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Ashe Build Guide by Lategamer

Support The Only Ashe Support Guide You Will Need

Support The Only Ashe Support Guide You Will Need

Updated on November 22, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lategamer Build Guide By Lategamer 24 6 111,519 Views 1 Comments
24 6 111,519 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lategamer Ashe Build Guide By Lategamer Updated on November 22, 2023
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Runes: Arcane Comet

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Cheap Shot
Zombie Ward

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4 5 6
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Only Ashe Support Guide You Will Need

By Lategamer
I am Support_diff, a league of legends player and currently a support main though I have mained every role during my gaming career. I made this guide to be the most perfect Ashe guide there is or will be. I will try to update this guide whenever I can and will also answer your questions as soon as I see them.
I have already created guides for Thresh, Blitzcrank, Pantheon, Xerath, Varus, Teemo and Shaco and I am now working on some other guides, which will also be mostly in-depth guides for support champions. I am trying to make my guides as perfect as possible, so if you have a suggestion for a chapter or something else, I am all ears.
Hopefully you enjoy this guide and also learn to play Ashe support!
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What You Will Learn

From this amazing guide, you will learn:

  • Different types of matchups and how hard they are to win
  • What items you should buy in different situations
  • What runes to use
  • What summoner spells to use and when
  • How to use your hawk usefully
  • Where to place your wards
  • What abilities to upgrade and when
  • Overall things about playing Ashe
  • Why you should try out healer Ashe support
Why Ashe Support?
Ashe support has been a great pick for a while now because of her impressive attack range, slows and arrow spamming. She can be a real threat to enemies when used right, and can stun enemies that are on other lanes for a maximum of 3,5 seconds with her ult.

Here is some things a good Ashe support player can do:
  • Poke enemies with your W every 3 seconds
  • Ult the enemies across the map and stun them for 3,5 seconds
  • Use your surprisingly good level 1 to secure first blood at 2 minutes
  • Provide insane amounts of vision to your team with your hawk


+ good poke
+ fun to play
+ hard to gank due to your vision
+ can deal good amounts of damage even early
+ can carry the adc


- immobile
- easy to counterpick
- very squishy


Ashe is a very good support that can provide insane amounts of vision to your team. She can win most lanes easily, but is also easily counterpicked by engage supports. She is very fun to play, but can be killed in a second if any assassins comes nearby. Ashe is also immobile, which makes it much harder to her to run from enemies if a trade goes badly. Overall, Ashe is a fun support to play, but you shouldn't play it against champions like Blitzcrank and Pyke.

Arcane Comet Runepage

Arcane Comet is a great rune for Ashe as it provides you a little bit of bonus damage to your poke, which is really nice in matchups where you can't take Hail of Blades.

Manaflow Band is a great rune for Ashe and other poke champions as it gives you mana as you poke the enemies, so you don't have to recall so often. For the same reason, is suggest you to buy Tear of the Goddess.

Transcendence is the best option here as you always need more ability haste to improve your poke and ability spam.

As you are better in late game than early game, I suggest you to take Gathering Storm as it gives you a big amount of adaptive power starting from 10 minutes.

Cheap Shot is the best option here as you are going to slow a lot of enemies with your arrows and passive. This rune is just great for Ashe.

Zombie Ward is the best rune option for you here as you are going to kill a lot of wards with your Umbral Glaive and Oracle Lens.

Hail of blades Runepage

Hail of Blades is the best option here because it is great in early game and works very well with your Ranger's Focus.

Cheap Shot is the best option here as you are going to slow a lot of enemies with your arrows and passive. This rune is just great for Ashe.

Zombie Ward is the best rune option for you here as you are going to kill a lot of wards with your Umbral Glaive and Oracle Lens.

Ultimate Hunter is a very good rune for you as you want your ultimate's cooldown to be as low as possible.

Magical Footwear is a really nice rune for Ashe and bot laners overall as it saves 300 gold. The only bad side is that you can't get boots until 12 minutes.

Approach Velocity is the best option here as it works really well with your passive and Hail of Blades as you can run to the enemies you attack much faster.

Healer Ashe Runepage

Summon Aery is the best keystone when playing healer Ashe as it procs your items' passives. Though it is not great early game when you don't have the items, it is still a good poke.

Manaflow Band is a great rune for Ashe and other poke champions as it gives you mana as you poke the enemies, so you don't have to recall so often. For the same reason, is suggest you to buy Tear of the Goddess.

Transcendence is the best option here as you always need more ability haste to improve your poke and ability spam.

As you are better in late game than early game, I suggest you to take Gathering Storm as it gives you a big amount of adaptive power starting from 10 minutes.

Font of Life is a great rune for you as you are going to proc it a lot with your passive, W and ult.

Font of Life is a great rune for you as you are going to proc it a lot with your passive, W and ult.
Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells

Flash is a must to take for most of champions, and Ashe is one of them. Without Flash you are fully immobile and can't escape from the enemies at any situation.
Ignite is not better than Exhaust when playing Ashe, but sometimes you want some bonus damage, and Ignite also gives the enemy you use it to grievous wounds, which counter healing.
Exhaust is your go-to summoner spell as you need to slow the enemies every time you just can because you don't have real cc before level 6. The damage reduction is also very nice in fights throughout the game.
Heal is only viable for the healer Ashe build as it procs the item passives and is just a great summoner spell overall.
Umbral Glaive is the best item for Ashe as it provides you even more vision and also ability haste and attack damage. I always build it if I'm not playing healing build.

Manamune is a great item as it gives you a lot of mana and also bonus attack damage for your mana. I suggest you to buy Tear of the Goddess on your first back as it makes getting Muramana faster and gives you enough mana to poke nearly freely.

Imperial Mandate is the most used mythic item for Ashe support, though not the strongest. It provides your teammates a nice damage buff in team fights and passively gives you ability haste for legendary items.

Liandry's Torment is the strongest mythic for you if you play with Arcane Comet as it gives your W poke a lot of bonus damage as a burn and deals the damage as max hp damage. It works well especially against high health enemies like Cho'Gath.

Duskblade of Draktharr is the best mythic for you if you take Hail of Blades, as it provides attack damage and the invisibility passive fits well to a more aggressive playstyle.

Vigilant Wardstone is a really good item for you as your main mission in the game is to provide as much vision as you can. You should only buy it after level 13 so you do not have to wait until it upgrades.

Chempunk Chainsword is your main antiheal item as it fits well to your kit. Only build it if the enemies have champions that heal much.

Serpent's Fang is a really great item if the enemies have champions with a lot of shielding (champions like Tahm Kench) as it counters them very well.

Black Cleaver is definitely an item that comes to mind when thinking about champions like Ashe, but in my opinion the passive fits perfectly to your playstyle as the armor reduction is really strong.

Lord Dominik's Regards is a really good tank-killer item, as the damage buff against tanks (and champions overall because you are really squishy) is really good.

Serylda's Grudge is a really strong item with Hail of Blades, Duskblade of Draktharr and Black Cleaver as it reduces the enemy armor with its stats and slows the enemies that you use your W on.


Stealth Ward is the basic ward that you place and it shows the area around it for 90-120 seconds based on champion level. You will start with it and keep it until you get your support item upgraded.Then you will change it to Oracle Lens. Before you change it, make sure to use your remaining Stealth Wards if there is a good ward spot without a ward near you.
Oracle Lens is the trinket you will change your Stealth Ward to. When used, it reveals the wards and traps around it for 10 seconds. Wards will also be disabled, lingering for 2 seconds after no longer being revealed. Use it wisely, because it can be a real game-changer when used right, if enemies don't have sight to baron for example.
Farsight Alteration isn't really a popular trinket option as it is visible to enemies and only has 1 health, but is a viable choice for the following reasons: Lasts forever if not destroyed, does not count towards the ward limit, has a range of 4000 (very big) and has lower cooldown than Stealth Ward.
Control Ward is the most valuable trinket in the game. It costs 75 gold, but is definetely worth the price. They reveal area like Stealth Ward, reveal Stealth Wards and traps and disables them like Oracle Lens and last forever like Farsight Alteration. You can place them in important places like river bush or tribush, or put them to other places with a high probability of having an enemy ward nearby to reveal them instead of using Oracle Lens (dragon pit for example). I suggest you to buy one or two of them every time you go back to base, because they are so important source of vision.


These are the best ward placements in the laning phase in my opinion as they provide vision to the most important places of the bot-side map like dragon pit, tribush, river bush and bottom bushes. You will be a lot harder to gank by enemy jungler because you know before they try to gank you and have time to retreat. If you are playing on the red side and the enemy team has Kayn, Zac or Shaco, I suggest you to ward the tri-bush looking bush near your gromp so they can't just jump on you without you knowing.


These ward placements are better after the laning phase has ended, because they provide very much vision control to the map and makes it harder for the enemy team to collect objectives, because there is always a control ward on dragon and rift herald or baron nashor. Your team will more easily control the teamfights and splitpushing with these ward spots.

Passive: Frost Shot

Your passive slows the enemies you attack, increasing the damage you deal to them. Your critical strikes don't deal bonus damage but they increase the slow. This passive works extremely well with Hail of Blades, as the shots you hit are much faster and deal extra damage.

Q: Ranger's Focus

Ranger's Focus builds up stacks while attacking. At maximum stacks, Ashe can use this ability to consume the stacks, give herself attack speed and transform her attacks into a powerful flurry attack for the duration. Again, this ability is amazing with Hail of Blades because you can get the stacks very fast. If you don't have Hail of Blades, this ability is pretty much pointless.

W: Volley

Volley is Ashe support's bread and butter. You fire arrows in a very wide cone, dealing damage for every arrow hit. Multiple arrows to the same target don't increase the damage. You always want to upgrade Volley first, as you can freely spam it starting from level 9. This is your best ability, no matter if you use Arcane Comet or Hail of Blades.

E: Hawkshot

Ashe sends her hawk spirit to a location revealing the area on its path, exploding in its target location and providing vision there for a few seconds. Hawkshot is your vision ability, a very good one, and has no range, so you can target the hawk to anywhere on the map, dragon and baron pits for example.

R: Enchanted Crystal Arrow

Ashe shoots an arrow anywhere in the map, stunning the first enemy champion it hits for a maximum of 3,5 seconds based on the traveled distance. It is a great ability, especially as you can have under 30 seconds cooldown on it. You can stun enemies that are having an 1v1 on other lanes and stun anyone who wants to come close to you. Use it when you have it, it will usually lead to a kill if you hit it. If it's hard for you to hit it, buy project ashe skin as its ult hitbox is way too big.
Ability Orders
I don't have much to say here, because your Volley is your best ability and the one you always upgrade to max first. If you use Hail of Blades, it is best for you that you upgrade your Ranger's Focus second, but if you choose to play Arcane Comet or healer Ashe, you should upgrade your Hawkshot second because of the vision it provides to you and your team. Always put a point to your Enchanted Crystal Arrow as it is your ultimate and you need to lower its cooldown.
= easy matchup
= average matchup
= hard matchup
Aphelios is an easy matchup because nearly no one plays him right if you are not in diamond elo or higher, he doesn't have any kind of escape and is weak early game. Take Hail of Blades and poke him when he doesn't have his long range weapon (the green/turquoise one).
Blitzcrank is a champion you just can't win in the early game with Ashe. He can just run onto you and hook you, knock you up and silence you. Though it might not sound like a good idea to take your aggressive runes against a champion that counters you, I suggest you to take Hail of Blades as when you play against Blitzcrank, you need to stay behind minions. Try to poke him and his adc with auto attacks, as it is your only way to deal damage.
Karma is not much of a threat to you, but can deal very serious damage if you don't take her seriously. You need to try to dodge her Q's, as they are her main source of damage. If you can stay behind minions and at a safe distance from her so she can't root you, you should be fine. Take Hail of Blades and poke her and her adc as much as you can.
Jhin is not a threat to you at all at early game. You can poke him with your auto attacks and Volley as much as you want to because he is immobile and can't shoot you back because of his attack range. Be aware of his fourth shot, it really deals a lot of damage.
Pyke is your worst nightmare. An engage support with a very high damage and mobility. Additionally, his passive makes it impossible to you to poke him as he can just heal all the damage back. I don't give any advice about the matchup here because you should always ban him and if you do so, you will never face him again.
Miss Fortune isn't really a threat to you, because her auto attack range is lower than yours and she can't deal very much damage early, as she should hit her Q, but she can't because you won't be in its range. Take Hail of Blades, poke her with your auto attacks from as far as you just can so she can't hit her Q. Save your ult so when she ults, she will be stunned instantly.
Many people say that Samira is your hard counter, but I can say that that is not the case. Firstly, her auto attack range is really low, so you can poke her with your auto attacks. Secondly, yes, her E can kill you easily, but you need to stomp her hard before she gets it (level 2 or 3). Really. ambush her at level 1, kill her, and buy something. If she doesn't get fed easily and you keep poking her out of lane with your Hail of Blades, she really can't do anything. When she gets to ult someone, ult her immediately and kill her again.
Again, I put an engage support here. If the enemy has a good engage support, it is really hard for you to do anything. Same as Blitzcrank, you need to stay behind the minions so he can't hook you. If he does, you die. Take Hail of Blades and poke him with your auto attacks if you can.
Milio can't really do anything to you, but is a very annoying matchup. She can cleanse her adc when you ult, so you should ult her instead. She can shield her adc when you poke, so you should poke her instead. Shortly, focus her instead of her adc. If you do, the matchup shouldn't be too hard. Take Arcane Comet because she can increase her adc's attack range so you can't poke them with your auto attacks.
Twitch can't really do anything to you without his ult, as you won't take long trades while standing in his pee bottle, you will just poke him with auto attacks when you can. Take Hail of Blades because with it you can do the auto attack pokes very fast and hit more auto attacks. When Twitch goes invisible, just use Volley around there and make him show himself by damaging him.
Now to the first extreme threat that isn't an engage support, Tristana. There is no way you can win her in a fight if you don't have adc with great burst damage and Exhaust her right away when she jumps on you. Take Arcane Comet and try to poke her whenever it is possible.
Zilean can't really do anything to you if you go close to him, so you can't go auto attack him or his adc. Take Arcane Comet and try to get your Volley's cooldown as low as possible so you can be a serious threat to him. If he ults himself or his ally, don't try to kill them until the durations is over.
If you didn't play LoL and someone told you that there is a champion that deals nearly no damage and will do damage to itself, would you believe? Ok, Soraka is the best healer and everything, but she deals no damage and can only heal her adc. If you hit her instead, she can't do anything to it if she doesn't hit her Q on you. Take Hail of Blades, poke her and her adc and don't get hit by her abilities as it will make your laning significantly harder.
Lucian's burst damage in early game is absolutely high. If he can hit his combo on you, you die. He also plays very often with engage champions like Pyke that give him an opportunity to show his damage to you. Take Arcane Comet, play very safe and if you don't feed him early, he will be kind of weak at late game where you are at your prime.
Nilah is a melee adc, which makes her weaker than normal adc's, especially against you as you can poke her with your auto attacks and she can't so anything. She can ignore your and your adc's auto attacks for a short while with her E, which is pretty much the only thing she can do to you. Take Hail of Blades, but be careful to auto attack her from as far as you can because if you get too close to her, she can dash to you.
As you can see, I have not listed even nearly all botlane matchups, because I think it's completely pointless. All the champions are unique, but understanding what type of adc's and supports you want to face and what you don't makes you a better player overall. Ashe can't definitely play against any support (yes, she could, but she would lose). The class of supports you never want to face is engage supports, as playing against Pyke or Blitzcrank makes you question your "gaming career" and gives you a feeling that you need to delete the game before it deletes you. The class of supports you want to play against are supports without high damage or cc ( Soraka, Sona and other healers) that you can poke nearly freely. The adc's that counter you can have high mobility, high damage or high range( Caitlyn). If the enemy adc has got two them, you will lose against them. The class of adc's you want to face have low range and low damage so you can poke them with your auto attacks and they can't kill you right away when you go for a fight.
= good synergy
= average synergy
= bad synergy
Varus is the best natural synergy you have, you two just are so good as bot lane duo. You can slow the enemies so he can hit his every single Q, and your ult fits very well with his ult as you can ult someone who is going to be rooted from the ult next to get 2 kills instead of one or just secure that one kill.
Seraphine is not as great with you as Varus, but you still have a good synergy. You can slow the enemies so she can hit all her abilities (which means lethal damage 90% of time). Her ult is also very good for you as you can do a lot of damage while the enemies are charmed.
You have a great synergy with Miss Fortune, because if you ult someone, she can ult them too and it's a secured kill nearly every time. Also, you can slow the enemies that are already in her E so you can catch them pretty easily. You both deal a good damage at early game and are even better at late game.
Ah yes, the famous Caitlyn Ashe bot duo. Two longest range champions in the same bot duo. You can poke the enemies freely, there is nothing they can do. That is pretty much your only combo if not counting that she can put a mine under someone you have ulted so the cc lasts longer.
As you can see, I have not listed any other than perfect synergies, because it wouldn't help you at all. Ashe is kind of good with any adc, but is just great with these. There is no class of adc's you want to play with, the good ones just have abilities that fit well to your kit. If there are some champions you can't help really much, I would say Tristana as she needs burst damage and cc which are not your strengths, but you still are ok with her as you can win lanes no matter if your abilities don't fit together well.
Why To Try Healer Ashe?
As you already know, this is a very off-meta build. Think about it for a second. Why ashe couldn't be a healer support? Of course because she doesn't have healing abilities. But if you buy Moonstone Renewer, your abilities that hit enemies heal your allies, and it has only a 2 second cooldown, like your Volley when you have maxed it and you have some ability haste. So you heal allies like every 4 seconds (because your healing build doesn't provide as much ability haste as the normal build) but that is not everything about it. If you look at the other items, they proc every time you heal or shield your allies. Your Summon Aery also gives a shield to allies you heal with Moonstone Renewer, so the items proc two times. Every time they do, you and the ally you heal gains 10-30% attack speed, 5-20 bonus on-hit damage to your attacks, 25-45 ability power and 20 ability haste for 6 seconds, depending on the targets level. They proc every time you hit your Volley, so you should have at least 2 buffs on you and your allies at the same time when you fight. Additionally, you will buy Redemption so you can heal multiple allies at one time every 90 seconds. If you get all your allies hit by Redemption's active, that means (if they are on level 18) 120% attack speed, 80 bonus on-hit damage to your attacks, 180 ability power and 80 ability haste for you and the same buffs split to one or more of your allies. This build should be called mathematically correct Ashe because of this, you are just awesome at late game with this build.

Before The Game Starts

I know that other guide starts the guiding from the beginning of the game, but in my opinion you can win and lose games before they start, as not every matchup is winnable, no matter how good you are (if the enemies aren't complete idiots). Ashe support has many hard counterpicks that she just can't win ( Blitzcrank and Pyke for example). First thing to do is to check the enemy supports picking turn (the enemy support should be the one that is banning a support) and take a picking turn after them. If you do this, you won't be counterpicked because you are picking later than them. Look at the enemy support. Is the matchup worth it for you? Probably yes, but don't play Ashe if the enemies have an engage support as you won't win it anyways. Pick the runes you think are better (don't take dark harvest against Caitlyn for example as she has a longer attack range than you), and take the summoner spells you think you should (always Flash, then Exhaust or Ignite depending on enemy team). Now you have the right build against your opponents, so you have already played well even though the game hasn't started.


When the game is loading, think about one thing. Invading. Is the enemy team easy to invade or not? Is your team comp good at invading? If you answer yes to both questions, you probably should invade if your twisted mind hasn't thought that invading Braum or Alistar is a good idea. If you invade, try to get as many guys with you as you just can, as 4v3 is always better than 3v3. Ashe is generally very good at level 1 because of her passive and her Volley as she can deal very much damage while also slowing the enemies. If you win the invade, your lane is already nearly won as you don't need much feed or level difference to be a nightmare to the enemy laners. If they can't get kills or even farm, they can't do anything at late game either.

Laning Phase

Laning phase is the most important part in the game as it can lead to a succesful game or just lose the game for you. Getting fed happens mostly at laning phase and the objectives you get can change the whole game. During the laning phase you should secure your adc some kills, provide vision to your teams, take dragons, save your adc from enemy ganks (or just simply not to die to them), do damage to turrets and possibly roam if you have time. The first one, securing kills to your adc is the most important one as if you success at it, you have done your role as support well. The easiest way to get kills is just to communicate with your adc and take trades together. You are very good at level 1 (and 2 if you take Hail of Blades and upgrade your Ranger's Focus at level 2), but otherwise not very good before you get your ult. If you make use of that advantage, you will get a kill or at least make the enemy recall at early levels which is very good for the rest of the game. Your adc can farm freely and you can even try to take some plates when the enemies are gone which gives you a really good gold lead. When you get your ult, you can just all-in the enemies with your adc and maybe get a kill. The second one, providing vision, is a really easy part for you as you play Ashe. One of the best tactics (this only works if you have Arcane Comet) to give some important information is to auto attack the minions in the first and second wave as much as you can without killing them so your adc gets the cs but you can push the wave. When you get level 2, upgrade your Hawkshot as you would do anyways, go near the enemy tower while also standing behind your own minions so the enemies can't kill you, and shoot your hawk to the enemy jungle camp that is the furthest from you ( krugs or gromp). This will reveal the enemy jungler, which gives your team very important information of his location and where he is going next. Also remember to ward the important spots in the map (check the ward maps in the "trinkets&warding"-chapter) so you don't miss enemy jungler ganks or the enemy team taking drakes. When you get your support item upgraded, take Oracle Lens so you can also kill enemy wards, not just place your own ones. If you don't play healer, your first item will be Umbral Glaive. It is basically just an Oracle Lens with a lower cooldown and it only activates when near to enemy wards, which is great. Remember to buy control wards every time you go back to base for one reason or another as they are a great vision providers and never expire. The next one, taking dragons, is very easy. Try to always have a ward in the dragon pit so you won't be surprised by the enemies and can go to the dragon if the enemies try to take it. When your jungler is nearby, ask him about taking the drake and if he is okay with it, go to take it. Saving your adc from enemy jungler ganks is really easy, just make sure to have vision all over the river and near bottom so the enemy jungler can't come to your lane without you noticing. Ashe is really great champion when you have pressured the enemies under their tower, because you can still poke them and rarely miss. You can also try to take the turret down, but isn't very easy with Ashe. To the last part, roaming. You aren't a very great roaming champion because you don't have a root or stun before level 6.

Middle Game

After the laning phase ends, the middle game starts. In the middle game your main target is to get your adc and yourself as fed as you can, so you will win the late game (which you probably will as Ashe. If you have been able to roam at the laning phase, middle game is usually good for you. Play around your team, objectives and your ultimates cooldown so you will only take fights that are winnable and good for the team. Sometimes games end in the middle game if you have aced the enemies and are able to destroy the nexus. Try to provide your team as much vision as you just can so your team will know where the enemies are and can farm, take down turrets and dragons etc much more easily.

Late Game

When the late game comes, make sure that you are safe from the enemy assassins attacks as you will die to champions like Rengar literally in a second. Keep in mind that any fight could make you win the the game, but also lose it. Don't take any fights that you can't win, try to give your team as much vision as possible because it is really crucial in the late game. When you fight, don't go near the enemies, just use Volley to them and auto attack them if you took Hail of Blades. When a dragon or a baron spawns, you should have a Control Ward there to make sure that the enemy team can't take it. If you control the vision, you control the game. If you see a fight incoming, it's ok to use your ult there to give the enemy the 3,5 second stun and make your allies win the fight. When there is a teamfight, try to use your damage as well as you can in order to win the fight. Use your Hawkshot to scan area around your team.
Game Goals
If you don't have any other goals in the game than winning, your progress as a player will be much slower. These goals are optimal, and it's really hard to pull off every one of them in a single game. Try to reach these goals and you will become significantly better at playing Ashe and the support role overall in no time.

10 minutes:

- 4 kills or assists
- 0-1 deaths
- 40% kill participation
- 1 roam if you have had time
- 3000-4000 damage dealt
- support item's warding active unlocked
- 2500 gold
- level 6-7
- 1 dragon captured
- 4 Stealth Wards placed
- Oracle Lens taken
- 1-2 Control Wards placed
- Hawkshot used 1-3 times

20 minutes:

- 10 kills or assists
- 0-3 deaths
- 50% kill participation
- 2 roams leading to a kill
- 6000 damage dealt
- 5000-6000 gold
- level 9-10
- 2-3 destroyed turrets (not just you, the whole team)
- 2 dragons captured
- 17 wards placed
- 6 wards killed

30 minutes:

- 17 kills or assists
- 0-6 deaths
- 50% kill participation
- 15000 damage dealt
- 9000 gold
- level 14-15
- 5-6 turrets destroyed (by the whole team, not only botlane)
- 3 dragons captured
- 33 wards placed
- 12 wards destroyed

After the game:

- 50% kill participation
- 3 vision score/minute
- no dragons lost to enemy team
- no deaths to enemy jungler's ganks
- gold lead (any)
- river bush and tribush always warded
I have not seen other guides (my other guides don't count) with a quiz in the end, so a decided to make one to all my guides. The questions will be about things i told you would learn from this guide in the beginning, and if you get every question right, you really have put time to read the whole guide.
What type of supports you never want to face as Ashe?
the right answer
What mythic you should take when facing a team with high overall max health and many tanks?
the right answer
When you should use Arcane Comet?
the right answer
When should you take Heal as your second summoner spell?
the right answer
How to use your hawk effectively on level 2?
the right answer
What are the two most important ward spots in the early game?
the right answer
When should you max your Hawkshot earlier than Ranger's Focus?
the right answer
The End
This is it about my Ashe support guide, leave a like and comment if you liked it and also check out my other guides. Have a great time while playing Ashe support!
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