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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
For Runes I take 4 attack speed Marks and 5 attack damage Marks I find that the attack speed marks help me build up fury quicker so then I can bully my lane opponent for Seals I take all flat armor this is good against most ad top laners. For Glyphs I take 4 attack speed glyphs this is also for quickly building up my fury and then I take Magic resist for the rest of my Glyphs for Quints I take all life steals I find this really helps against any laner but especially against high damage dealer because it allows me to quicky build my health back up
For starting Items I recommend starting cloth armor 5 pots. But if you are up against someone weak early I recommend the Elixir of fortitude and pots to get a good early start. For my Core items I normally go high damage and life steal so I can get into a fight a burst down there Adc and Mid laner. For defensive items I recommend items that would help you against the enemy team but items that also help you team the main defensive item I build is Guardian Angel. For Optional I recommend you use some of these they can help you greatly against some opponents the main items I would build from my optional is the last Whisper.
Highest physical damage in the game
Super strong Early and late game
One of the best split pushers
High mobility
Very good sustain
OP ultimate
Easily clears jungle camps on low levels
Capable of doing fast dragon/baron
Great at 1v1
Relatively weak early game
Item dependent
Can be kited
Not so good in team fights, especially vs heavy cc
Once behind, hard to get back
Can be countered in lane with poke/cc
Highest physical damage in the game
Super strong Early and late game
One of the best split pushers
High mobility
Very good sustain
OP ultimate
Easily clears jungle camps on low levels
Capable of doing fast dragon/baron
Great at 1v1
Relatively weak early game
Item dependent
Can be kited
Not so good in team fights, especially vs heavy cc
Once behind, hard to get back
Can be countered in lane with poke/cc
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