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LeBlanc Passive Ability
Its my first Guide. My main lanes are Mid and Jungle. I am from Germany and I am sry
if I have some Misspellings, but my english isnt very good ;) .
So my first Guide is about LeBlanc, because I like This OneShot beast :).
Have fun with this Guide and Good Luck for your next games with LeBlanc.
Your EPL Zomboy
PS: Ingamename: EPL Zomboy
Server: EUW
Liga/Division: Silver §
At the beginn of a teamfight stay behind so that no enemy can catch you.
If the teamfight starts focus the enemy ADC/APC, just do (Deathfire-Q-R-W) and the ADC/APC should be down. If you have done this press [W] again to escape from the enemy team.
Wait for the cooldown(CD) from your abilities, if you have the CD try to get damage on the other enemy Players.
If your team lost the teamfight and you are alive, try to escape with your [W].
If you train this you can troll the enemy team with ([W]-Walking-[W]back-[R]-Walking-[R]back)
If the teamfight starts focus the enemy ADC/APC, just do (Deathfire-Q-R-W) and the ADC/APC should be down. If you have done this press [W] again to escape from the enemy team.
Wait for the cooldown(CD) from your abilities, if you have the CD try to get damage on the other enemy Players.
If your team lost the teamfight and you are alive, try to escape with your [W].
If you train this you can troll the enemy team with ([W]-Walking-[W]back-[R]-Walking-[R]back)
Thank you for reading my Guide ;). If you want to give me tips to better my guide send me a message or add me inGame: EPL Zomboy.
Have Fun to Play.
Ah, and visit the guide of my Brother about Janna:
Have Fun to Play.
Ah, and visit the guide of my Brother about Janna:
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