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Teemo Build Guide by mushroomking

Top Teemo Builds

Top Teemo Builds

Updated on February 23, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mushroomking Build Guide By mushroomking 1,902 Views 0 Comments
1,902 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mushroomking Teemo Build Guide By mushroomking Updated on February 23, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hello All,

My name is apissmellifera and I main Teemo always. This guide is a work in progress and I'm always trying new builds to see how they go. Sorry if it takes a while to fully complete this, but I will work as fast as my free time allows. Thanks for taking a look, and have a wonderful time with Teemo!
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Basics of Teemo

This build of Teemo focuses on attack power / ability power. Start by going top, or mid and standing 1/2 way between your turret and the center of your lane. In stealth, try and get a few hits off on your opponent before staying back and focusing on farming. If your opponent is a melee champion then you can poke a little more than if they are ranged. The kay is often to play it safe until they are down from your poison poking, then "swiftly" go in and finish them. If you took Ignite the save that for the end of your "dive". Carful of being ganked, and once you hit 6 try and get a shroom in the bush where you would normally ward. I usually build a little "shroom escape route" where I can W then run through a line of shrooms, slowing the baddy, and getting some damage down along the way. For the Middle of the game shroom the woods well. But try and keep a shroom on you if you are entering a danger zone. They can help you escape by dropping on as a slowing mine. Late game poke from the back, swift and fast. Target the heavy hitters with your blind and you will save your team a lot of damage!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mushroomking
mushroomking Teemo Guide
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Teemo Builds

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