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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Jax Setup
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Extreme Poke with low cooldowns, broken mobility and stealth make Jax unable to lane against this champion.
Makes you immortal.
Makes you immortal.
Champion Build Guide

These two items give you a lot of stats and useful buffs, namely the Sheen, Phage, and Bleeding Effect are huge bonuses to this already strong champion.
Also, you get 30% CDR from just these two items, and another 10% at level 18 from the scaling CDR rune. That means you don't need to build any more CDR and just focus on building items that give you more sustain in the fight.

The goal of this build is to make Jax stronger the lower his HP gets, giving him survival tools like

When your jungler is Topside, you have a couple of options. You can either wait for his gank to kill the enemy top laner, or you can push the wave to gain lane priority and contest the scuttling or invade the enemy jungle. The enemy will be forced to choose between giving up minions to follow you, or leave his teammate in a 1v2.
At level 6, you reach a small powerspike as Jax. The bonus magic damage every third hit is an insane dps buff and you can use it to harass your enemy with small bursts or go all in for the kill.
You might want to keep your Teleport in case you need to join them.
There are 2 sidelanes on the map, Top and Bot, and 2 objectives (aside from turrets), Dragon and Baron. When your Teleport is up, you want to splitpush in the lane away from the objective your team is playing. And when it is on cooldown, you want to push the one that is close to the objective.
This way, you force the enemy to react to your pushing while also being able to join your team for the teamfight.
The items and runes in this guide along with Jax's kit will also help you with that plan, as everything is based around making you stronger the less hp you have. You will most likely be saving your Counter Strike to bait enemies into thinking they can kill you. Activating it at low hp along with your Ultimate, Sterak's Gage proc, Wit's end passive and Last Stand will result in a Monstrosity of a champion with tons of Stats and Buffs activated that is almost impossible to kill while doing unstoppable hybrid damage.
Basic stuff still apply though, you can get CC'ed to death, which is why you must include Guardian Angel as a last or second to last item. They have the damage to kill you once, not twice (and low HP favors you).
You don't have to attack the same target three times to get the bonus damage from your R's passive. Using this, you can auto attack a minion once (or twice), use Q on the enemy and do an easy Autoattack + W combo for some burst damage. This combo lets you deliver 2 autoattacks, one W proc and one R proc quickly (Sheen too if you have it).
The Recall cheat
To interrupt a champion's recall, he must take damage on his health bar (general tip for when trying to stop Malphite and stuff). With Jax, you can use Counter Strike to cheat some seconds of the channel duration when clearing minions or jungle camps. To execute this trick, get the minon's HP to the point where your E will be lethal damage, activate your E and then immediately Recall. The minion will not be able to interrupt you and it will die when the ability ends.
The long range stun
When you want to stun an enemy for whatever reason but he is just outside your Q range, remember that your E can stun in a small circle around you giving you some extra range. So, you can jump to something that is close to him, or place a ward and jump, to get just in range for your E to catch him. You will not be able to damage him with your Q, but your stun will reach him.
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