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I think Ahri is pretty easy in laning phase, she might just poke you a little bit but you outsustain by a lot. Just dont try to all in when she has ult, as it will probably result in you burning your summs/ult for nothing.
Akali is a very tough matchup for me personally. Invisibility to cancel your Q, a million dashes and at 6 she can literally 1-shot-combo you with ult if you make a mistake.
Anivia is very hard! She zones you off of Waves and you cant all in her because of her passive. Ban-worthy.
Not too much of a problem for me, I think the only thing you have to worry about is her 1-shot in the lategame.
You cant really kill him because he will usually stay far away and use his W to farm and poke, the same goes for him though, and you win the scaling game. Just farm well.
Brand mid is a really annoying matchup which heavily depends on how good the Brand is at hitting his skillshots. Try to awkwardly dance around his W and Q.
Cassio mid is my permaban at the moment. She can chunk half of your hp with as low as level 2 and she also scales very well. I really hate this champ.
Not much experience in this matchup yet, the Scuttlecrab subreddit has more followers than his, that says alot
Diana depends on how good the player is, but generally speaking, she can negate a lot of damage with her W, and you need to watch out for her level 6 all in! If youre unfortunate enough to get jumped on, try to pool the ult damage when it comes down.
Ekko isnt much of a threat to you but your team. The same rule of the all- in like with Anivia applies to him as well. Dont all in when he has it! Without it, he is rather squishy.
You can negate a lot off Fizz´s damage by pooling his ult and follow up, but dont get cocky; he can even kill you with a full combo if you pool the shark and dont back off after!
Galio is a natural Counter to all AP-champions. Try to poke him best as possible and wait for jungle help. Try to pool his taunt.
Heimer is an interesting matchup, but as long as you dont get hit by the E you should be good. Dont try to all in him when he has 3 Turrets on him! You will be surprised at how much damage he does.
Irelia is really annoying to me, because if you dare to get hit by an E at max stacks youre almost guaranteed to be sent back to fountain. Thats all I can say, try to dodge e by dancing and pool ult.
Kassadin is pretty hard. He outscales you and has a lot of early game strength. Try to farm as best as possible and help your team. He is pretty unlikely to die to a gank post 6 unless he misplayes.
Entirely depending on how good the kata is. After 1 item, you generally just beat her unless she is really competent.
A lot of kill pressure early but you outscale by a lot. If you get hit by E and then pool, the root will still go through!
Can negate your all in but I think after that its hard for her to kill you. Has great gank setup.
Lucian will poke you early but once you have 1 item and boots you just straight up 1 shot him if you hit everything
Lux is just boring. You can pool her combo, and oneshot her afterwards.
Dont get fooled by the clone! Generally, she is pretty easy, as you can heal it back if she roots and Qs you since she has no other way to extend a fight except for ult.
If the Orianna is competent you will get zoned off all the time. Just farm under tower and dont eat too much poke early.
She can kill you at level 3 and onwards until you have a few items. Seekers Armguard if struggling.
A good Ryze will bring you hell. He can poke, zone, and also scales extremely well. Farm under turret. Banworthy.
Sylas is somewhat challenging. He can chunk you for a good amount with his combo and repeat that. when he has your ult and ignite, he can straight up kill you with a combo if you dont counterult.
Heavily dependant on how good the Syndra is at hitting skillshots. Consider getting t1 boots first back to dodge the Qs and Ws better. Her ult does a lot of damage, when you get stunned with half your hp its game over.
Everyone knows it, stay safe level 2 and 6, later he falls off and cant 1-shot you.
Twisted Fate
Extreme not because the lane is hard but the map presence at level 6 is horrifying for your team. If the TF has good macro, he can get his team a massive lead. If you know he has good macro, consider taking TP to mirror his roams.
There is no way you could ever get caught in the cage, you can just pool out of it. Therefore, he cant burst you down easily.
I start Cull here, its just a farming fest where nobody can really kill each other.
Playing blind pick, really? Like a wise Vlad onetrick once said, I bet you breathe through your mouth and drink sparkling water.
Get boots first back and start dancing. If he has the density to not go barrier, and heal or something worse, pop flash or ghost at level 6, ignite early and run him down ONCE YOU HIT A SINGLE EMPOWERED Q
Depends on Yasou´s Skill, mind you your Q goes through the windwall but your E doesnt!
Yone is way harder than Yasou. If you get hit by the Q knockup in his E get ready for a beating. Absolutely horrible to play against.
Care for his 6 all in. Seekers Armguard if youre struggling, if he still continues to nut on you after that, finish Zhyonas as your first item.
Your ordinary control mage, cant kill you in laning phase but if he dares to use his W in a way that doesnt knock you back run him down.
If the toddler of terror gets lucky with her W summs, youre f*cked, and insta lose lane, pray to the RNG gods to get lucky on that. Generally speaking tho, if youre full hp, shes never in a position to 1-shot you.
Hello! I am honored for me to show you my Noob´s Perspective on Vladimir. My Name is Niqkl, I am an austrian boy who just plays this game for fun. I picked it up in mid Season 10 and never played it before. I found great interest in Vladimir and now I main him. Up to date, I have 120k Mastery on him which is the most on my champs by far and I feel (kinda) qualified for doing this because I actually have a close to 70 percent Winrate overall on him. [. I love Vladimir since he uses no Mana, and has the ability to 1v9 and even if hes behind, he can still beat the fed enemy carries.
You are also probably the squishiest and weakest mage in the early game
vulnerable to hyperscaling lane opponents (kassadin, anivia etc.)
Absolutely NO CC OR GAP CLOSER, you are just pure damage.
Gets cucked by all ins (especially by tanky bruisers (Aatrox, Sett, ..))
The health management is hard to learn
By the way, I must excuse myself for the horrible design as far as coding goes, Ive never done it, I am pretty new and it is quite hard for me! xD
As I said, youre probably the weakest champion ingame early. Your goal are those juicy 10cs/min, and that as good as possible, every game.
As Vladimir, you can try to go for a trade everytime you have an empowered Transfusion in the first few minutes, but your primary goal is always farming. Play as selfish as possible.
Your Rengar is getting cucked by the enemy Taliyah at scuttle and your enemy Yasuo is on the move already? Act like youre Lee Sin in real life and keep on farming, then comes the mandatory mute. It is what it is. You have your first minor spike with your Hextech Rocketbelt and thats when you can actively engage. But nevertheless keep farming and wait until lategame.
Imagine there is a Vladimir getting 10cs/min with 300cs at 30 minutes. Now its time to ff for the enemy. Go to every teamfight, and oneshot every not-tank as you go by. Its that easy.
Thank you for reading this far, and I hope I could teach you a thing or to about vladimir, from my perspective of an intermediate player. If you have any questions, Twitter @NiqklFN. With that being said, have a great day!
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