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Recommended Items
Ability Order
The Relentless Storm (PASSIVE)
Volibear Passive Ability
Guide information :
1. Runes
2. Masteries
3. Items
4. Skill Sequence
5. Spells
6.Pros / cons
7. Teamwork
8. Unique Skills
9. Farming
10. Final notes
Alright , so for the items . a big chapter that decides what role you will have in the team . volibear can be played very diffrently actually , making him an assassin or a tanky bear nobody can stop . its all up to you . My regular starting item is usually the dorans shield if im fighting a renekton etc , but if im going against a darius or someone with high atk dmg then i would suggest you guys to get a cloth armor and 5 HP potions .
Now for the core items , this is very it gets tricky . you cant buy the same items vs all summoners because some are most likely just going to grab some lifesteal then lifesteal everything you've harrased which is not good , thats when your able to get a vampiric scepter INSTEAD OFTHE GIANTS BELT . There are even some games where you wont be needing a warmog due to its recent nerf .
. feel free to get an avarice blade if you notice ur falling slightly behind in creeps or because you need that extra burst to knock someone down , NOT ADVISED VS A DARIUS . a reminder if you'll be fighting darius . dont buy Mresist , get some armor and Damage since you cant trade dmg when he has the same dmg and health as you due to his ultimate .
Now for the core items , this is very it gets tricky . you cant buy the same items vs all summoners because some are most likely just going to grab some lifesteal then lifesteal everything you've harrased which is not good , thats when your able to get a vampiric scepter INSTEAD OFTHE GIANTS BELT . There are even some games where you wont be needing a warmog due to its recent nerf .
. feel free to get an avarice blade if you notice ur falling slightly behind in creeps or because you need that extra burst to knock someone down , NOT ADVISED VS A DARIUS . a reminder if you'll be fighting darius . dont buy Mresist , get some armor and Damage since you cant trade dmg when he has the same dmg and health as you due to his ultimate .
Skills , MAx out your W first , no matter what , go on investing some points in either your Q or your E depending on whom your fighting , for example , if your fighting someone that has some nice escapes , but which your able to reach to before he/she uses her escapes then id suggest maxing out your E because the movement speed recution will be far greater . if your fighting some SQUISHY fk like teemo then i would suggest you to play aggressively earlygame and max your Q since he will have to use his W to escape which costs more mana then your Q making it a winwin situation .
Alright , theres several spells you can use actually but take heal-flash vs someone that has a healing reduction , yes you heard me . someone with a healing reduction . Why ? . Pop the heal early and you will gain some extra hp , you will then be able to burst him down a bit more , making the enemy player desperate and hopefully popping his ignite before your passive will come on making you use your passive without ignite . if he hasnt done that well , then hes dead.
Viable options Are :
Here's a vid of me playing volibear in the solotop lane vs a darius .
Viable options Are :
Here's a vid of me playing volibear in the solotop lane vs a darius .
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