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Pros / Cons
Vi's strengths and weaknesses
+ Excellent ganks
+ Great jungle clear
+ Amazing CC in team fights
+ Naturally tanky
+ Naturally high damage
+ Good counter jungler/duelist
+ Can lock down enemy ADC/mid in team fights
+ Can peel really well in team fights
+ Great initiate
+ Can carry a bad team
+ Very Mobile
+ No global pressure (isn't pantheon)
+ Q sometimes hard to hit, can be interrupted
+ Your own ult can get you killed if they're smart
Ability explanation
Blast Shield (Passive): This passive gives Vi a shield based on her max health each time she hits an enemy with an active ability. This shield is great for early ganks, skirmishes, jungle sustain, and late game team fights. All around an excellent passive that rewards you defensively for playing offensively. If you are very low and ignited or something, try to E or Q a minion if you have the shield available and you'll get a shield that might just save your life.
Vault Breaker (Q): This is Vi's signature move. This ability sends you rushing forward a variable distance and doing damage both based on how long you charged it. However, when charging, you are slowed and can be CCd out of charging. It deals crazy damage throughout every stage of the game and cc's the enemy for a short time. If you land one of these on the enemy it will very often lead to a kill. However, it can also be used very well as an escape. This ability goes through almost every wall if fully charged. It's also great for dodging abilities like Nidalee's Javelin Toss by just tapping the q button in a different direction. It also applies both Denting Blows to the enemy and Blast Shield to yourself. Max this ability for decreased CD and increased damage. At max rank the CD is very short, but early on it's nearly 20 seconds so make sure you use it correctly or you won't have it again for a while.
Denting Blows (W): This spell makes Vi's third auto attack or spell deal a % of her targets maximum health as bonus damage, reduces their armor by 20%, and increases her attack speed. This spell is very powerful for taking out those big tanks, increases clear speed, and really helps take out dragon/baron quickly. I max it second for the increased attack speed and % health, because it increases clear speed hugely and allows you to solo dragon very easily. Keep in mind that this does not apply your passive.
Excessive Force (E): This spell makes Vi's next auto attack to hit targets behind it and do additional damage. It also acts as an auto attack reset, so its best to use this immediately after having auto attacked, and you will auto attack again quickly after. If someone flashes away with very little health, with some fancy aiming you can hit them with this spell if you hit one of their minions. It also applies your passive.
Assault and Battery (R): Vi's ultimate ability is one of the best in the game. It pulls her to her target and knocks them up and knocks back any enemies she hits on the way. It deals a lot of damage to enemies and her target. This spell is great for initiation, picking, peeling, and gap closing. Be careful though, if someone flashes/dashes when you ult, you will follow them to wherever they end up, and that could be under their turret. Also be careful of Zhonya's, it breaks the tether of your ult and puts it on CD, so you basically ulted for nothing unless it was worth it to get rid of their Zhonya's. Put points into this ability whenever you can to decrease CD and increase damage.
Blast Shield (Passive): This passive gives Vi a shield based on her max health each time she hits an enemy with an active ability. This shield is great for early ganks, skirmishes, jungle sustain, and late game team fights. All around an excellent passive that rewards you defensively for playing offensively. If you are very low and ignited or something, try to E or Q a minion if you have the shield available and you'll get a shield that might just save your life.
Vault Breaker (Q): This is Vi's signature move. This ability sends you rushing forward a variable distance and doing damage both based on how long you charged it. However, when charging, you are slowed and can be CCd out of charging. It deals crazy damage throughout every stage of the game and cc's the enemy for a short time. If you land one of these on the enemy it will very often lead to a kill. However, it can also be used very well as an escape. This ability goes through almost every wall if fully charged. It's also great for dodging abilities like Nidalee's Javelin Toss by just tapping the q button in a different direction. It also applies both Denting Blows to the enemy and Blast Shield to yourself. Max this ability for decreased CD and increased damage. At max rank the CD is very short, but early on it's nearly 20 seconds so make sure you use it correctly or you won't have it again for a while.
Denting Blows (W): This spell makes Vi's third auto attack or spell deal a % of her targets maximum health as bonus damage, reduces their armor by 20%, and increases her attack speed. This spell is very powerful for taking out those big tanks, increases clear speed, and really helps take out dragon/baron quickly. I max it second for the increased attack speed and % health, because it increases clear speed hugely and allows you to solo dragon very easily. Keep in mind that this does not apply your passive.
Excessive Force (E): This spell makes Vi's next auto attack to hit targets behind it and do additional damage. It also acts as an auto attack reset, so its best to use this immediately after having auto attacked, and you will auto attack again quickly after. If someone flashes away with very little health, with some fancy aiming you can hit them with this spell if you hit one of their minions. It also applies your passive.
Assault and Battery (R): Vi's ultimate ability is one of the best in the game. It pulls her to her target and knocks them up and knocks back any enemies she hits on the way. It deals a lot of damage to enemies and her target. This spell is great for initiation, picking, peeling, and gap closing. Be careful though, if someone flashes/dashes when you ult, you will follow them to wherever they end up, and that could be under their turret. Also be careful of Zhonya's, it breaks the tether of your ult and puts it on CD, so you basically ulted for nothing unless it was worth it to get rid of their Zhonya's. Put points into this ability whenever you can to decrease CD and increase damage.
You should ask for a leash at your starting position (blue buff, #1), which means your team helps you kill it. When the buff gets to <390 health, smite it, but make sure your team is gone by then as you need all the exp. and they can steal it if they're too close. Spot 2 is wolves, which you kill smiteless (but with no leash.) Spot 3 is wraiths, no smite, no leash. Spot 4 is red buff, which you do want to smite. When taking camps, always attack the biggest enemy first, then finish off the smaller ones. After red buff, you want to gank at either one of the 5 spots. Choose between them based on which enemy is lower in health or which is more pushed. The closer to your side (and further from their tower) they are, the easier they are to gank. You can also start the game 4, 3, 2, 1 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4 if you want to gank a specific lane first or you want a better leash or you are afraid of getting counterjungled. Red buff start is usually safer if the enemy looks like they want to counter jungle you (like a Lee Sin with Ignite). After that first gank, or if a gank isn't possible, go back into the jungle, taking wraiths, wolves, and golems whenever you're not ganking. If your mid lane is someone like Karthus or Lux, try to give them blue buff next time it comes up, but if its someone who doesn't need mana like Katarina or Yasuo, take it yourself.
Team fights
What to do in team fights
What you do in team fights depends on who's fed on your team and who's fed on their team. If you're doing decent but someone on your team is doing better, you usually want to sit back and peel for whoever is doing the most damage. If someone jumps on them, try to Q them off, and if more people come or that didn't work, use your ult on whoever is most threatening to the highest damage player on your team. However, often if you have a support on your team who can peel very well or if they have one very fed person on their team and all your team is doing about the same, you can go offensive. Usually you just want to wait till you get an opportunity to ult them without dying. As soon as you get over to them, pop the [Randuin's Omen] active and charge your Q a bit then hit them with it. Though it won't be as much damage as a full charged Q, the length of CC from ulting them then getting off a Q is huge. By that point, their whole team is probably dealing a ton of damage to you, so you usually want to run away. They will often waste a lot on you to try to kill you. This is one of the main things that seperates a good Vi player from a bad vi player: knowing when to just leave a fight. So you ult and Q their main damage, then just try to walk away if you're getting a ton of damage. Then you want to wait till your Q is back up and go in again. You can very easily draw a lot of aggro from the enemies when they should be focusing other people on your team by doing this. Just use your Q, walk away. You get in a lot of damage and CC and draw their damage and CC so your team can win the fight.
What to do in team fights
What you do in team fights depends on who's fed on your team and who's fed on their team. If you're doing decent but someone on your team is doing better, you usually want to sit back and peel for whoever is doing the most damage. If someone jumps on them, try to Q them off, and if more people come or that didn't work, use your ult on whoever is most threatening to the highest damage player on your team. However, often if you have a support on your team who can peel very well or if they have one very fed person on their team and all your team is doing about the same, you can go offensive. Usually you just want to wait till you get an opportunity to ult them without dying. As soon as you get over to them, pop the [Randuin's Omen] active and charge your Q a bit then hit them with it. Though it won't be as much damage as a full charged Q, the length of CC from ulting them then getting off a Q is huge. By that point, their whole team is probably dealing a ton of damage to you, so you usually want to run away. They will often waste a lot on you to try to kill you. This is one of the main things that seperates a good Vi player from a bad vi player: knowing when to just leave a fight. So you ult and Q their main damage, then just try to walk away if you're getting a ton of damage. Then you want to wait till your Q is back up and go in again. You can very easily draw a lot of aggro from the enemies when they should be focusing other people on your team by doing this. Just use your Q, walk away. You get in a lot of damage and CC and draw their damage and CC so your team can win the fight.
Summoner Spells
Summoner Spells
Smite is pretty self explanatory on a jungler, 100% necessary. Buff/Objective control etc.
I would always take this spell on Vi. Flash Qs are DEVESTATING. A flash Q can very easily get first blood and are one of Vi's most important mechanics. It's also great for objective steals, escapes, etc.
These are the only two spells I ever take on Vi.
Summoner Spells
Smite is pretty self explanatory on a jungler, 100% necessary. Buff/Objective control etc.
I would always take this spell on Vi. Flash Qs are DEVESTATING. A flash Q can very easily get first blood and are one of Vi's most important mechanics. It's also great for objective steals, escapes, etc.
These are the only two spells I ever take on Vi.
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