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Singed Build Guide by SnailZZR

Top The simplest Singed player

Top The simplest Singed player

Updated on August 28, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SnailZZR Build Guide By SnailZZR 3,150 Views 0 Comments
3,150 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SnailZZR Singed Build Guide By SnailZZR Updated on August 28, 2022
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Runes: Live the Speed

1 2 3
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Approach Velocity
Future's Market

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3 4
Garanted Kill
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The simplest Singed player

By SnailZZR
About me
I've been playing league of legends for a long time, but I've never taken anything seriously, after all, the world outside is much more beautiful than the screen and my salary won't increase if I stress more or less about this game. I take it all in stride. After I discovered Singed, the world became even more fun and relaxed, he's just what you need: A really boring champion to play against and fun to have on your team.

The only rule for playing SINGED is: Keep calm and have fun. Half of your problems will disappear with this and you will be able to concentrate much more easily, after all, he is a totally different champion from the others: It will take you a little longer to finish your moves. He will dodge more carefully and will have to, irritatingly, surround his enemy.

Follow the thread:
To play with singed (ENGLISH)
Your big and biggest challenge will be getting used to the style of play.

Recently Singed returned to Meta-Gaming, which led players to return with the understanding of this champion and relive memories of Season 3. How to dribble the first tower and prevent enemy minions from advancing far enough into the lane, thus interrupting the flow of enemy moves and also a consistent farm.

The problem is, with the recent release of Udyr Remake and of course the durability update, some things had to change drastically.

Singed with movement speed runes has become extremely consistent to poke, run, and return to combat once you have the chance to repeat this process, and your enemy, losing health on every occasion. River ganks have become easier, even one of the favorite ways to play with him.

*REMEMBER* Don't let your enemy farm alone in the lane, especially if it's a Nasus, if you're not sure of a good gank.

Phase Rush is simply the most sensational idea that has been added to this game and you will be able to make the greatest Aatrox player look for a psychiatrist knowing how to use his rune and his combo correctly

Try repeating the process - Poison - Grab - Run.

A sensational secret is: don't let the enemy understand your next move, run desperately in opposite directions and above all, to places he wouldn't expect, get into your enemy's mind.

His "R" is simply his best friend with the Ghost, people don't expect a Singed that fast to jump into combat, pull the ADC and just walk away unharmed (be aware of your team's capabilities first). Another great ability of this champion is the surprise attack (and blitzkrieg)
Take a deep breath
A Singed is still a Singed and not everyone knows how to play "Split Push" (Look at most Tryndamere players). This may not be your style of play, but at one time or another, it will be the fundamental tool to guarantee depth to the game.

Be aware of your team take a deep breath - Singed will not be a god that will prevent and kill the strongest enemy, he needs, above all, a gigantic understanding about his team and the enemy team.
Old but Gold

Remember that ugly bald guy?
He was the progenitor of this monstrous champion we have today.
Be grateful and respectful of the process of your predecessors.
Jogando de SINGED (PT/BR)
Seu grande e maior desafio será se acostumar com o estilo de jogo.

Recentemente Singed retornou ao Meta-Gaming, o que levou os jogadores a retornarem com a compreensão deste campeão e reviver memórias da Temporada 3. movimentos e também uma fazenda consistente.

O problema é que, com o recente lançamento do Udyr Remake e, claro, a atualização de durabilidade, algumas coisas tiveram que mudar drasticamente.

As runas chamuscadas de velocidade de movimento tornaram-se extremamente consistentes para cutucar, correr e retornar ao combate, uma vez que você tenha a chance de repetir esse processo, e seu inimigo, perdendo saúde em todas as ocasiões. Os ganks no River se tornaram mais fáceis, até mesmo uma das formas favoritas de jogar com ele.

*LEMBRE-SE* Não deixe seu inimigo farmar sozinho na lane, especialmente se for um Nasus, se você não tiver certeza de um bom gank.

Phase Rush é simplesmente a ideia mais sensacional que foi adicionada a este jogo e você poderá fazer o maior jogador de Aatrox procurar um psiquiatra sabendo como usar sua runa e seu combo corretamente

Tente repetir o processo - Poison - Grab - Corra.

Um segredo sensacional é: não deixe o inimigo entender seu próximo movimento, corra desesperadamente em direções opostas e, acima de tudo, para lugares que ele não esperaria, entre na mente do seu inimigo.

Seu "R" é simplesmente seu melhor amigo com o Ghost, as pessoas não esperam que um Singed tão rápido entre em combate, puxe o ADC e simplesmente saia ileso (esteja ciente das capacidades de sua equipe primeiro. Outra grande habilidade deste campeão é o ataque surpresa (e blitzkrieg)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SnailZZR
SnailZZR Singed Guide
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The simplest Singed player

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