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Gnar Build Guide by Nestor GR

Top The only REAL GNAR guide!

Top The only REAL GNAR guide!

Updated on November 21, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nestor GR Build Guide By Nestor GR 2,692 Views 0 Comments
2,692 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nestor GR Gnar Build Guide By Nestor GR Updated on November 21, 2014
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So welcome to my first guide, on moba, i am an aggressive top laner, playing EUNE, my division is G3 ,atm .
So why should you trust my guide?
First of all This guide will explain you all your questions about gnar
Gnar is amazing, and i am creating this guide because i like it, so i believe you are gonna like it as well
Last but not least ,being in this league for about 4 years, i know lots of stuff, so i hope i can give you some info, you may not know.
So if you are ready lets start with masteries and runes and the whole guide!
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Pros / Cons

So we must analyse his Pros and Cons
+high Mobility
+Can poke
+Great Survivability ,after transformation
+High CC as mega gnar

-No cc as mini gnar
-You can not control his passive. It could not work in favor of you
-Mediocre late game!
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Creeping / Jungling

So with those runes and masteries, last hitting on lane can be easy! Way to easy, try to kite the opponent player when he tries to last hit, you may miss a creep, but they will miss 3 . Kite then zone them, but be careful ,they can gang you .
About jungle, truth is you dont need buffs, cause you dont have mana ,and you can get ms advantage over your enemies thank to your kite, as mini gnar. As Mega Gnar, you a monsta BEAST MODE! You got cc, so give the buffs to those who mostly need em!
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I Explain the item's use and sequence ,above.
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Unique Skills

So now we talk about skills, Q: is the main source of damage and poke as mini gnar while laning . Max it first , lowers cd ,slows more, deals more damage, ABUSE IT!
As mega gnar ,it does the same thing pretty much, just try to pick the stone or home ,up every time so you dont have to wait for that long, long ,long CD to load..
W: This ,helps you kite. Not much to be said about it, as mini gnar, it helps you last hit ,deal more damage, based on their HP.
When Mega Gnar, it stuns. Use it after Q when you enter the fight, so you can slow then stun for sure!
E: When Mini Gnar ,you can get away or avoid attacks, gap closer, its got uses, but its main use is not its damage. Mini Gnar could be really happy if you could for example use it, to avoid riven's ulti ,or to avoid jax stun ,etc etc.. use it wise, its cd is long -.-"
Mega Gnar, use it to initiate the battle ! You deal damage based on your HP, which is cool cause you got a lot of it! You become a fat ninja, jumping towards your enemies and slowing them, confuse them, make em don't know where you are coming from! Then Use your Q your stun ,or Stun and Q , and when you find a well hit them with your Ulti. Good job Gnar gj gg, report top for feeding, this gnar ,are some compliments you are gonna
R: This is your ulti, use it to stun, it can turn a fight around ,so , a game around as well.. Its SICK ,DOPE!
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It is my first guide, i wanna read your critics, or if it was great, hope i helped you! Enjoy the player its worth!
(Flame comes from feeders. They make people flame. So Riot ,punish them first)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nestor GR
Nestor GR Gnar Guide
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The only REAL GNAR guide!

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