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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
A two second stun on a six second cool down? That means you can stun someone for up to 25% of the time that your attacking him. Twisted Fate is a tank champion created by Riot so that his only goal in team fights is to constantly stun people.
Now if you have played Twisted Fate before as AD or AP, I want you to think back and remember all the times you fed or did zero damage with him. In the current meta, AD and AP builds do not work because Twisted Fate does hardly any damage. Going AP Twisted Fate is like going AP Malphite.
This build shows you how to build Twisted Fate as a hardcore tank champion. I tested it with my teammates on Digntas and Moscow 11.
Chalice of Harmony - Gives you mana to stun more.
If your laning against AD or AD is the majority of the damage:
Frozen Heart - Gives armor and cooldown reduction so you can stun more.
If your laning against AP or AP is the majority of the damage:
Banshee's Veil - Gives HP and MR. In addition, it negates a spell that could cc, so getting it lets you stun more.
Warmogs - for HP
Phage - for cc
Chalice of Harmony - Gives you mana to stun more.
If your laning against AD or AD is the majority of the damage:
Frozen Heart - Gives armor and cooldown reduction so you can stun more.
If your laning against AP or AP is the majority of the damage:
Banshee's Veil - Gives HP and MR. In addition, it negates a spell that could cc, so getting it lets you stun more.
Warmogs - for HP
Phage - for cc
In team fights you should initiate the fight and stun their heavy damage dealers and assassins. Always use gold card because no other card is useful. You should use your ultimate to gank stragglers with your gold card. Make sure you get gold card before you port so you stun right away. You are the tank so remember to protect your carry and soak up some juicy damage.
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