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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Oh god. Dont get me started on Cho Gath. If you dont kill him early, your lane will be a nightmare, because he will just become way too tricky to kill, and his ult was made for squishes like you.
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Why Play Katarina?
Katarina is broken, I’m just gonna let you know that right now, before you get all the hateful comments saying that you are playing a stupid, broken, unbalanced champion. If you don’t believe me take a look at the video below. Katarina is an assassin AP carry, meaning she has the ability to deal huge amounts of damage in a short burst. Katarina’s kit revolves around her being able to jump between targets, spam her abilities multiple times, and get out safely. This is due to her Voracity passive and Shunpo. If you enjoy making your enemies rage-quit because they can’t handle your op-ness, then Katarina is the champion for you. |
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How Katarina And I Met
When I first started playing League back in 2013, my go to champion was always Ashe. I learned how to play the game with her, and she really got me hooked on League, she was kinda like my first virtual girlfriend. While I was in my “Ashe Phase” I was really into ADC’s and marksmen, and I started to expand off of Ashe by playing other marksmen like Lucian, Tristana, and Sivir. I tried playing in other lanes, and dabbled in jungling for a bit, but I always came back to bot lane. Over time however, I started to get tired of bot, and I started to drift into mid lane. That is where I met my second virtual girlfriend, Annie. Annie and I played game after game together, and fell into a deep love. I perfected my League skills while playing Annie. To this day, we still keep in touch and play games together occasionally. During the beginning of season 5, I was really interested in Katarina, and I liked the way she looked and what her kit was like. I saved up all of my IP to buy her. After a few games with Kat, I fell in love with her. I have played hundreds of games with her since then, and she is currently my third virtual girlfriend. I am just realizing now that it sounds nerdy and sad when I say “virtual” girlfriend, but you know what I mean. |
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Pros: +Insane mobility built into kit +Very strong laning phase +Doesn’t use mana + Voracity resets make crazy plays +Is an assassin +Lots of annoying poke +Doesn’t have any skill shot abilities +Multi-target, high damaging ultimate +Really strong ganks, if able to roam +Awesome at team fighting + Shunpo allows her to escape from fights |
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Cons: - Death Lotus can be interrupted. -Has no escape if Shunpo is wasted. -Very squishy if building 100% damage -Everyone will call you broken/unskilled. -Has melee range in mainly ranged lane. -You will be targeted very hard -Only CC is Hextech Gunblade. -Very vulnerable to CC. -Falls behind if she doesn’t have kills. -Hard to master -Countered by tanky champions |
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space | space | ingite should be taken in almost every game you play as Katarina. This is simply because of the damage it adds to your combos. You can use it’s grievous wounds effect to counter an enemy with high healing capabilites ( Akali, Dr. Mundo, Swain, etc.). Have you ever gone all in on an enemy, and then watched them walk away with 10 health or less at the last millisecond? If you had Ignite, you wouldn’t be having that problem. Overall, Ignite just increases your kill potential, and scares off anyone who would dare to try and fight you. |
Flash adds variety to the different plays you can make. Flash can help take lives, and save lives. Usually you would be able Shunpo away if an enemy approaches you, but you won’t always have it up, so you need something else to depend on. You can use Flash to get in range for a Shunpo, and make completely unexpected plays. I am sure it has been shoved down your throat hundreds of times that taking flash is a necessity, but it can’t be stressed enough. I take flash every single game I play with Katarina, because the possibilities are literally endless. |
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Voracity (Passive)
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INNATE: Katarina reduces the cool down on all of her abilities by 15 seconds whenever an enemy champion dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by her. DAGGERS: Whenever Katarina catches a Dagger or picks it up from the ground, she uses it to slash through all nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and reducing Shunpo’s cooldown Daggers last 4 seconds before disappearing. MAGIC DAMAGE:75 - 285 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus AD) (+ 55 / 70 / 85 / 100% AP) COOLDOWN REDUCTION: 78 / 84 / 90 / 96%, at levels 1, 6, 11, and 16 My thoughts:
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Bouncing Blades (Q)
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ACTIVE: Katarina throws a Dagger to the target enemy that bounces to up to 2 nearby unaffected enemies, dealing magic damage to each target. After bouncing to its targets, the Dagger then lands on the ground opposite from where it struck the first target. The Dagger always takes the same amount of time to land from the time it hits the first target. MAGIC DAMAGE: 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 / 195 (+ 30% AP). My thoughts:
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Preparation (W)
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ACTIVE: Katarina tosses a Dagger into the air at her current location, which lands after 1.25 seconds, and gains bonus movement speed that decays over 1.25 seconds. BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED: 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90% My thoughts:
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Shunpo (E)
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ACTIVE: Katarina blinks to the target location around the target unit or Dagger. If the target is an enemy, Katarina deals them magic damage. Otherwise, she deals the same magic damage to the nearest enemy in range. MAGIC DAMAGE: 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+ 25% AP) (+ 65% AD) My thoughts:
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Death Lotus (R)
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ACTIVE: Katarina rapidly spins in place and channels for 2.5 seconds, throwing a dagger every 0.166 seconds to each nearby enemy champion, up to a maximum of 3 at a time, dealing them magic damage and applying Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds. Death Lotus cannot be cancelled by movement and basic attack commands in the first and last 0.25 seconds of channeling. MAGIC DAMAGE PER DAGGER: 25 / 37.5 / 50 (+ 20% AP) (+ 22% bonus AD) My thoughts:
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