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Teemo Build Guide by Razyelx

Top Teemo AP TOP [9.4 UPDATED]

Top Teemo AP TOP [9.4 UPDATED]

Updated on February 22, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Razyelx Build Guide By Razyelx 64 10 1,380,019 Views 43 Comments
64 10 1,380,019 Views 43 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Razyelx Teemo Build Guide By Razyelx Updated on February 22, 2019
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Runes: Sustain + Burst

Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Absolute Focus

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
For Big Boyz
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello and welcome to my Teemo AP (ToP) Build + Guide!

This build was created after watching many Challenger players, how they play, after reading dozen's of guides, builds on Teemo I finally created this build. I am not saying that this build is the best in world, everyone like to play differently. There are guys that prefer to play Teemo "ADC style" with Nashor's Tooth and so on. I played it too, but after the years of playing I created this, my own build and made it to Diamond, so this build has definitely results. Hope you like it!
Proof (RazyeLx EUNE)
For more info you can follow me on my YouTube and Twitch channel, but I am not currently active (might change though). Who wants to join my TĘĘMO clan, you can add me on EUNE - RazyeLx.

IMPORTANT!! Before you start playing with this build, go play some NORMALS, NOT RANKEDS! Teemo is different champion, really hard to master and most of you guys will end as feeders and your team will hate you. Be prepared to be hated by both teams, especially in SILVER, GOLD it is really funny how people react when you take Teemo:). But if you will be patient, it will get better, the higher you are, the better people are and they starts to understand, that when you take Teemo, you probably know what you are doing.
Well, let's not waste time and go for the Guide!
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I won't be telling what runes do, everyone can read it. I will just explain WHY I have choosen these.
1. Why Resolve tree with Grasp of the Undying and not Sorcery tree with Summon Aery?

Listen, I don't say that Sorcery tree with Summon Aery is bad, nothing like that. It is actually great, the poke you can squeeze from Summon Aery is insane. But you are way too squishy. And that is not what we want for this build. Resolve tree with Grasp of the Undying gives you more sustain and you still do great poke damage thanks to the percentage of your HP, which scales with Rod of Ages and all other items that gives you HP. For this build to work at maximum potential, this is a key rune.
2. Why Demolish?

Because there is nothing better on this tier that you can choose. Font of Life is for allied champions, which does not help you in laning phase at all and Teemo does not have any shields for Shield Bash. So you have the only choice left with Demolish. But it is actually a great rune, because your split push power with this build is weaker, so this eliminates your weakness.
3. Why Bone Plating?

Because you need to win early game and get as much help from runes into your early laning phase as possible. In mid-late game you will be alright thanks to Rod of Ages. That is why Conditioning is not a good pick and Bone Plating is better than Second Wind for Teemo because the enemy usually do only 3 attacks on you and then you run away.
4. Why Overgrowth?

Because it scales with the first talent Grasp of the Undying, gives you more tankiness. Other choice here would be Unflinching, but as I said, we want to squeeze as much HP as possible.
5. Why Sorcery as second tree?

I used to play with Domination for some time and it was good, but I lacked the damage. If I could do a little bit more damage I would get so many kills. So I switched to Sorcery and to my suprise, it was an amazing change. This was exactly what this build needed.
You want to be just a half-tank, not full tank. So you need to do some damage and these two runes are the best choice to maximize your damage. You are Teemo so you are really hard to catch so you will have more often more than 70 % HP and make great use of Absolute Focus. Absolute Focus is also perfect for your surprise ganks at mid-late game thanks to your passive. Many Teemo players take Manaflow Band, but we do not. Thanks again to Rod of Ages which solves our mana hungry problem. So instead take some damage rune like Scorch which will help you a lot early.
7. Adaptive force or + 10 % attack speed?

Good question. I myself do not know the answer. I like to go for + 10 adaptive force to maximize my dot damage, but attack speed is a great choice too. So this is up to you. The only important thing here is to take the +90 health rune.
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Before we jump into the items, you need to understand the way how to play Teemo with this build. You need to learn to be aggressive with this build and at the same time, know when to run away (try watch some of my videos, how I play it). With this build you will be able to take some damage, so don't panic when enemy jumps on you. With this build you are HALF-TANK that can oneshot carrys.
There are 5 items that you need to buy almost ALWAYS and the 6th item is up to your choice.

This is the best starting item for almost every AP carry. Some Challenger players prefer to buy 2 of them, but that's in my opinion a waste of money, because you will be selling them in later anyway. If you are new to Teemo and die too much in early game, you can try buying Doran's Shield until you get better.

I was playing pretty long with attack speed boots, but then I saw that every good Teemo is using these boots. So I tried it and again I was shocked. The penetration do miracles especially to tanks (and mostly at TOP lane you will be facing tanks). Buy this, it is expensive but it will give you huge bonus burst. Buy Sorcerer's Shoes as first item instead of Rod of Ages. I don´t feel the strenght from Rod of Ages in early game, like it used to be. The Sorcerer's Shoes gives you a lot of survive with the movement + poke potential + damage thanks to the penetration.

Most people will flame you, that you can't build a proper build. But just try this item out. It gives you more sustain on lane, gives you a lot of mana (do you know the problem most Teemos have with shrooming? They use 3-5 shrooms and are out of mana. Well, guess what, with this item you won't be having those problems = you will be longer on lane) and most of all it gives you huge amount of health with ability power at the same time. The enemy expects you to be squishy and are then very suprised when you can take their burst and at the same time do enourmous damage to them (literally one shoting ADCs, how you can see in my videos).

This is really effective on tanks and I buy this always. It just make your dots really strong and gives you some health as bonus too (making you even more tanky).

I buy this item lately every game. Even whe nthey have fed AP. Because this can save your life, giving your team time to react, while the enemy team is focused on finishing you. Buy this item, it gives you armor and some kind of protection from combos. Also if you want to maximize your damage, before upgrading make sure you have full Seeker's Armguard stacks (but that is just a detail, if you have money, upgrade it right away).

This item, together with Rabadon's Deathcap will make your damage turn into a god mode. One step on shrooms for the enemy = recall. With this your penetration reaches its cap.
THE 6th ITEM (up to your choice)

This item will give you huge burst damage and after this item, you will be able to shut down adc on 2 Blinds (no really, try it, it's funny). BUT it is reaaaaaaally insane expensive. Buy this only when you are ahead and have money. If you don't have enought money or are behind, then buy rather Banshee's Veil or Morellonomicon.

Since the rework of this item, it is a great item for this build. It gives you amazing defensive vs AP enemies (which are mostly the problem, because vs AD you have Blinding Dart) and now it even gives you CD reduction + ability power.

Item to go against healing champions like Soraka, Dr. Mundo, Vladimir and so on. Also makes you even more tanky than you already are.

This item makes your farming an easy thing and makes your auto-attacks do HUGE amount of damage. BUT if you buy this item, you will be squishy. And as you know, that's not what we want. Buy this item only when you cant be one shotted and enemies can't catch you. Take this item if you are great at dodging skill shots and want more damage (change for Rod of Ages as the 3rd item).

Buy this item in "one hour game" (more about it down). Basically when the one hour game is on, just sell your boots and buy some movement item that gives % amount of movement (for this is very usefull Spellbinder as it will give you almost the same movement as you would have with boots AND give you even more damage.

Since the rework of this item, it became useless for this build. So don´t buy it anymore, only when you are extremely behind and are getting one-shotted all the time and you REALLY need to live at least 1 second.

For Hextech Gunblade goes the same as for Nashor's Tooth. If you buy this item, you will be squishy. And as you know, that's not what we want. Buy this item only when you can't be one shotted and enemies don't have gap-closers. Aside that, it is really amazing item for ADC style Teemo.

Another interesting item for sure, because it gives you more sustain. But I can't remember if I bought it ever. Buy it only if the enemy has amazing CC (for example Cassiopeia, Leona, Vi, Lissandra in same team and they all go for you).

Don't forget POTIONS! No really, it will help you a lot in laning. I usually buy 2 almost always, so I can farm longer.

In late game (so called "one hour game") don't forget to buy potions. Now which one? I prefer Elixir of Iron, because it gives you even more health AND 25% tenacity, which is amazing. But if you somehow do not have enought damage, then buy definitely Elixir of Sorcery.

Don't forget to buy control wards!:) They are really usefull, I buy them for example when we go for baron or dragon and on my lane, when I am ahead of the enemy and have more map control.

In early to mid game, buy Stealth Ward to prevent ganks. In mid to late game buy Oracle Lens to destroy enemy wards and be able to do some sneaky attacks:)
1. What to buy first?
In the current season I recommend to buy Sorcerer's Shoes as it will give you more early burst dmg and poking potential on the enemies with the movement speed + escape.
But when you are losing I prefer to buy Rod of Ages as soon as possible so it can start adding the passive and it gives you more sustain and tankiness. You know, when you are behind, it makes no sense to rush for boots, because you wont be able to poke the strong enemy anyway. Just go for some defense so you can make a comeback as soon as possible.

2. Are there any changes in "one hour game"?
If you want to squeeze as much as possible from your champion, then yes. Its a small change but it will make you even stronger. What is "one hour game"? Thats the part of the game where you have bought already everything and don't know what to do with your money. In this type of game follow this:

a) buy elixirs! ( Elixir of Sorcery vs Elixir of Iron)
b) sell your boots and buy some movement item that gives % amount of movement (for this is very usefull Spellbinder as it will give you almost the same movement as you would have with boots AND give you even more damage.
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Make use of Guerrilla Warfare as much as possible. At the beginning, when you don't have to help your jungler, then go hide somewhere in the lane, before the first minion wave arrive, wait till the enemy shows up and suprise him with 1-2 auto attacks, so he is behind right from the start and then run away so the minions don't hurt you!
You can use Guerrilla Warfare even for escaping, note that you will go stealth in bush EVEN while moving, if you don't get hit by any attacks for 1.5sec, so you can hide and ping for help and with a bit of luck, team might save you.
Another good usage of Guerrilla Warfare is, to hide on places where your oponnent won't expect it (for example when my team is doing Baron, I hide in bush and wait for the enemy jungler and when he comes to steal the Baron - suprise!:)).


Use Blinding Dart to make enemy ADCs useless. This ability does enourmous magic damage and makes every auto attacking useless for some time.
There are 2 ways how to use this ability on lane. Most of the time your goal would be to auto attack (and apply your dot on the enemy) and right away follow up with a Blinding Dart and then run away and repeat. The animation time of Blinding Dart is very low, so usually you will be able to follow up your Blinding Dart even if the enemy is running away (you can see it in my videos). You need first to AA and then follow with Blinding Dart (if you use Blinding Dart first, you will not follow with AA as the animation is longer). With this combo you should win most of the trades.
The second way is the same, only backwards. What do I mean? There are champions where is better to first apply Blinding Dart and than follow up with an auto attack. Perfect example is Twisted Fate and his stun ability. Did you know, that if you use Blinding Dart on Twisted Fate, before he throws his card, he will miss it? Well, now you know!:) So in this case I first use Blinding Dart on Twisted Fate (making him miss his stun) and then i poke him out.

IMPORTANT Blinding Dart is your only defensive spell, so learn when to use it. For example Fizz can jump when you use Blinding Dart and it WON'T blind him, making your fight much more harder. You need to learn how to "fake" the Blinding Dart (so the enemy will think that you want to use it, but instead you will just auto attack) and then suprise Blinding Dart in his face.


Use Move Quick for chasing enemy to apply some more auto attacks or for escaping enemy ganks. Also it is smart to use it on CD for warding and so on, so you are faster on lane. Some poeple max this as second, but I do not. Why? Because most people play ADC style Teemo and they need this ability for surviving, but as you know by now, this build is different, you have the sustain from items, so rather max Blinding Dart second and this last. Also you don't have to worry about your mana pool as we are building Rod of Ages which solves the mana hungry Teemo.


This makes Teemo a Teemo and I max it first:) You will be able to get kills, even when your enemy runs away. You need to be poking enemy as much as possible and maintaing the dot on the target, so they are slowly burned down and out of the lane. The trick for maxing the poke potential of Teemo is to AA the enemy whenever they want to last hit a minion, because they want to last hit the minions so they get the gold, so they don't have time to poke back and thanks to your poison, you will poke them from the lane.


Where to put shrooms will be discussed down below in the chapter "4. Shrooming", because it is very important. With this you should be able to get almost every Drake and Baron, unless you are behind. With the rework you can now also throw shrooms in a huge distance, BUT the shroom takes some time to detonate. A good enemy will dodge it, but not always. If you can predict the enemy movement, they will take your bait and fall for it or you can use the minions to detonate the shroom.

Also you can use Noxious Trap for defend from sieges (1 shroom = minion wave dead) or for escaping, when you are running away, put Noxious Trap behind you, even if the enemy see where are you placing them, they will most likely stop chasing you, because they know they won't be able to catch you.


Teemo has very low mobility and escape. So you basically need this summoner spell always. Use it for killing enemies, suprising ADCs or for escaping.


I sometimes use Ignite and sometimes Exhaust. Both summoner spells are excellent choice and work on Teemo. Ignite is more agrressive (so called GO BIG OR GO HOME) and you should take this vs champions with high regeneration ( Vladimir, Dr. Mundo, Irelia,...). Exhaust gives you even more tankiness (making you a TANKMO) and even if you are ganked, you are mostly able to run away, thanks to it. Take this ability definitely if you are new to Teemo. You need some practise before you will be able to play with Ignite.


You might ask yourself, why not taking Teleport on TOP lane? Every PRO player takes it! Well, you are Teemo and even if it's hard to say - yes your 5v5 fights is worser than other TOP laners. So you need to be helpfull to your team in fights as much as possible. Listen, you are Teemo you should win your lane 90 % of times and thanks to it you will be creating pressure on the enemy TOP laner, forcing him to use his Teleport NOT FOR GANKING, but for going back to lane. So thats how you fix this "gank potential of the enemy".
Secondly and most importantly, think about this: will Teleport help you in a 5v5 deciding team fight? No. Will Ignite or Exhaust help you? Yes, a lot.

On the other hand on higher level of play, you want to take Teleport. Why? Because the game is decided mostly in mid game just because of a good Teleport team fiht. But do not be mistaken. This applies only for high end like Diamond+ or pre-made teams, where the team fight matters. In Soloque and especially lower than Diamond, you will have much more value from Ignite or Exhaust.

You might argue that Teemo can use Teleport for split pushing. Indeed, you are right, but that applies for ADC style Teemo. With this build your split pushing power is not great.


I have mostly already explained the playstyle needed for this build when I was explaining the abilities. But I must highlight one thing. It is extremely important to understand the power of minions in early game. Each time you attack the enemy, the minions will target you, and you need to have the knowledge of it and when you attack the enemy, then run a bit back so you drop the aggro from the minions and then attack again and so on:).
Another good skill to learn is knowing when to poke the enemy. You can see it in my videos how I do it. I always wait when the enemy NEEDS to attack my minion to get the gold (so he can't trade with me) and than I poke him. And lastly don't forget to last hit minions, so you get the gold from them. It is the biggest priority.

Last hitting minion > poking enemy (but I know, even I do this wrong:-D this is high level of skill for top players).
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Shrooming is the most important thing for you! Even if you are dead and team is fighting 4v5 they still can win, thanks to your shrooms! So put them always on good spots (on Dragon and Baron ALWAYS).

I start shrooming Dragon when:
1. Hitting level 9-12.
2. I destroyed the first tower so I can focus on Dragon.

I start shrooming Baron when:
1. Three Drakes are dead.
2. The game is almost at the end of mid game time (you are mostly with your team and not on your lane).
I recommend to kill the annoying Crab! He can destroy your shrooms.
Here are some examples where you should put shrooms:
- (for RED TEAM) put a shroom ALWAYS there!!
- (for BLUE TEAM) put a shroom ALWAYS there!!
- recommend position of shroom.



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"Counters doesn't exist. It's just an easy lane or a bit harder."
OK! Let's start from easy enemies (THREAT LEVEL 1-3).


You can't lose this match. Poke him as much as possible and if he tries anything just run away. The only weak point would be if he would get somehow level 6 before you and he would have Ignite instead of Teleport. In this case be prepared that he will " Flash + Decisive Strike + Ignite + Demacian Justice you and will most likely kill you", but in 99 % you should get level 6 before Garen. Very important thing is to watch your minimap, because Garen will ping for help all the time, so care about their jungler. When Garen starts running towards you and is not scared, that means jungler is near (this applies for every matchup, everyone likes to gank Teemo all the time).
Fight him early as much as possible, you are stronger till level 6. Care of enemy jungler!


Rammus is a jungler champion, but sometimes people take him on TOP. He is pretty good at TOP, but not vs Teemo. You counter him so much that it hurts. If Rammus will have more than 50 minions in mid game, he will be happy. Whenever he uses Powerball take cover behind a minion. Attack him hard when his shield ( Defensive Ball Curl ) is down, he se extremely vulnerable in this moment. The only way how to lose this lane is to an enemy jungler. Watch your map all the time, because this can turn into a 2v1 lane easily as Rammus will ping for help.
Whenever he uses Powerball take cover behind a minion. Attack him hard when his Defensive Ball Curl is down. Watch out for enemy jungler, this might be a 2v1 lane.


The only important thing here is to NOT get stunned. If he uses stun or misses it, just poke him out of the lane, even if he jumps on you WITHOUT the stun, he will die. Did you know that you can use Blinding Dart on Jax even if he uses Counter Strike? This can save your live. This is one of the easiest lanes, get fed captains!:)
You can use Blinding Dart on Jax even if he uses Counter Strike. Poke him as much as possible, but keep your distance so you don't get stunned by him. Watch out for jungler.


Another easy lane. Thanks to your Blinding Dart you counter Rengar extremely hard (unless he is AP, but thats very rare). The only way how you can lose is at level 1. DON'T fight him at level 1! He can take you down thanks to the bushes. Just play passively till level 2 and when you get Blinding Dart start pushing him out of the lane. If Rengar can't use bushes to fight you = he can't fight you. So push him out of the bushes and take control on them. After level 3, you should have no problems winning your lane. Watch out for enemy jungler!
Don't fight him at level 1 and wait for level 2! Watch out for enemy jungler. Take control of the bushes.


This is in my opinion even easier lane than against a Garen. Why? Because Garen is tanky and hard to kill, here you can get really fed, but it is true if Riven is mastered and is against a beginner Teemo, then Riven can eat him. This lane is a bit tricky. You need to poke her as much as possible but be carefully to not get caught by her! The best thing is to start poking after she used 2 Broken Wings and whenever she uses Valor than Blinding Dart + poke her. I personally never lost to a Riven, but it needs practice. After level 6 she will try to Flash into you and fight you, thinking that shes stronger. Don't be afraid of her and kill her for her foolishness.
Don't get caught! Poke her as much as possible. Be faster than her and keep your distance.


Another easy lane, but do not underestimate the dog! After he gets his 1-2 item and starts fighting you, if he don't step on a shroom he can kill you easily. So the trick is to shroom your lane so he can't catch you, then you can poke him and he can't do anything with it. Use Blinding Dart to prevent him from stacking. That means always when a minion is about to die - use Blinding Dart on Nasus and he will miss it.
Use Blinding Dart to prevent him from stacking (especially the big minions). Use shrooms on your lane.


There's really nothing he can do against you, even if he hits his Chum the Waters, you will win the trade. Don't believe me? Try this match up, it's really easy. So why is he not with Garen at Threat level 1? Well if you MISS the Blinding Dart on his jump, than he can really hurt.
Don't miss your Blinding Dart when he jumps! Poke him whenever he tries to take a minion.


Teemo is famous to be his biggest counter, BUT don't be cocky a good Tryndamere can give you hell, but in 90 % you should have no problems. Just Blinding Dart him whenever he wants to do something. Be carefully at level 1 and don't fight him! Wait for your Blinding Dart at level 2 and then start pushing him out of the lane.
Save your Blinding Dart for fighting, don't use it on minions. If you stay face to face to him - he can't slow you. Don't fight him at level 1 and wait for your Blinding Dart at level 2!


Talon is another auto attack based champion, so it is very hard for him to play against you. Just poke + Blinding Dart him all day. After level 6 when he jumps on you, put a shroom on your position and fight around the shroom. You shouldn't have problems with this match-up.
Poke + Blinding Dart him all day. After level 6, make use of your shrooms and when he jumps on you, put one under you.


After the rework Aatrox became a monster... and then he gets rekt by a Yordle with a Blowgun. Have in mind that his The Darkin Blade has insane CD and you can get stunned only when he hits you on the edge. If you dodge the first cast, you can just poke him from the lane. Poke him whenever he wants to get some minions. You can run in time from Infernal Chains if he catches you (run to the side).
Dodge the edge of The Darkin Blade. Poke him whenever he wants to get some minion. If you get catched by Infernal Chains, run to side.


In a fight against Ekko you need to avoid his Timewinder ability as much as possible. If you dodge it and don't get hit by it, Ekko will have a really hard time with you. Always when Ekko uses Phase Dive poke him for it, because he can't run away. Change your position all the time, so when he uses Parallel Convergence you can run from it thanks to Move Quick (very hard to master, but not impossible. Look at me in the video below, how I am constantly moving). After level 6, be aware that his ultimate Chronobreak do enormous damage, so be aware of his clone and don't stand near it when he activates it. If you are ahead than poke him out of the lane and when you are sure that he will die --> run to his clone and finish him off, when he uses Chronobreak to survive. Watch the following video for a better understanding.


Fight him early, you are stronger till level 6. Dodge his Timewinder as much as possible. Don't stand near his clone. Don't get 3 stacks of his Z-Drive Resonance.


It is extremely important to take Ignite vs Dr. Mundo, because you won't win the lane with Exhaust. So if you have Ignite, than I congratulate you, you just won your lane. Dodge his Infected Bonesaw as much as possible and take cover with your minions. When he wants to fight you and is near, just Ignite him and fight him. He will most likely run away.
Take Ignite instead of Exhaust! Dodge his Infected Bonesaw as much as possible.


In this match-up you will again be using the backward combo ( first Blinding Dart and then poke) and thanks to that you will make Twisted Fate miss his stun ( Pick A Card ) and lose the trade hard. Also dodge his Wild Cards as much as possible. After level 6, Twisted Fate will try to gank other lanes with his ultimate. You won't be able to follow him always, so focus on pushing and force him to be on his lane as much as possible. You should be winning thanks to your strong early game, so if you are good enough, he will be using his ultimate to go back to lane and he will have no time for ganking others.

First apply Blinding Dart and then poke (so he misses his stun Pick A Card ). Dodge his Wild Cards as much as possible.


Diana is extremely strong vs Teemo if she is played in jungle or on mid lane (not vs you). Than yes, she will destroy you in late game. But if she is on YOUR lane, than she is fu*ked up and can't win the lane, unless a jungler helps her. Before level 6, she can't do a thing. Just poke her whenever she wants to get a minion. After level 6 you should be ahead BIG TIME and when she jumps on your face, just kill her. If you are not ahead somehow, than make use of your shrooms, and always have near you a shroom so when she jumps, she steps on it.
Poke + Blinding Dart her all day, all night. Fight her before level 6 as much as possible. After level 6, make use of you shrooms and always have a shroom near you.


After the rework I would say that the laning phase against Akali is even easier then it used to be. Just poke her all the time. After level 6 be carefull, she might suprise you with the damage she can do.
Have ALWAYS Poke her foe very minion she wants to last hit. When she uses smoke, put a shroom under your feet. Watch out for enemy jungler!


So called a "counter" to Teemo. I don't know why he should be a counter. Just poke him down and use Blinding Dart on him whenever you are near, so when he jumps, he will miss his biggest damage. Be carefully with his clone, I myself used tons of times Ignite on the clone when I wanted the kill, it's annoying, but you should win this easily.
Use Blinding Dart whenever you are in range. Care of the clone and don't use spells on it!


The only important thing here is: whenever he uses Null Sphere on you (his only range attack) don't run away, but instead start poking him. That was his only range attack. Now he can't defend against you. You should win the trade --> win the lane.
Don't be scared when he pokes you, instead of running - poke him out of the lane!


Shen is very tanky champion so you won't be having too many kills here. But he is pretty easy to lane against. So mainly focus on farming. Poke him whenever he wants a minion. Also when he uses Spirit's Refuge you can still Blinding Dart him. Don't siege him too close to the tower, if he catches you with his taunt ( Shadow Dash ), it will hurt you a lot. Nevertheless you shouldn't have problems with this lane.
Don't siege him too close to the tower, so you don't get taunted by Shadow Dash. When he uses Spirit's Refuge you can still Blinding Dart him.


Sometimes you can see some ADCs on TOP lane. So this strategy is for all of them, because its the same for Teemo. If a player takes ADC vs Teemo, he is mad or a Korean SMURF from Challenger, because there is noway he can win the lane. Don't fight them on level 1 and wait till you have your Blinding Dart and then simply poke them out of the lane. Quinn and Jhin is an exception. You will not kill them easily, it will be a even lane.
Don't fight them on level 1 and wait for your Blinding Dart on level 2.


Depends on the skill level of Kayle. Most Kayles you can defeat but mastered Kayle... I don't know, never seen one. Care of the ultimate. Also when you use Blinding Dart on Kayle she will still be able to hit you with her AoE. So just Blinding Dart her and run away and when she turns back poke her and repeat.
Care for ultimate. Blinding Dart + poke + poke + run --> repeat.

Lets have a look on the more dangerous enemies. (THREAT LEVEL 4-7).

Jayce is a skill based match-up. If you dodge his range attack Shock Blast too often, he will lose. If he hits you too often, you will lose. Also it is important, when he switches to MELEE state, before he jumps on you send him a Blinding Dart into his face and than poke him. Because Jayce will jumps into your face, do some damage and then he will knock you back. So it is important to ideally poke + Blinding Dart + poke him to win the trade.
When he goes melee do Poke + Blinding Dart + poke to win the trade. Dodge his Shock Blast as much as possible.


Darius can be an easy lane and very hard lane, depends on how you are good. The main thing here is: to have more movement speed than him. If he is faster than you, he will catch you and that's VERY bad. If he is slower, you can Blinding Dart + poke him all day, all night. As the first item I recommend to buy Sorcerer's Shoes as soon as possible. Anyway if he ctaches, dont try to fight him. Even if he is behind, all it needs for him to do is get 5 stacks and use ultimate on you and you are either dead or very low on HP. This lane is about not getting caught, not flexing who is better in sword fights.
Don't get caught at any cost! Be faster than him and buy Sorcerer's Shoes as soon as possible.


Renekton is a match-up where you won't die, but you won't get kills at the same time. To win this lane, fight Renekton early as much as possible and poke him all day. Watch out for his red bar though! If his bar is red, he can do half of your HP in one combo, so be carefull. You are stronger till level 6. Also here use the combo from Abilities, that i was teaching you ( first Blinding Dart and then poke), because when he dashes foward to you and you will Blinding Dart him, he will miss his stun ( Ruthless Predator ) on you and you will win the trade thanks to this. After level 6, don't underestimate Renektons ultimate ( Dominus ). It is very strong and you might die. Fight him only when you have your Ignite up!
Fight him early (1-5) and poke him as much as possible. Be carefull when his red bar is up! When he dashes towards you, use Blinding Dart to make him miss his stun ( Ruthless Predator ). After level 6 focus on farming and fight him only when yours Ignite is up.


This champion is hell for most of Teemos. But in fact it is really easy lane, because most Teemos are squishy and die to his ultimate. With this build you will survive his ultimate (in fact he won't be even using it on you because he won't be able to bring you below 50% and will use his ultimate for him to run from you). Just poke him as much as possible and don't be scared of him. Use the combo AA + Blinding Dart and you will win the trade everytime. Also if you can keep his passive off (10 sec CD for him), you will not lose the lane. Be aware of the enemy jungler, it is really easy to gank you, when Malphite has his ultimate up!
Don't be afraid of him and fight him as much as possible. Be aware of enemy jungler! Pressure the lane as much as possible so the game ends before late game (you will lose late game most likely).


Zed is a counter to most Teemos because he just uses ultimate and 80% of the health of Teemos are down. With this build, you are a bit tanky, so this won't work on you and if Zed tries his usual combo, he will be very suprised that you still live. Never the less, it is still a skill based match-up. You need to dodge his Razor Shuriken as much as possible and poke + Blinding Dart him whenever you are in range. Also don't stand near his shadow clone! After level 6 he will try the usual combo, you should be able to survive it, so then punish him for his foolisness.
Dodge his Razor Shuriken as much as possible and poke + Blinding Dart him whenever you are in range. Don't stand near his shadow clone. Don't panic when he jumps on you after level 6, you will survive the combo.


In my opinion Yasuo is much more harder on Master - Challenger tier and deserves a higher Threat level. But most of the community won't encounter such Yasuo masters and the other Yasuo players that play him nowaday, they are easy to deal with. Just make sure you don't throw Blinding Dart into his Wind Wall and try to fake it. Don't stand near minions, so he can't dash on you and dodge his tornado as much as possible.
Don't throw Blinding Dart into his Wind Wall and try to fake it. Don't stand near minions, so he can't dash on you and dodge his tornado as much as possible. Stand near shrooms.


Another champion that is extremely hard for most champions to deal with, but easy for a Teemo. Illaoi is skill-shot based champion. Meaning you can dodge all his attacks. When he catches you with his Test of Spirit, don't run away, instead engage him with a Blinding Dart and push him away. Kill his tentacles whenever you can, but don't get caught!
When he catches you with his Test of Spirit, don't run away, instead engage him with a Blinding Dart a push him away. Kill his tentacles whenever you can, but don't get caught!


Poppy got boosted after the rework a lot and you might even lose to her if you are not smart and fast enough. You need to be poking her as much as possible and at the same time changing your position. So when she uses Hammer Shock you will be able to run from it before taking damage. Also don't stand near terrain!
Poke her as much as possible and change your position all the time. Don't stand near terrain!


Laning against a Gangplank is a bit boring. It is the type of lane where you won't die too often, but you won't get too many kills. So focus on farming. Don't stand near his barrels and try to destroy them before he can activate them. Have in mind that his Remove Scurvy negates your Blinding Dart.
Focus on farming. Don't stand near his barrels and try to destroy them.


Irelia used to be such a hard lane. Then she got reworked and now? Bah, way too easy. The only thing you need to do is to dodge her stun, which is easy to do and then just poke her out of the lane.
Dodge her stun and you are good to go.


Same thing like Irelia. Urgot used to be such a pain on the lane. But after the rework, he is just easy to lane against. You should have no problems with him at all. Make sure he does not catch you and poke him whenever he wants to get a last hit on a minion.
Poke him whenever possible. Dont get caught.


Ryze used to be an unmatched monster. But after his 100th rework, he is very squishy. Just make sure you dodge his spells as much as possible. Try to pressue Ryze.
Try to kill him early, he is very squishy early.


Teemo should be a counter to Gnar, which is true, but it depends on the skill level of Gnar. I've seen some really good Gnars and lost to some of them. The deciding thing here is: if he can hit you with his Boomerang Throw too often, you will lose, if he can't hit you, you will win. Don't be scared of his transformation, that makes him a MELEE and harder for him to catch you.
Don't get hit by his Boomerang Throw too often. Don't stand near terrain (mountains, walls,...) so he can't stun you with his ultimate ( GNAR! ).


A good Rumble player is as rare as a good Teemo player. Use minions as your cover, when he shoots Electro-Harpoon. Don't be in range when he uses Flamespitter it has very low range, so it shouldn't be a problem. Poke him as much as possible. In late game, do not underestimate his ultimate ( The Equalizer )! It does enormous damage!
Use minions to cover from Electro-Harpoon. Don't be in range when he uses Flamespitter. Poke him as much as possible.


Tahm Kench is a monster in late game and will 1v1 you easily. I dont know what buff they gave to him (he used to be easy lane), but it is really hard lane against Tahm Kench nowadays. The general strategy is to poke + Blinding Dart him all day and at the same time you need to dodge his Tongue Lash as much as possible and don't get 3 stacks of his passive An Acquired Taste at any time! Also if you wonder if it is better to trigger his shield ( Thick Skin ) or not, than yes it is better to trigger the Thick Skin. But the perfect scenario would be to poke him slowly down, so when Thick Skin is triggered, it will give him only a small shield.
Poke + Blinding Dart him all day. Dodge his Tongue Lash as much as possible and don't get 3 stacks of An Acquired Taste! Poke him slowly down, so when Thick Skin is triggered, he gets only a small shield.


Lissandra used to be a very hard lane. But not anymore. Just dont stand near minions, so she does not hit you with her spell split and poke her. Nevertheless it is still a hard lane. You will have frozen lane (means you can't push, you won't be pushed) but after hitting level 6, when enemy jungler is near she will just Flash into you, use Frozen Tomb and they will kill you and you can't do anything with it.
Don't push at any cost (easy kill for enemy jungler). Don't stand near minions.


After the rework Swain is a lot harder to deal with, but still, you are stronger before level 6 than Swain. Just poke + Blinding Dart him as much as possible. After level 6 you won't be able to kill him without Ignite, so if your Ignite is on CD, than don't fight him, just farm.
After level 6 play safe until you have all your CDs up. Make usage of your shrooms on lane.


Maokai is extremely strong after level 6, but before that he is pretty weak. So make use of it and fight him early. Dodge his Sapling Toss (you can run from it or run near a minion so he triggers it). Poke him as much as possible and when he jumps on you try to Blinding Dart him before he jumps. Be near shrooms.
Fight him early as much as possible (till level 6). Dodge his Sapling Toss. Be near shrooms.


In a lane against Volibear it is important to be faster than him. If he can't catch you, he can't kill you and you can poke him all day, all night. Also don't underestimate his regeneration and fight him only when you have your Ignite up.
Be faster than him (boots). Fight him only when you have Ignite up.


New champions are always kinda over powered once learned how to play them. Sylas is no exception. I fought only few Sylass so far and every game it was a hard battle. What I found out, is that you are stronger at level 1-3, at level 4-6 Sylas is stronger and after level 6 it is a balanced fight. The main thing to look for in this match up is to not fight him in melee range, unless you are certain you can kill him. Thanks to his passive, he will out-trade you. Just play the classic poke damage (AA+Q) until he is roughly at 50 % HP and then you can try to flex with him who is the real boss. Nevertheless Sylas is very strong if he catches you, so do not underestimate him!
Fight him early, especially at level 1-3 you are way stronger. Do not try to fight him in melee range. His passive will out damage you. Fight with caution after level 6.


This one is count as a counter to Teemo, but that's not really true. Of course he can " Flash + Ignite + Feast you and you are dead", but he can do this to everyone. First I was scared that I will lose, because people said he is a counter, but when I was playing against a Cho'Gath... it's not so hard, just make sure he won't hit you with his Rupture (you can run out of it, you are faster than the spell).
Run from Rupture. At early levels you are much more stronger than him - fight him.


I don't know why, but Kled is super strong. I expected him to be an easy lane, but it turned out, it is very skill based match-up, where YOU have to not make any mistakes, where Kled can make a lot and still win. The main problem with Kled is his lizard pet Skaarl, once he runs away, before you even know it, he is back. I've played games where I was 1000 % certain I will kill him, because he had 5 % HP, just to walk into bush and get killed because in the last possible milisecond that Lizard pops up. But aside that, the lane is quite easy to farm. Kled will not go in, unless he hits you with his chain, which is easy to dodge. If you want to win the lane, fight him hard early (level 1-3) and then focus on farming. That lizzard gives him a lot of sustain, so its hard to out-trade Kled.
Fight him very early (1-3) and then focus on farming. If you are certain you will kill him, think twice before going all in, the lizzard will pop-up in the last possible milisecond, so have that in mind.


He is easy to deal with till level 6 (just make minions your shield), but after level 6, he can easily kill you if he don't steps on a shroom. His ultimate is really strong, take care! How to win the lane? This one is not about getting fed, but about getting more minions. Play safe and farm, farm, farm!
Use minions as shield. Don't fight him after level 6 and rather focus on minions. Use shrooms on lane.


Even though she is auto-attack based champion, even though her passive activates by auto-attacking, she still can kill you. This just shows how unbalanced this champion is. But when you know your weakness you can become stronger. Now don't be cocky that you are Teemo and have Blinding Dart, play safe and you can win with no problems. Get cocky and she can own you. Also when she use Riposte she can parry your Blinding Dart, even Ignite!:D (not sure if it is a BUG or not, but she can do it). So be aware of it and use Blinding Dart after she uses Riposte.
Don't be cocky and be patient. Poke her as much as possible.


This is actually such a funny story. Yorick used to be the hardest enemy for every Teemo, no matter the build you played. After the rework he is such a joke compared to how hard the lane used to be. Before level 6 he stands no chance. Just destroy him. After level 6 he can 1v1 you, so play safe, but you should be ahead at this point. Make use of your shrooms on lane.
Try to kill him early (level 1-5), before level 6 you will be a monster to him. After level 6 he can 1v1 unless you are ahead. Use shrooms on lane.


Sion is very hard lane for a Teemo. He is extremely tanky and hard to kill, so I recommend to you - focus on farming, you will have hard time killing him. But on the other hand he will have hard time killing and catching you too. It is skill based match-up. Run from his Decimating Smash so you don't get stunned and dodge his Roar of the Slayer when used on minion if possible.
Run from his Decimating Smash so you don't get stunned and dodge his Roar of the Slayer when used on minion if possible.


The unkillable Vladimir. If you can't get kill till level 9, you won't get any:D After level 9 he somehow turns to unkillable monster. The only way to kill him is with Ignite, if you are on cooldown, don't fight, just farm.
Fight only when your Ignite is not on cooldown! After level 9 ask for ganks.


Did you think that Nautilus is only playable as support? Well, suprise, even in Diamond Nautilus is played often on top lane and is really hard to deal with. He is extremely tanky and have enormous damage. You need to fight him early, when he is not-so-tanky, because if you won't get ahead till level 6, you might actually lose. So play aggressive in early as much as possible. Try to dodge his Dredge Line and run from Riptide (thats actually pretty easy thanks to Move Quick ). When he engages YOU in early, don't run but instead fight him and poke him out of the lane. After level 6 if you are not ahead, play passively and focus on farming and wait for your jungler to gank you.
Fight him early (1-5) and play aggressively as much as possible. After level 6 if you are not ahead, focus on farming and wait for jungler.


Don't be cocky, focus on farming and whenever she jumps on you throw Blinding Dart + poke in her face. Later on as you get more tanky and she don't, you will be winning the trades.
Whenever she jumps into your face Blinding Dart + poke her.

It's time to look on the hardest enemies that you might encounter. (THREAT LEVEL 8-10).


Pantheon is one of the greatest counters to Teemo. This match-up is REALLY HARD, but not as hard as people think. Do not underestimate his spears, they do little damage early, but enormous damage later on! Pantheon will become aggressive hitting level 2 so be prepared. Be aware of his 100 % crit chance when you are below 15 % HP! Go back if you are low! Don't trade with him at level 1, wait for your Blinding Dart at level 2 and than start trading with him. You should do more damage to him than he does to you. When he uses his ultimate Grand Skyfall on you, just put shroom where he will land.
When you are below 15 % HP he has 100 % crit chance. Try to poke him even if he have shield, the dot will still land. Don't fight him at level 1, wait for level 2 and than start trading. When he uses Grand Skyfall on you, put a shroom where he will land.


Most Azirs will play on mid lane, but sometimes you might encounter them. In this case I recommend to switch lanes, because he is extremely hard to deal with. His Arise! destoys you so much, it hurts. But it is not impossible lane. Just dont stand near his Arise! and try to poke + Blinding Dart him as much as possible. If you will be poking him a lot (without taking damage), you might actually win the lane.
Switch lanes. Don't stand near his Arise!. Poke him as much as possible (without taking damage).


She was so much boosted that it is really hard for Teemo now. Focus on farming. Try to Blinding Dart her as much as possible. She is not so tanky as she looks like and at early levels you could probably kill her. But after level 6, if you don't have enough! Ask for ganks and play safe.
Try to kill her early (1-5). Ask for ganks and play safe. Switch lanes.


This is another broken match-up. Just switch lanes and save your heart from rages. You won't be winning this lane, because Heimerdingers laning phase is so strong it hurts. On the other hand, it is not impossible and it is hard for him to kill you actually. The thing is you will be under tower all the time so focus on farming and ping for help, you might win this lane if jungler helps you.
Ping for help, you will be under tower farming, so it should be an easy gank. Focus on farming. Switch lanes.


This is probbably the hardest match-up for a Teemo. Against Cassiopeia when you try to farm and she hits you with her Noxious Blast you are done for. On the other hand if she can't hit you with Noxious Blast, she is done for (but it is pretty easy to hit it, so you know...). There's only one strategy here: try to get level 2 as soon as possible (faster than her) and right away when you level up, go fight her, because your Blinding Dart destroys her at early levels. After that focus on faming under tower and ping for help.
Switch lanes. Rush for level 2 and then engage her with all in, after that focus on faming under tower and ping for help.
- - - > I will add more champions later (leave a comment which one you want) < - - -
If you see that enemy team has as jungler on of these champions:

- Evelynn
- Shaco
- Zac
- Twisted Fate (can be on mid lane too)

Then don't push too much! (unless you are ahead BIG TIME or Korean SMURF from Challenger) Because wards won't help you, they will still be able to gank you easily. Be patient and focus on farming and last hitting minions.
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This is it, you've made it to the end of the guide.
I hope that it helped you and wish you good luck in your future games!

If you don't understand something or want help, write me and I will sooner or later answer. Also if you have found some grammar mistakes or BBCode bugs, please leave a comment and I will fix it:)

If you liked the guide and want to learn more, you can follow me on my YouTube and Twitch channel, but I am not currently active (might change though).
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