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Choose Champion Build:
Basic Atk focus
Spell Focused
For a team of high speed opponents
Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Mark of the Storm (PASSIVE)
Kennen Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Hello, I am PhoenixianSlayer

The general idea of

The Basic Attack build is for people who like a well-rounded build.
The Spell Focused build is for people who are really invested in the support role and are focused on maximizing team fights utility rather than solo killing.
The speed build is designed to help you survive against a chase heavy team.

This is the main reason

This is your poke. Its a straight skill shot that damages the first enemy and applies a

This ability makes your poke with

This skill is both your engage and escape. This gives you a massive speed boost and allows you to phase through units. Anything you pass through takes damage and gains a stack of

This ability is the easiest way to quickly stack

Normally, you want to take

Kennen doesn't use mana so he can't use

The damage boost from

For Spell focused builds

For Basic Attack focused builds

All the Hunter Runes gives a certain stat that increases each time you kill each of the enemy champs for the first time.

Ravenousis good for sustain. You can pick up plenty of health with your abilities and your

This item gains charges (gains a charge every 5~ seconds capping at a max of 3 charges) that are used whenever you damage a tower or enemy champion. The charge adds damage to the attack and gives you 11 gold (all upgrades give 22 gold). It also passively gives you 2 gold every 10 seconds. Killing a minion stops passive gold gain and greatly slows the charge gain time. If you have

It gives 55 MS and decreases slows by 25%. Bottom lane is not friendly to immobile champions and CC can be a nightmare. These boots give you the ability to get out of a jam quickly in combination with

This item's active is to put the player in stasis for 2.5 seconds. They cannot do anything and nothing can be done to them while in stasis. Even if you don't use the active as much, its necessary for the lane. Its the only AP and armor item, and since your in a lane with ADC, you need armor. The active is also very good in combination with

The item's passive gains charges for abilities activated near the player capping at 100. using the active uses up said charges and gives you a boost of MS and AP. The item's MS and really high AP on this item gives you a huge power spike. In addition,

This item's passive creates a shield that negates the first spell to hit a player after not taking damage from enemy champions for 40 seconds. I usually build this third. The spell shield is nice for CC and makes it more likely that you will end up in a good position to use

A great item for boosting damage through the roof. It adds AP and a passive that increases your AP by 40%. A good option for fourth or later.
This item has one passive. It slows all enemies hit with abilities for 1 second. A good utility item. Its nice for a fourth item. Its main purpose would be to keep people from leaving your

This item has two passives. One passive burns opponents for 3 seconds for 1.5% of their max health. The burn increases to 2.5% if they have impaired movement. The second passive increases damage by 2% for each second in combat, maxing out to 10%. This item gives allows you to burn through tanks. This one would be built instead of say Rabadon's if the enemy comp is tanky heavy or you just need more health.
This item's passive is to empower autos with 50% of your AP after an ability. It adds some nice damage and speed. Comboes great with

The item's passive adds 15% of your AP to your auto attack damage. If you are 1v1ing someone, its good, but in team fights, you don't necessarily want to be auto attacking a lot since its not a massive amount of damage.
The item's passive sends out two ghosts who advance toward the two closest enemy champs. It's useful for tracking down enemies who ran into the jungle. A nice item for four or beyond.

When poking, try and quickly go in to throw a

The opponents stay near the river and your ADC can stay near the bushes side. This makes it easier for your Jungle to gank and harder for the enemy Jungle to gank you.
It is harder for the opponents to hit you because they don't always have vision on you Taking

Make sure and communicate with your ADC. Give updates on Ult status. Let them know when they should go in and leave. Try and let them focus solely on CS while you fend off the enemy champs and keep an eye out for the enemy JG. Get your ADC fed and their ADC dead.
Kennen is a fun champ to use and is great for draining enemy CS. He's pretty flexible and super annoying to deal with. Hope this helped and good hunting.
"Their final moments approach."
"Their final moments approach."
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