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This should be easy for u, he does everything based on hes passive and Q but u can counter him pretty hard on it so u should be fine as long u dont get in hes crit Q!
50/50 can help u much here if she is good u are kinda RIP but if she dont use her passive rigth then u have the upperhand just stay focussed on her cd and get some assist from ur JG.
Chogath aint the biggest problem early.. however he can stack some HP and if he goes AP and he hits all hes abilities ur kinda ****t so keep hes cd early in mind and if u play it cool u can 1v1 him be aware of hes JG.
I am Darius main and i can tell that if u 1v1 a Darius u are having a hard time... if u do play aigenst this ******** champ just dont try to go in melee range or he will hook u and run u down with Ghost.. ask ur JG for some assist if it is viable!! but he is a ban worth so dont **** with urself xd
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is super easy to deal with just dodge hes Q and ur fine :) late game it can be different so keep in mind late game mundo is pretty big.
She is rigth away a ban worth.. just avoid to duel her cuz she will poke u down and R u in ur face + passive so u cant win that.. just ask ur JG to assist (no assasin pls just amumu or something that can stun)
The barrels can be ****ing anoying and hes poke but i can run him down and do a good trade so depends on what u do and what he does.
Darius but not on drugs actually.. so Garen is okay to deal with pre 6 but after 6 u have to be alert cuz if ur low and he has R he can flash in ur face and R u away due to hes true dmg and missing HP so keep in mind! ask ur JG for some ganks.
From range to melee bruh.. u can smack him if he is range but if he is melee be aware of hes dmg output it can be painfull but u can trade pretty good with him.
**** her i cant say more i always ban her cuz she just wants u to figth her and then she turns the table.. she e's in ur face and her passive helps her alot so she R and BOOM deletes u with her ****ing tentacles or something so just perma ban her or dodge.
Like Fiora a great 1v1 but due her passive she can outdmg u so keep her Q stack in mind and use her Q stack as bait so u can E and Q in her face for good trades if u cant.. just ask ur JG for assist.
Jax is ****ing useless early game so take advantage of it :) but if u **** up ur ruining the game.. be aware of hes cd and counterstrike cuz thats hes whole kit actually.
Melee and range aigen.. he can be anoying if he is ranged but u can run him quite down but be aware of hes R he can transform and knock u back or just turns the table if he is good so keep in mind.
U smack her so hard with BORK omg but if her JG ****s u on toplane and she got the kills u are gonna have a hard time and so does ur team.
I actually never play aigenst a Kennen anymore but he is ok to deal with no high dmg output and u can run him down just take some MR and AD and ur ok.
He is just ur twinbrother xd
He has actually the same STANDARD runes as u so u both can trade pretty good UNLESS if he lost hes bird and u almost finish him and he calls hes ****ing ugly bird back ur dead so keep hes pet in mind.
EZ CLAP man he does 4 Q's early and has no mana so thats lucky for u but if he goes AP ur kinda ****t if he goes tank ur happy just go BC and titanic and ur fine.
The brother of Malphite lol but he is ok to deal with keep hes passive in mind and u should be fine.
Very hard to deal with due to hes great dmg output in 1v1 so if he stacks hes passive u are taking a **** ton of dmg and hes Q does heck of a dmg in 1v1 so keep the cd in mind and hes R cuz if he R u there is no way out!
Nasus is no match for u, u can run him down ez and play lane bully but be aware of hes stacks the higher the stackts the more testosterone he gets and then he figths u and u lost so dont give him free stacks an be aware of vision!
He does everything what u do but better so he is a ban worth nothing more to say........
He is cool to deal with just simple trades and u should be fine.
Same as Ornn just cool to deal with but she can poke quite a bit so keep her passive in mind and build some armor shred like BC.
Ok to deal with but he can wombo combo ur *** pretty hard and DONT figth him when ur low cuz he waits for hes cd and stuns and execute u with Q so look out for that.
Quinn is a champ for *****s so if u play aigenst her just dodge or u just wanna get ur *** ****t cuz she pokes and kite u down like a baby u cant do much.
He is an insane lane bully so u wanna ban him but if u do play aigenst him wait for hes Furry to go down and ask ur JG for help if u are behind u cant do **** if ur winning lane u are happy cuz he cant do **** then so depends on what u do.
I mean i dont see Rengar top often but he just use the bushes to **** u up but u can deal some good dmg to him so ur kinda ok just build some armor and BORK.
Like Aatrox but human so she wanna triple Q u and if u ate her Q's congrats ur a dummy.. just look for her cd and u can deal some dmg here and there or ask JG for help.
Teemo but with brains so he is full AP and thats good for u so u can build some MR and he cant even touch u so ur fine.
Without items he cant do much so u can bully him around but he is ranged so keep in mind but if he does have items he can do some dmg just get some MR and BORK and u can run him down.
U dont have to worry about him due he is a tank and cant do **** to u :O he can poke some around but u do way more dmg just get BC and titanic and he just camps under hes own tower.
It is 50/50 if he is good ur screwed if he is bad ur happy cuz then u are prob fed.
He is so funny to play aigenst xd hes dmg is based on hes Q but if he does Q u can cancel hes Q with ur E so he cant do **** actually so gg's.
U dont win and u dont lose, and with that i mean he does the dmg and u run to him and u do the same dmg back.. depends on how greedy u or he is so play tactic aigenst this *****.
He can bite ur **** of over and over but u outdmg him anyway UNLESS hes JG pops in ur toplane then u are ****t.
If u play Tryndamere... **** u, so ther problem with him is he wants u to melee him so he can ****ing crit ur *** and dives u so perma ban worth or dodge.
He is ranged but u kinda outdmg him just wait for hes dash shield cd and u can run him down ez but be aware of hes JG.
I ****ing hate her if she is good she does some good dmg but if she ****t up u can turn the tables and INSTA WHOOP HER *** with a Q and E and W for the finish.
He is ranged but does no dmg ranged everything is based on hes abilities so take spirit visage and ur ok.
He can be pretty painfull with hes combo so wait for hes cd and u can turn the tables or just ask ur JG for assist.
Ehm this is a tough Monkey, so you can figth him but he outdmg a bit so i dont wanna fight him untill u have some items or ask ur JG for ganks.
This should not be a problem due he is ****ing useless early aigenst u but if he is fed and runs to u just ****ing run away or TP away cuz that is gonna hurt
Yasuo's clone but better mobility IMO cuz he can leave hes body and run to u and do unfair dmg so be aware of that.
U dont see him very often but he does everything based on hes stacks and monsters so be aware of it.
Hey there my name is Stijn and i live in the Nederlands :)
I played this game now for almost 3 years and i play every role but mainly Toplane and Jungle.
As u can see i made a page for Sett cuz i like Sett and i tougth by myself that it would be funny to make a page like thi xd so here u have it :) If u have any questions just ask them. It would be great if u rate my page and have a nice day!
+ lane bully
+ Can escape with R
+ Hard AA
+ Scales really well into games
+ Brings Great preasure to lanes
+ Can stun with E
+ Can take and output great dmg with W
+ Great duelist
- Melee Champion
- Can be hard focused in team fights
- CC can ruin your day
- Takes a little bit of time to get strong
- Hard to come back if behind
- Need good positioning in fights
- U can get kited pretty ez
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