LoL Best Thresh ADC Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Thresh ADC on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Thresh ADC builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 5 Guides
Thresh ADC - Carry Yourself
Chaining Kills - Aggressive Support Tank (Season 5 Update)
Season 5 Builds
Thresh Hook Master High Elo
pure tank thresh
5.18 updated Adc Thresh
AD Thresh: The Life Stealer
ADC Thresh - Hook It, E It, Hit It, Feel It
ADC Thresh, The Mind Destroyer
tanky adc that can 1-2 shot people aka adc thresh
"Wretched mongrels get the leash." ADC Thresh
Threshest ADC in botlane
Thresh ADC
The Chain Warden, Thresh (Tank Support) *Season 5*
Windmill Thresh
(S5) Out Cannon the Glass Cannons - Anti-Everything Thresh G
Thresh - The soultaking ADC [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]
Thresh - The Hybrid Adc STACK GOD~!
Adc Tresh #recks you! ((My first guide))
Season 4 Guides