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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Glyph of Scaling Ability Power? cause you're more on late game then on early cause you have
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration and that give you some start haras not big but enough to do some damage so in my opinion you got really advantage on 18 level thank to
Glyph of Scaling Ability Power then you have
Greater Seal of Cooldown Reduction because you need mushrooms everywhere and they can save your live and live of your team mates on hold enemies up cause "toons of damage"
and then you have "recommended" Quintssence. that's on you what you rather have if abbility or penetration or more coldown.

and then you have "recommended" Quintssence. that's on you what you rather have if abbility or penetration or more coldown.
Masteries youre on classic tree you have to do damage. then you should have more recal speed cause if youre alone in a junngle and you know they want you to chase you down this second can save your live! so
Improved Recall
so its really good choice there then you need speed cause your coldown on moshroom is really low....about 20 seconds? so you need be fast
is another good choice plus it tune up
Ghost and
Move Quick passive and active.
cause you need to stay in jungle and regeneration on Teemo basic regeneration is very low so it will help you get it right a little bit
should help regen too a little bit. thats all what i want to write about masteries so far.

you should first learn

second skill is

third skill is

Finnaly !!!

-Late game really strong.
-Hard to gank/counter.
-Can run away from almost everyone.
-Good haras even from start.
-Best "Runner" in a game.

-Hard to get money on items u have to be patient and hope your team hold it on until you get your items (lategame)
-Really paper.
-You have to know High Trafic Areas.
-If you dont how to play tricky you probably can ruin game everyone.
I will update it guide frequently and repair some dramatic issues so i hope you enjoyed this guide so far and i hope you will visit it again to see my step foward. Thank you.
PS: Please if you downvote let me comment what do u think i should upgrade or change (but have on mind this is just way you should go if you want "edit" this build on your own you can but this is how i think its a best way of ap teemo but final decision is on you youre a player you have your own style and you want to play this build so feel free to testing it in more ways and if you think some combination is better let me know thank u. :) )
PS: Please if you downvote let me comment what do u think i should upgrade or change (but have on mind this is just way you should go if you want "edit" this build on your own you can but this is how i think its a best way of ap teemo but final decision is on you youre a player you have your own style and you want to play this build so feel free to testing it in more ways and if you think some combination is better let me know thank u. :) )
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