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Singed Build Guide by The Real Bender

Top The Annoymaster Singed

Top The Annoymaster Singed

Updated on March 22, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Real Bender Build Guide By The Real Bender 17,613 Views 0 Comments
17,613 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Real Bender Singed Build Guide By The Real Bender Updated on March 22, 2018
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First off, if you're looking for an proxy build, get out. Cuz this ain't some stupid Singed proxy build lol.

Welcome to my very first mobafire guide, the Annoymaster Singed. This build is based on pissing off enemy team and supporting your own.

Basicly, all you need to do is support your botlane or midlane, get ur team fed and run as fast as possible to bring them those tasty kills. Of course, spamming mastery and emotes is also required to play this build correctly.
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Correct play of this build

Playing this build ain't hard, if you follow the following rules:
  • Rush the items listed above, especially Turbo Chemtank to get plenty of MS
  • Remember to camp botlane. Toplane doesn't matter at all. You're playing to carry your teammates in early, they'll carry you in midlane. If you do this correctly, hopefully, there won't be any lategame.
  • Dive! Dive! Dive! No matter how long you stand under enemy turret, all that matters is that ur teammate gets the kill.
  • Spam emote whenever you're going to dive someone.
  • If there's an enemy, who's going to die or has low hp, ritually run around him with enabled Poison Trail
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How to roam

Roaming with Singed ain't hard if you follow those steps:
(repeat this once again when you have at least 2 sources of bonus MS available)
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Jungle application

It's possible to play this build in jungle, too. All you need to do is to pick up the Smite instead of Teleport. You need to keep Ghost, since it's one of your strongest weapons.

You start off the blue/red buff, it doesn't really matter with Hunter's Talisman. If you start blue buff, it's better to take wolves and continue to kill the birds. Or how the hell are they called.

If you begin with the red buff, it's better to go gank midlane instantly. Because, you know, they won't be prepared to a Poison Trail combined with a red buff.

It's always better to take camps with more monsters, primarily krugs, wolves and birdies. Of course, red/blue buffs are still the most needed ones.

If you're wondering what will be ur next item after Hunter's Talisman - it will be Mobility Boots or Boots of Swiftness. Cuz ye, you don't really care about jungling, do you? All you want is to help ur mates and piss off enemies. After getting the boots, you continue with the normal build listed above. The jungle item should be upgraded to Enchantment: Cinderhulk - but, Turbo Chemtank goes first.

Example full jungle build:
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Hardest matchups

Thresh is in my opinion the most annoying champion to play against. His combination of Death Sentence and Flay are awful to play against. He's able to protect his teammates from you in any case. Try to avoid him in champ select, dodge the game if you can.

Leona is similar to Thresh. Many of cc that can slow you down - try to avoid her Zenith Blade + don't get close enough for her to hit you with Shield of Daybreak. I also recommend to quit the game if matched against her.

Lulu is a bit less annoying than Leona and Thresh. She doesn't have much of cc, although she still has her Whimsy and many shields and power ups. Anyway, if you get matched against her, Fling her instead of her adc. Those who play her won't propably buff themselves.

On toplane? Only one you could have problem with is Gangplank with Cleptomancy, since you're giving him free potions or gold whenever you come up to lasthit a creep. Otherwise, no other toplaners are strong against this build if correctly played.
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Thanks for reading!

Thank you really much for reading my Singed guide. Even thought the guide is taken in a funny form, it's meant to be a normal build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Real Bender
The Real Bender Singed Guide
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The Annoymaster Singed

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