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Choose Champion Build:
- Standard Build
- Offensive Build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Introduction/Purpose of this Guide
About Me
Hello and welcome to my guide on Draven. My IGN is Sieglinde, and I am currently ranked at Platinum III at the time that I am writing this guide. I have played League of Legends all the way since Season 1, however I just played the game for fun. It wasn't until Season 3 that I decided to actually try to improve at the game. Back then, I wanted to main the role of ADC so I tried my hand at it. I mained Lucian at the time and I only managed to get to Silver 1 by the end of the season. Season 4 rolls around and this was the time I picked up Draven to be my main. I was terrible at him and ended the season at Silver 1 again. I got a little better by the time Season 5 started and ended it as Gold 1. As of now, in Season 6, I rose my way up into the ranks of Platinum and I am currently aiming to get to Diamond by the time the Season ends. I have a solid understanding of the fundamentals in League of Legends. I have a total of 280 ranked games with Draven with countless more playing him in normal games and practicing my mechanics in bot games. I am not the best player in the world, and I am certainly not the best Draven player. However, I think with my experience and expertise with Draven, that I have some insights into and information to help you figure out this axe throwing madman. This guide is intended to be a compilation of my experiences with Draven with tips and comments on how to play Draven at an efficient level.
Why You Should Play Draven
Draven is the only ADC who can deal 700+ damage on non-crit auto attacks empowered by his Spinning Axe ability. Not only that, this ability can constantly be reapplied as you catch your axes. He has a refresh-able steroid in the form of Blood Rush that can be almost be permanent if you have can catch your axes and have enough mana. Draven's passive, League of Draven, allows him to snowball harder than any other champion in the game. | He possesses a unique CC ability, Stand Aside, that has many uses both offensively and defensively. His ultimate, Whirling Death, is global and can net him kills from the other side of the map. His laning phase is amazing due to the fact that he does so much damage on autos while having a high kill potential and this helps with farming,trading, and securing kills. The best thing about Draven is the feeling that you are dancing as you catch your axes and rain death upon your foes. |
Pros / Cons
+Enormous damage with Spinning Axe+Refresh-able attack + movement speed steroid +Passive gives incredible snowball potential +Global ultimate +Amazing CC ability due to Stand Aside +Strong laning phase |
-Hard to pick up and play-Even harder to master -No escapes -Damage lowers significantly if axes are dropped -Axe mechanic shows enemies your potential movement -Passive is useless unless you get a kill |
- Greater Mark of Attack Damage: Flat AD marks increases your damage for trading and farming.
- Greater Mark of Critical Chance: I prefer one critical chance mark over one AD mark because you don't lose out on much, however you have the very small chance to instantly gain the upper hand in lane if you manage to land the critical hit.
- greater mark of armor penetration: Armor penetration runes are also viable on Draven for facing against a tankier team. These will start to be more valuable than flat AD marks as you buy more AD as you will be doing more damage with armor penetration marks.
- Greater Seal of Armor: Flat armor seals helps you take less damage from trades and harass.
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Flat magic resist runes also help you survive better versus abilities that do magic damage that supports usually have. Having flat armor and magic resist together are crucial runes to have because it will have you take less damage early and come out on top in early fights with your superior autos compared to other ADCs as opposed to not having them.
- Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration: I like to have 3 mana regeneration glyphs to help me have a constant supply of mana to harass in lane with a Spinning Axe + Blood Rush combo.
- Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed: Three attack speed quints helps increase DPS. It will increase it much more than three flat AD quints as Draven's autos already hit hard. This will make you hit hard faster as opposed to hitting a little harder much slower. Attack speed will also have the added benefit of making animation canceling a little bit easier with your autos so you don't cancel it too soon and losing a potential attack as each attack on Draven is important.
- greater quintessence of armor penetration: The same idea that apply to armor penetration marks also apply to armor penetration quints. Although not having the increased attack speed feels terrible, however this problem can be circumvented if you are good at catching your axes as you can have a permanent attack speed boost from Blood Rush provided you have enough mana.
Summoner Spells
There are not many choices in terms of summoner spells that are viable on Draven. The two spells that you basically get every game are Flash and Heal. Other summoner spells just does not have the same impact for ADCs as these spells do.
Flash: Flash is the one summoner spell that is crucial for most champions and Draven is no exception. This summoner spell gives you the ability to travel to a certain distance instantly. It has many important uses such as...
Uses of Flash
- Escaping from danger
- Traveling over certain walls and terrain
- Dodging dangerous spells and abilities
- Engaging on an enemy
- Re-positioning yourself in fights.
Heal: Another spell that is crucial to have on an ADC. Heal will restore health of you and another ally with the lowest health and also increase your movement speed by 30% for 1 second. Having this in the bot lane will help your survivability and that of your support. Without it, you are at a serious disadvantage if the enemy ADC has it up and you don't. Heal has uses such as...
Uses of Heal
- Helping you survive by healing you
- Helping your team maates survive by healing them
- Using the movement speed buff to either running away or chasing
- Baiting the enemy to fight you
League of Draven:
League of Draven will cause Draven to snowball harder than any champion in the game. Catching an Spinning Axe or killing a minion will grant you 1 stack. If he kills 6 minions in a row without dropping a Spinning Axe, Draven will gains 2 additional stacks of Adoration. Getting kills while having stacks of Adoration will grant Draven bonus gold depending on how many stacks you had at the time of the kill. You will gain an extra 50 gold plus 2 gold per stack of Adoration you have. Dying will cause you to lose half of your stacks of Adoration.
- One of the best passives to snowball with. It is basically free gold whenever you get a kill and cash in your stacks. This allows your lead to become even further away and makes it harder for the enemy team to close the distance to catch up.
- Downsides to this passive is that it is useless unless you get a kill and having a lot of stacks paints a target on your back for the enemy to focus you.
Spinning Axe:
This is Draven's main skill. Activating Spinning Axe will cause him to deal an additional percentage of his total AD on his next auto attack. After Draven's Spinning Axe reaches his victim, then it will proceed to bounce off a certain distance away and a bright indicator will appear on the ground. If he is within this indicator when the Spinning Axe almost reaches the ground, then Draven will have the bonus attack damage attack buff refreshed. The player can control where the Spinning Axe will land by moving in a direction BEFORE the Spinning Axe hits the target. If Draven is stationary when the Spinning Axe hits his target, then the Spinning Axe will land randomly to his left or right a distance that is shorter than if Draven had lead his Spinning Axe. You can have two Spinning Axe activate at the same time. Mastery of this mechanic is very important because it determines if whether you are mediocre or amazing with Draven.
Tips and Tricks
- The Spinning Axe buff lasts for 6 seconds and is refreshed upon attacking. It is important to keep your Spinning Axe up as not having them will decrease your damage by a great amount.
- Try to have both Spinning Axe active at once and have a Spinning Axe off cooldown at the same time, so you have access to Draven's full damage potential while also having a spare ready if you drop an axe.
- If you auto attack a target close up, the amount of time that you are allowed to lead your axes are reduced drastically. You must click the direction you want to lead immediately after your attack animation ends.
- You do not need to be completely on the Spinning Axe indicator in order to catch it, being a little bit off center of the circle is fine.
- Be careful when using Blood Rush or being affected by increased movement skills or item actives as you may ran past the indicator. Remember, Draven has to be in the indicator when the axe REACHES the point for Draven to catch. A way to easily prevent this problem is by pressing your hotkey for the Stop command as you are on the indicator while you are running. This prevents you from losing ground because you are running back to catch your Spinning Axe.
- The indicator for the returning Spinning Axe will be visible to both your team AND the enemy team. Be mindful of where you lead your axes as it might land towards dangerous situations. In instances that it does land somewhere that will put you in danger, then it is crucial to NOT move towards it and attempt to catch it.
- However, you can use the indicators to your advantage. Lead a Spinning Axe in the direction that will put you in a dangerous situation and walk towards it while being very mindful of the enemies' position and yours. As soon as you see the enemy attempt something, immediately press your hotkey for the Stop command. You can use this tactic to bait out skillshots such as Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab or Nami's Aqua Prison. I would only recommend doing this while facing only a few enemy champions as it can be hard to be mindful of all the different skills that are life-threatening at the same time.
- It is possible to juggle and attack with three Spinning Axe at the same time. This is done by attacking with two Spinning Axe active and an another Spinning Axe ready to activate. Attack with a Spinning Axe then right before you catch it, activate your Spinning Axe off cooldown and continue attacking. You should an axe in the air and both Spinning Axe active at the same time if you are doing this technique properly. This is useful for chasing down an enemy champion that does not have any escape skills/ Flash available or skills that will stop your momentum. It is not recommended to use triple axes if you are not chasing down at a retreating enemy champion as you will not have a Spinning Axe ready off cooldown in case you drop it fighting and proper triple axes will make the indicators land in a tight straight line which will limit your movement options.
Blood Rush:
Blood Rush is a simple skill to understand. You activate it and instantly gain a boost of movement speed that decreases rapidly and attack speed for the duration. The last effect of Blood Rush is that once you catch a Spinning Axe, the cooldown of Blood Rush will completely be refreshed. Proper usage of this skill allows Draven to have almost a permanent boost of attack speed and movement speed as long as you catch your axes and have enough mana.
Tips and Tricks
- Blood Rush is an important, but very undervalued skill. Blood Rush used in conjuction with Spinning Axe is what allows you to be mobile during fights which is crucial to survival. You must practice managing this skill while fighting as it refreshes on each ax caught.
- Be careful of spamming Blood Rush as you will run out of mana quickly.
- It is better to spaced the usage of Blood Rush while fighting as the attack speed bonus is not rapidly lost over the duration of the skill.
- However, using Blood Rush on each ax caught is better when you are retreating.
- A good usage of this skill is to catch a Spinning Axe that has landed in a location in which you need to rush to in order to catch it.
- To effectively dodge with Draven using Blood Rush, be mindful of the ability that you want to dodge. As soon as you see the enemy champion start the animation for that skill, activate Blood Rush and immediately run 90 degrees left or right of it. If you want to dodge a skill shot while also being offensive, then immediately run in a 45 degree angle left or right of the skill shot TOWARDS the enemy champion.
- An additional hidden effect of Blood Rush is that it will allow Draven to ignore unit collision. Use this effect in order to catch your axes that land in minion waves or run through minions for offensive or defensive purposes.
Stand Aside:
Stand Aside is an amazing utility ability on an ADC. Draven throws out 2 axes that knocks back and slows the enemy champions or minions hit. This ability can also interrupt many skills.
Tips and Tricks
- Try to hit the enemy with the sides of Stand Aside. Never throw Stand Aside straight at the enemy. This is because Stand Aside will knock back enemies in the direction that is the opposite of the side that got hit. Knocking the enemy in the direction that you want can determine whether you get a kill or escape from pursuers.
- Use Stand Aside to interrupt gap closers such as Irelia's Bladesurge, Xin Zhao's Audacious Charge, or even champions traveling along Thresh's Dark Passage.
- You can also use this to interrupt channeled skills such as Fiddlesticks's Bountiful Harvest or Katarina's Death Lotus.
- Another use for Stand Aside is when you are dueling someone. Watch for their attack animation then throw out Stand Aside. This will interrupt their auto attack and causes them to go through their whole attack animation again which gives you enough time for one auto attack. This is useful in 1 vs 1 scenarios as having one auto attack over an enemy can be the difference of getting a kill while staying alive or trading kills.
Whirling Death:
Draven throws out 2 axes that can travel globally in a straight line. The axes do less damage to each unit that it touches down to a minimum of 40%. Once the axes damages enemy champions then it will proceed to reverse with a delay and travel back to Draven. The reduced damage of the axes will be reset upon the return trip. You can reactivate Whirling Death to reverse the axes early.
Tips and Tricks
- Try to time Whirling Death to hit twice instantly so the enemy cannot attempt to dodge the return trip of the axes. Do this by reactivating Whirling Death just as the axes reaches the enemy.
- In instances in which it is not possible to reactivate Whirling Death in time, you can Flash in the direction the enemy is moving on the return trip in order to sharply curve the axes and catch them by surprise.
Skill Order
Take Draven's ultimate whenever possible. The first ability that should be maxed is Draven's Spinning Axe as that will increase damage ratio of his main ability and thus his total damage will increase. The next ability that is maxed will be Blood Rush. This will increase the percentage of attack and move speed gained during Blood Rush, which allows Draven to attack faster and have better mobility. Take 1 point in it at level 2 or 3 . Max Stand Aside last as this skill is used more for its utility than its damage. |
Combos of skills that are useful to know. These combos are best preformed while having both Spinning Axe active.
Harass Combo:
This is your basic combo to harass in lane with. Stand near one of your allied minions that is about to die and as soon as the enemy walks up to kill it, activate Blood Rush, run up and attack with your Spinning Axe and lead it backwards into safety. It should be quickly performed. When this combo is properly performed, the enemy ADC will not be able to retaliate as they are currently killing your allied minion. Doing this many times will add up and give you a great health advantage.
- Wait for allied minion to almost die
- Blood Rush and run up to the ADC
- Attack them with your Spinning Axe and lead it backwards into safety
Extended Harass/Offensive Rush Combo:
An extension to the above combo. This combo that can be used in two ways. The first way is for an extended harass combo. Done properly and the enemy ADC will not be able to auto you back as their auto will have been interrupted by Stand Aside.
- Wait for allied minion to almost die
- Blood Rush and run up to the ADC
- Attack them with your Spinning Axe
- Stand still so your ricochet will fall close to your side
- Move to the indicator and cast Stand Aside
- Attack with Spinning Axe and lead backwards into safety
- Wait for allied minion to almost die
- Blood Rush and run up to the enemy
- Attack them with your Spinning Axe
- Lead your ricochet TOWARDS the enemy*
- Move to the indicator and cast Stand Aside
- Attack with Spinning Axe and lead towards the enemy if you want to continue your offensive or backwards if you decide to retreat
Disengage Combo:
This is a useful combo in order to disengage and quickly gain ground away from your pursuer/s.
- Cast Stand Aside directed at the enemy/enemies
- Cast Blood Rush and run away from them
- Once you reach Draven's maximum attack range, turn around and attack with your Spinning Axe
- From here, you can decide if you would like to re-engage, fight, or continue to disengage by leading your axe towards, nearby, or away from the enemy respectively
Gap-closer/Alternative Disengage Combo:
This combo is useful to quickly and aggressively engage on an unsuspecting enemy or to disengage much faster than the previous disengage combo. Doing this will give Stand Aside deceptively much longer range and also reduces the amount of time your enemy has to react to Stand Aside that they think will fall short.
- Cast Stand Aside aimed towards your target
- Before the animation for Stand Aside is finished, cast Flash
- If it this is done properly, Stand Aside will be come out from the position that you flashed to
This is still a work in progress but I want to put out the core information that I believe that is crucial for you to know and understand. I will be updating this guide will more information on items, champion match ups, combos, laning, team fighting, and more soon. Come back and check if I have more information soon. I hope that this guide will help you understand Draven. Please comment and leave any feedback if you can!
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