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Singed Build Guide by Testify God

Top The Chaos Whinin

Top The Chaos Whinin

Updated on August 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Testify God Build Guide By Testify God 2,658 Views 3 Comments
2,658 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Testify God Singed Build Guide By Testify God Updated on August 2, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Introduction Singed Ultimate Form

In this guide i will try to show you how to always have a little power spike, as long as you dont die alot of cause

I have played over 4000 games with Singed, since season 1 on alot of different accounts, im pretty much an OTP / One Trick Pony, but can play lot of other champs aswell, because i learn to play Singed, vs alot of high diamond players and masters. but enoguh bragging ^^
this guide is mostly only for good Singed players, but i will also try to show a easy way to play him for those who haven't play him alot
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Why Flash insted of Teleport

With this build you will run alot, and push your lane alot too, so in 80 % cases you will make it back in time to get all your creeps, because you pushed your lane so hard,

And Flash is giving you so much kill potential and bait/escape potential aswell, so you will most likely never die, atleast not without it gets worth it ^^

Remember Teleport is mostly only for ganking other lanes, and its pretty hard to dependent on your team has a good ward, and a good timeing for you to teleport, especially in solo que. And if you use Teleport to get to your creeps under your tower it's mostly because you lost a really bad trade, to get back in time to get all of those sweet creeps. But i dont say you always should give up teleport for flash. But in most games i end up using Teleport 3 times the whole game, where i could maybe had used flash 10 times instead. Teleport is mostly only good if you have good communication with your team mates, so if you use skype or any chat programs go for Teleport
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How to play Singed without proxying

When you are in lane, you mostly wanna push really hard! So when the first wave comes, you should walk up to the front minion and auto attack seacound minion in the row behind the first one, and then turn on your Poison Trail for 2 sec and then turn it off, to save mana so much as you can, then quickly run back behind your creeps to avoid take damage from the enemy creeps... That should pretty much poison the whole wave, without you taking damage, and when then the enemy creeps attack your creeps you should give them a dosage of your Poison Trail agian, and try to auto attack the correct ones so they die in the right rotation...

If the enemy attacks you while he/she has no creeps, you will have a creep advantage, that makes it a worth it to fight, so try to always play around your creeps they can actually do damage.

I usually use my ghost if they dont respect me and my creeps, to force their flash, which has longer cooldown than ghost, but be aware tho if the enemy has iqnite...
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Why Attack Speed Runes?

The reason i choose Greater Seal of Attack Speed in Seal runes is because it gives you a lot of extra auto attack damage, which make him able to do an auto attack before you throw someone, and then 1 more time in the air, if you press A = Auto Attack when the enemy is flying in the air and then click on him. its a pretty hard mechanic to get used to, but it provides you with a lot extra damage when you trade, plus it makes it easier to farm as well. And to add up for the lost Greater Seal of Armor i take 1 Greater Quintessence of Armor rune.
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Why Go Thunderlords insted of Deadfire Torch

Thunderlord's Decree is mostly only for laning, but Precision, and Dangerous Game and Merciless , is really good as well on Singed compared to Piercing Thoughts , Oppressor , and Natural Talent . Thats why i prioritize Thunderlord's Decree insted of Deathfire Touch and Grasp of the Undying
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Pros / Cons

Good Damage
Big Play Potential / with Flash
Good Lane Pressure
Easy to Catch people with Dead Man's Plate / Raptor Cloak
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To Be Continued

Im not done making this guide yet, but i keep updating it every day, if you have any comment or suggestions feel free to write to me
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