena allows Taric's unique playstyle to shine both in the way the game works and also thanks to the new items it adds. I have been playing Taric in Arena a lot, and I currently hold a 63% winrate with him.
This guide is a work in progress. It is my first ever guide so bear with me while I perfect it, and as all things in League it is subject to change. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
This guide is a work in progress. It is my first ever guide so bear with me while I perfect it, and as all things in League it is subject to change. Any and all suggestions are welcome.
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