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Choose Champion Build:
Thresh Support
Thresh AD
Building (<Support-Build>)
It is important that you buy the

passive that it will be removed by himself from your inventory but the bonus is already there.
You get that bonus when you grow up 3 level with that item in your inventory.
I like the
Mobility Boots more than the
Boots of Swiftness, cause i love the high mobility you can get from it to support your allies as fast as possible.

In the Offense-Tree is the one Point on the "Summoner's Wrath" which increase the effect
of your exhaust that you can pick as supporter.
In the Defense-Tree are 13 Points, and focussed on Armor, (some) Magic Resistance and additional
Health (cause you need to play as a Tanky Support)
In the Utility-Tree you put the other 16 Points, focussed on "Summoner's Insight", Mana Regen, Additional Gold, Additional Gold/10sec. and Supporterstartitems like the "Explorer's Ward" and the
"Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation".
In the Offense-Tree is the one Point on the "Summoner's Wrath" which increase the effect
of your exhaust that you can pick as supporter.
In the Defense-Tree are 13 Points, and focussed on Armor, (some) Magic Resistance and additional
Health (cause you need to play as a Tanky Support)
In the Utility-Tree you put the other 16 Points, focussed on "Summoner's Insight", Mana Regen, Additional Gold, Additional Gold/10sec. and Supporterstartitems like the "Explorer's Ward" and the
"Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation".
With that 9 Greater Seals of Gold you get 2,25 additional Gold/10sec.
With that 9 Greater Marks of Attackspeed you get 15% additional Attackspeed which are perfect
for better heuressement with you Q-Ability Passive.
With that 9 Greater Glyphs of Abilitypower you get 11 additional Abilitypower which scale with all your abilities.
With that 3 Greater Quints of Gold you get 3 additional Gold/10sec.

With that 9 Greater Seals of Gold you get 2,25 additional Gold/10sec.

With that 9 Greater Marks of Attackspeed you get 15% additional Attackspeed which are perfect
for better heuressement with you Q-Ability Passive.

With that 9 Greater Glyphs of Abilitypower you get 11 additional Abilitypower which scale with all your abilities.

With that 3 Greater Quints of Gold you get 3 additional Gold/10sec.
Something about Gold:
With the 9
+ the 3
you get 5,25 addtional Gold/10sec.
(9x0,25) = 2,25
(3x1) = 3
2,25 + 3 = 5,25additional Gold/10sec.
2 additional Gold/10sec. from
= 7,25 additional Gold/10sec.
5 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame) from Philosopher's Stone
= 12,25 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame)
4 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame) from Kage's Lucky Pick
= 16,25 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame)
1,625 Gold/1sec.
60 (sec.)
97,5 Gold/min.
10 (min.)
975 Gold/10min.
With the 9

(9x0,25) = 2,25
(3x1) = 3
2,25 + 3 = 5,25additional Gold/10sec.
2 additional Gold/10sec. from

= 7,25 additional Gold/10sec.
5 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame) from Philosopher's Stone
= 12,25 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame)
4 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame) from Kage's Lucky Pick
= 16,25 additional Gold/10sec. (ingame)
1,625 Gold/1sec.
60 (sec.)
97,5 Gold/min.
10 (min.)
975 Gold/10min.
Start with a
Long Sword for some more damage on autoattacks and your passive on your
Death Sentence.
Go on with the
Berserker's Greaves and the
Vampiric Scepter for attackspeed and lifesteal.
Then buy the
Blade of the Ruined King for more damage on tanky Supporter and Jungler and for more Attackspeed.
Continue with a
Bloodthirster for more heavy damage with Autotattacks.
Then buy 2x
Zeal so that you can upgrade them fast to
Phantom Dancer for much more attackspeed and critical chance.
End it up with an
Infinity Edge.
Don't forget the
Eleisa's Miracle until level 15!

Go on with the

Then buy the

Continue with a

Then buy 2x

End it up with an

Don't forget the

I think the
Berserker's Greaves are the best boots for AD-Thresh,
because he need much attackspeed that he can deal as much damage as other AD-Carries.
With that build you've ca. 1,7 Attackspeed

because he need much attackspeed that he can deal as much damage as other AD-Carries.
With that build you've ca. 1,7 Attackspeed

With that 9 Greater Seals of Scale Attackdamage you get 9,72 additional Attackdamage on Level 18.

With that 9 Greater Marks of Attackdamage you get 8,55 additional Attackdamage at the beginning.

With that 9 Greater Glyphs of Attackdamage you get 2,52 additional Attackdamage at the beginning.

With that 3 Greater Quints of Attackdamage you get 6,75 additional Attackdamage at the beginning.
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