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Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Top/Mid Lane
Champion Build Guide
Hey all! Welcome to my Theorycrafted
Kassadin build where if you hate yourself and everyone around you, you should do this build!

Who am I?
I am Trikanoid or Felix, a
Garen enthusiast, 4fun player, theorycrafter and small content creator. I've played
Garen for a solid 11 years and counting, not as in one tricking him, but rather on and off.
So your first question is most likely "Why is a
Garen main making a guide for
That's because I'm not a main nor am I an OTP, I'm just someone who plays 4fun and dabbles on a ton of champions.
I am also trying to bring back Build Diversity, after Riot destroyed their own game and made every role have its own must go build with no differences at all.
Although, this is an off-meta build as it is COMPLETELY different from what you should ever build on

So your first question is most likely "Why is a

That's because I'm not a main nor am I an OTP, I'm just someone who plays 4fun and dabbles on a ton of champions.
I am also trying to bring back Build Diversity, after Riot destroyed their own game and made every role have its own must go build with no differences at all.
Although, this is an off-meta build as it is COMPLETELY different from what you should ever build on

Why make this guide?
So I was playing
Kassadin in ARAM and we had a 5 AP team and I remembered my boy CryoBeats going AD
Kassadin with
Manamune and
Iceborn Gauntlet so I thought why shouldn't I try it out as well?
And so I did, here is the result:

Needless to say, I was pretty happy with the result and I believe this build should be doable in Summoner's Rift as well, as there has been previous results of Tank
Kassadin Top working from both CryoBeats and some Diamond+ content creators.
Although it's "AD"
Kassadin, you still deal a TON of magic damage :^)

PS: I'd love it if, anyone who tries out my build after reading, to send me their replays/highlights/vods/etc so I can see whether my theorycrafting worked for everyone or just in certain elos.

And so I did, here is the result:

Needless to say, I was pretty happy with the result and I believe this build should be doable in Summoner's Rift as well, as there has been previous results of Tank

Although it's "AD"

PS: I'd love it if, anyone who tries out my build after reading, to send me their replays/highlights/vods/etc so I can see whether my theorycrafting worked for everyone or just in certain elos.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading and I hope everyone who reads and uses this guide success in their games!
If you enjoyed and want to share your success, whether it be scoreboard screenshots/vods/replays/highlights/etc, please send it to my email: trikanoidbusiness0@gmail.com
Once again, thanks for reading!
If you enjoyed and want to share your success, whether it be scoreboard screenshots/vods/replays/highlights/etc, please send it to my email: trikanoidbusiness0@gmail.com
Once again, thanks for reading!
Some Clips
Just some clips of me facetanking the whole team for no reason whatsoever and not dying :^)
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