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Choose Champion Build:
- AD Carry
- Hybrid Attack Speed
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
BOT LANE:This is really evil of you, why would you do this, the idea behind him being in this role is it would make you practically unkillable, if you have a support like Blitzcrank or Thresh who can hook the enemy into your shrooms your set, same as in top lane, focus on shrooming the bushes and river, i would not suggest going to ward baron early game, just focus on the lane your in and cs'ing, , with this build you wont be focusing on AP, you want to focus on AD.
AP ATTACK SPEED:This build focuses on maximum DPS, the damage output you get will help finish off team fights so much quicker.
As explained in the notes, depending on who your against, you want to focus on what skill you max, Melee AD's focus on poison for harass, ranged AD's focus on Blind as it will help you sustain against them, if your against another mage, focus on poison, as their skills aren't blocked by the blind so you want to damage them by auot attacking them as much as possible, never fight in their creep wave as you will take too much damage from minions
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