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Thresh Build Guide by ninjaboyangel

ADC (S5) Out Cannon the Glass Cannons - Anti-Everything Thresh G

ADC (S5) Out Cannon the Glass Cannons - Anti-Everything Thresh G

Updated on January 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ninjaboyangel Build Guide By ninjaboyangel 6,424 Views 1 Comments
6,424 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ninjaboyangel Thresh Build Guide By ninjaboyangel Updated on January 15, 2015
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My name is IcedTea17 and i have been playing ADC for a long while. I play evrything but support, and have been wanting to put Thresh to more use than just hooking the enemy Glass Cannons. Now Thresh is special because his abilities are AP, and he gains Armor/AP from souls he gathers from dead enemies, but his basic attack really makes him stand out. It is a scythe on a chain that he swings(and it goes quite far), but it is non-projectile meaning Yasuo's wind-wall can't block it. That is why you can take advantage of Runaan's Hurricane so well.
Now we can "Out Cannon the Glass Cannon" and Steal Souls at Hyper-speed.
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Pros / Cons

    Good CC
    Ranged non-projectile Basic Attacks
    Can Chase very well
    Does lots and lots of damage

    No escape
    Abilities do very little damage if almost none
    Very Slow
    Is Shutdown by CC
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Just be wary of champions that have lots of strong CC and try to keep them from farming early game, as they will shut down your rapid basic attacks and you will get killed very quickly.
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Skill Sequence

I Recommend this order for Team Fights(3 or more enemy champs)

Q,Q,R,W,E,Basic Attacks, E(away or behind depending on if you winning or losing), run or chase with Q,E,Basic Attacks

I Recommend the order for Regular Fights(2 or less enemy champs)

Q, wait till they reel in, E behind you, Basic Attacks, and repeat if necessary.
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Unique Skills

You want to keep your Q up because when someone is running from you, you can just hook them and finish them. Your Q is also good for getting into Team Fights because you can hook someone and reactivate it to pull yourself in.
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Once you get RH, and PD, its only a matter of spamming your right mouse button until everything in your vision is dead.
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Thanks & Feedback

Thanks for reading my guide, i will be adding more to the "Guide" part, and I'd appreciate any feedback you have and happily welcome suggestions!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author ninjaboyangel
ninjaboyangel Thresh Guide
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(S5) Out Cannon the Glass Cannons - Anti-Everything Thresh G

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