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Bel'Veth Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Bel'Veth Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Bel'Veth Jungle

Updated on March 7, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 1,556 Views 0 Comments
1,556 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Bel'Veth Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on March 7, 2025
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Runes: Bruiser

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Bel'Veth Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Bel'Veth, the Empress of the Void
Skirmisher, Fighter, Jungler, Manaless, Melee, Physical
Clearing: Good [3:23]
Ganking: Above Average
Speciality: Teamfighting
Why Jungle Bel'Veth? Bel'Veth is a high-damage powerhouse with a versatile kit, though her ultimate relies on killing someone (or gaining an objective) to be useful. Her healing and explosive damage is impossible to ignore, and she scales heavily into late-game. When given a bad early game she can struggle immensely, and her clear is far from the best at the beginning of the game. Despite this, her ability to turn the tides of large scale team fighting later on, provided she is not CC chained, is in a tier of it's own.
Pros and Cons


➺ Great Mobility
➺ Has CC
➺ Infinite Scaling
➺ Teamfighter
➺ Snowballer
➺ Can Solo Baron


➺ Difficult (at times)
➺ Kill-Reliant Ultimate
➺ Struggles Early
➺ Shutdown by CC
➺ Mediocre Early Clear
➺ High(ish) Cooldowns

Bel'Veth, while not squishy by any means, does go into battles with her full kit and has little room to leave them without dying. To make up for this, going a brusier build will give her time to survive while scoring killsto get value with her ultimate, which in turn keeps her alive longer.

Honestly, when looking at AP Bel'Veth, one might assume it would never work at all. But she actually has quite a bit of AP scaling on her ultimate, and her W scales mroe with AP than it does with AD. It is really only viable in a one-shot type of build when incredibly ahead, but still fun to do nonetheless.

By abandoning the bruiser items and going full crit, Bel'Veth can prove to be a very high kill power jungler able to wipe the floor with most other enemies about as quickly as a fed ADC would be able to. It's important to keep an eye on your positioning and dodge as many skillshots as possible with Crit, however, as just one mistake WILL cost you your life.
Skill Order
Void Surge

1 / 4 / 5 / 8 / 9
Above and Below

3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
Royal Maelstrom

2 / 7 / 10 / 12 / 13
Endless Banquet

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Bel'Veth begins with her Q as it is her highest damaging (while also being on a lower cooldown) ability for first clear. Then we go into E for the slight bit of sustain it gives us, and finally W. When choosing which ability to max out first, we obviously want to go with Q for it's mobility and damage.
Ability Usage in Jungle
Death in Lavender
➺ Bel'Veth attacks 36% faster than the median champion and her attack speed cap is modified to 90, but all sources of damage dealt by her basic attacks are reduced to 75%.

➺ Bel'Veth's abilities grant two stacks of Death in Lavender, stacking up to 6 times. This ghosts her and grants her bonus Attack Speed per stack.

➺ Whenever Bel'Veth scores a takedown against a champion, monster, or epic monster, she is granted a stack of Lavender. For each stack of Lavender, she gains permanent bonus Attack Speed.

➺ In the Jungle, all of these passives make Bel'Veth an excellent farmer for the early to mid game. She spends this time killing monsters and ganking sparsely to build stacks of her Lavender for the mid to late game, where she can destroy towers and champions alike with her high Attack Speed.
Void Surge
➺ Bel'Veth is granted four dashes in four different directions, but she cannot do these through terrain. For each enemy she passes through, she deals physical damage and the first target she hits can be critically struck. Each directional dash has a unique cooldown.

➺ In the Jungle, this is used as a clearing tool for the damage it provides when passing through enemies. It can also be used to escape enemies and chase them. When fighting, be sure to weave in these Q's as often as possible, even when not chasing. Extra damage is always better than none at all.

➺ This scales off off Attack Damage.
Above and Below
➺ Bel'Veth slams her tail down in the target direction and knocks up enemies caught within it, dealing magic damage. If it hits an enemy champion, Void Surge's cooldown is reset in the target direction.

➺ In the Jungle, this is mostly used as a tool to gank with or help teammates (or yourself) leave an unwanted fight. It's certainly not the best stun in the game, but a stun is a stun! It can also start camps over walls to decrease farming times by a very small amount.

➺ This scales off of Attack Damage and Ability Power, with AP being 20% higher.
Royal Maelstrom
➺ Bel'Veth momentarily enters a defensive stance, during which she is unable to move, but gains bonus lifesteal and damage reduction. While active, she rapidly slashes at the nearest enemy with the lowest current health percentage for up to six times. It can also be used against enemies who are not visible to the player.

➺ In the Jungle, this allows Bel'Veth to keep her clear healthier in the initial phases of the game. Later on, this can become a very lethal damaging ability for anyone caught in it. Think of it as kill insurance for low HP enemies -.. an unofficial execute, in a way.

➺ This scales off of Attack Damage by a small amount.
Endless Banquet
➺ PASSIVE: Bel'Veth's basic attacks apply a mark to the target for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent hits. Every second attack applies true damage and generates a stack of Endless Banquet that increases this damage by the same value. This effect stacks infinitely, but is capped at 5 stacks against epic monsters. The mark and stacks expire upon attacking a new target.

➺ PASSIVE: When Bel'Veth scores a takedown against an enemy champion or epic monster, a Void Coral is spawned from their corpse for 15 seconds.

➺ ACTIVE: Bel'Veth dashes to the target void coral (if there is one present) and consumes it, exploding and slowing enemies around her with true damage and assumes her True Form for 60 seconds. She also gains a stack of Lavender.

➺ This scales off of Ability Power.

➺ TRUE FORM: Bel'Veth evolves into a monster, gaining bonus health, bonus Movement Speed out-of-combat, and giving Void Surge the ability to dash through terrain. Consuming a Void Coral during this duration heals Bel'Veth. Consuming a Void Coral from an epic monster grants a longer duration for her true form and spawns Voidlings from allied and enemy minions that die nearby.

➺ Unless mentioned, this scales off of Attack Damage.
Bel'Veth can solo drakes at any point in the game, but can do so extremely fast in the late game. She doesn't have many issues with losing too much health during these fights either, so go for it whenever you see one up.. ESPECIALLY if the enemy is topside.

Bel'Veth benefits the most from Cloud Soul. This soul grants bonus movement speed when out of combat, which she loves as she likes to get around the map and be everywhere at once.

While Bel'Veth can clear grubs without a hitch, she does take a bit of time to do so that would be better spent on dragon, at least for the first spawn of this camp.

This can be easily solo'd! Bel'Veth is great at dashing through the herald to get to the eye that opens on the backside of it. Because of this, it's super easy to get it done quickly and in a fun, mobile manner.

Voracious Atakahn will spawn in lower-action games with fewer kills/damage, taking root in whichever side of the map has the most drama within it. It cannot be solo'd by Bel'Veth but does not require too many people to get it done. Upon defeating him, Voracious Atakahn grants a free, one-time use of False Life but instead of reviving right in the middle of the fight, you blink back to your fountain.

Bel'Veth will more than likely end up fighting Ruinous Atakahn due to her very high kill potentional, especially when given early kills and allowed to spiral out of control. This cannot be solo'd either, and should be abandoned to kill nearby enemies rather than wholly locked onto. Upon slaying Ruinous Atakhan, you are granted Crown of Carnage which permanently boosts rewards from epic monsters slain aswell as 6 stacks of Bloody Petals.

Bel'Veth actually can solo Baron, given the right conditions. In the endgame, when she is full build and max level, she can do this without any issues whatsoever, although it will take longer than with the team. As early as level fourteen, when ahead and having at least two to three legendary items, it can also be solo'd with enough timing on E and dodging attacks.

Bel'Veth can easily solo elder drake, but it will be a bit slower, as it is with all dragons, than if she did it with her team. She should get this dragon as soon as it spawns, as it drastically increases her teamfighting potentional.


Red side is the most optimal starting location for Bel'Veth due to the AOE camps and the bit of extra damage on red buff (but the buffs hardly make a difference for her). Begin with Red Brambleback before moving to Krugs and Raptors. After finishing red side, Bel'Veth should go to Wolves, Blue Sentinel and Gromp before finishing up her first clear on Scuttle. The reason we don't start on blue side is because of the simple fact that she has no need for the mana buff due to her lack of mana usage to begin with.
Core Items
Feats of Strength
Unless going AP or when versing Ability Power, Bel'Veth will be taking these boots for the early armor and generalized damage reduction they provide, making her last a smidge bit longer against squishy ADC's.

Feats of Strength is gained by completing two of three objectives before the enemy team. These objectives include 3 epic monsters slain, first blood, and first tower. For Bel'Veth the easiest feats are definitely first to three kills and first to three objectives. She doesn't have any issue getting either of these, especially if you prioritize interrupting objectives/junglers in their clears.

Upgrading PS grants you Armored Advance, providing a buff to Movement Speed and Armor. You also gain a new passive, granting you a physical damage shield upon taking damage. This is good for the same reasons PS are good for.. but better!

EARLY GAME: While Bel'Veth is able to kill enemies at any point in the game, compared to some other champions, her early game is definitely her weakest point. She should focus on farming now, but small skirmishes like scuttle are do-able, so do not avoid them just because she's not at her strongest.
MID GAME: When she get's her ultimate and her true form, Bel'Veth becomes a huge menace to anyone in her way. She needs to watch out for unfair fights and surprises, especially those regarding CC, but she is capable of killing at least two squishies without trouble. Again, focus on farming and objectives and stacking up stacks of Lavender to make her endgame even scarier.
LATE GAME: This is her best time, being able to attack at incredible speeds and survive large scale fights with her ultimate keeping her healed. Run in, kill people, dodge skillshots, and kill people again.
Patch Notes
2/12/2025: 25.S1.3 - Guide Created.
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