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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Standard ability order
The Darkin Scythe (PASSIVE)
Kayn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
His all in is too much for you, even if you dodge his Q sweetspot.
Anything with good cc to start a fight is good. Think of a Seraphine, a Yone, etc, etc.
Anything with good cc to start a fight is good. Think of a Seraphine, a Yone, etc, etc.
Champion Build Guide
-Agains majority of the top lane roster you can try to get a lvl 1 cheese. Just don't start the trade with Q. Instead get close, auto twice or thrice and then use Q, then keep auoting. This is because early Conqueror increases the damage of your Q by a lot, plus the enemy never expects it. A small list of champions you can do this to:
Illaoi. Sett. Garen. Jayce. Riven. Mordekaiser. Kayle. Sylas. Cho'Gath. Urgot.
-Similarly, you can do this at lvl 3 if you get 2 points on Q instead of taking E. What you want to do is auto twice or thrice, Q, auto again, W, auto until you get Q again. You can use ignite at any moment of that. Champions you can do this to are almost the same as above, but against most of them you have to get lvl 3 before them, or else it won't work. In case you want to know, if you both are lvl 3 you can only do this to kayle from the above list.
-Be confident about your damage unless the enemy is ahead of you by a lot.
-This comes out on its own most of the time, but you want to trade close to walls to heal with E/ escape if it looks risky.
Last update: July 21st, 2023.
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