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Warwick Build Guide by Murderman5

Jungle The Warwick Destroyer, It's your time to carry

Jungle The Warwick Destroyer, It's your time to carry

Updated on August 3, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Murderman5 Build Guide By Murderman5 5,903 Views 0 Comments
5,903 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Murderman5 Warwick Build Guide By Murderman5 Updated on August 3, 2020
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Runes: You can not warwick without runes

Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner spells :
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Ability Order The stepping stones for victory

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Warwick Destroyer, It's your time to carry

By Murderman5
Hello Everyone, This is my first guide and It is about my main warwick, I hope you like it, I am sorry but I won't be giving any of the abilities in detail, I'm sure you will be on track with them as this guide will help you master warwick, I have seen many people play warwick and finding it difficult using him and not taking the full advantage out of him, So i decided to make this guide, I hope you all can get better by looking at my guide and give a good bite to the enemy.
For WarWick, You must depend on two things, His conqueror and his lifesteal, Naturally for the conqueror to actually have an effect, You need attack speed, With attack speed and lifesteal alone you can even take out 5 champions without a problem, You must also take care of your health, Therefore we are going to take Stalker's blade with cinderhulk, Stalker's blade also provides life steal bonuses which is exactly what we need.
Now the game has started - - - -
Early game -
People have said Warwick is the strongest early game but do you use him right early game
We will now make a jungle path nobody dares to use
At the start you will move to the enemy buff, Use your oracle lens to detect the enemy, proceed to place a control ward at the enemy buff if you don't find anyone there, If you find someone, back away and secure your buffs at that side, You then secure the buff at the opposite side and then invade the enemy jg, Usually you'll find the enemy jg securing their buffs and then you directly jump to the opposite side of the enemy jg and keep attacking him together with the buff for extra damage and remember to use smite in the midst of the duel at the buff to secure it, That will lead to a complete victory and you will get both the kill and the buff then, Immediately then move to the opposite enemy jg buff and you'll find the enemy jg there securing the buff and you can easily kill him there due to the lvl difference
After this point, The enemy jg is destroyed and you'll have a lot more strength than the champions at the other lanes due to your high coin difference, With that you can buy items, With the items changes the entire tide of the game, With your attack speed, You can proceed with extremely effective ganks, You can calmly farm then and gank without having to worry about invading, That would lead to a cs disadvantage which would then take effect late game
You need to place control wards at the dragon or the rift, Call your allies to help you with the dragon, The enemy jg could take his allies and attack the dragon altogether, You could easily secure the dragon if he were to attempt to take it, By simply using your R, The enemy jg would easily die and you can kill the dragon and all his nearby allies
At late game, This is where the warwick usually dies more often, You need to rely on your team to deal the damage and secure the kill with them, Fighting 1 v 5 would lead to you getting destroyed, As your allies exchange blows with the enemy, You can easily chase off the champions with low health and can fight everyone continuously surviving for a long time with your life steal, At this point your allies must assist you and this will lead to you wiping out the entire team
Be careful, That's all for this warwick guide, Please read through the whole thing to have an idea of the mechanics of warwick, Have a good day and fear everyone around you
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Murderman5
Murderman5 Warwick Guide
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The Warwick Destroyer, It's your time to carry

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