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Ability Order
Transcendent (PASSIVE)
Syndra Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Say hello to the Purple Goddess! Syndra is a mechanic base mid lamer that requires high skill cap maneuvers to make your enemy's not even want to be in lane and say, "Wow, i just got goddess damn out played."
Syndra is by far my favorite mid laner champion. With using Ability Power to carry her team and her range for harassment during the laning faze, Syndra is definitely a girl who doesn't need a man to carry her! Her play style is to stay in the back lines until she can find an opportunity to use her single target burst to blow someone up. Opportunities like, if you stun an ADC they are basically dead in mid to late game.
Syndra has great kiting ability if a front liner tank decides to sit on you during team fights. Also you can damage your enemy while moving at all times. Her abilities allow you to cast them while either running in circles to dodge skill shots from a Ziggs or kiting back to your turret while being ganked by a jungler.
Magic Pen These runes are great for early game dominance.
Mana Regen is so important to bully your lane opponent out of lane which makes them lose CS (creep score) which ultimately wins you lane.
Magic Resist VSing an AP mid, this rune is perfect for you to weaken your enemy's attacks on you.
Ability Power runes are so important to increase your damage.
Starting Items
The standard Doran's Ring and two Health Potion will let you harass your enemy in lane with the mana regen over time and mana regen passive. Using the health potions wisely, you need to try and use it before your enemy does.
Fighting an AD laner you will need to start Cloth Armor and five Health Potion. The Cloth Armor will build right into Zhonya's Hourglass and the Health Potion will help you stay in lane to farm.
Fighting an AD laner you will need to start Cloth Armor and five Health Potion. The Cloth Armor will build right into Zhonya's Hourglass and the Health Potion will help you stay in lane to farm.
Maxing Unleashed Power is the best thing to do for ultimate burst.
maxing Dark Sphere after your ultimate is always a good choice for Syndra's passive Transcendent.
Scatter the Weak will be maxed second do to the amazing passive again! Transcendent
Lastly will be Force of Will maxed out for that extra slow passive.
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