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Twisted Fate Build Guide by WillStormz

Twisted Fate Support God

Twisted Fate Support God

Updated on December 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WillStormz Build Guide By WillStormz 28,846 Views 0 Comments
28,846 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WillStormz Twisted Fate Build Guide By WillStormz Updated on December 19, 2013
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Skin Choice

The magnificant TF is the best for support TF, the skin bonus of +37% effectiveness of CC allows for you to become so OP and make the most use of your red buff.

Other skins are best used for other positions as dont provide CC bonuses.
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The Runes

Seals: GP10 helps you get to end game faster, you'll most likely be there at 10 mins thanks to the 1000 gp 10 you get from these.

Quints: Scaling is always best for any runes, get it when you can. This provides loads of end-game CDR which is just OP on support TF

Glyphs: Scaling Mana Regen is broken as you need so much in the end-game

Marks: Marks of Health allow you to be as tanky as possible, TF has tcapitalise on this.he tankiest early--game, and this allows you to be super tanky in the early game.
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Get to know the build

The basics of how to play Support TF are this:
- Use W for amazing CC
- Steal Buffs and farm with SMITE (will go over after list)
- due to OPness only need to build movement speed and GP10
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How to use SMITE as Support

Smite is a very over-powered summoner spell in LoL atm, and could be used in every position, I highly recommend it on TF in any position as hes so OP ignite would be pointless.

Use smite in the jungle to steal buffs early game from your jungler, if you can take both initial buffs, well played. It may be harder to take the second, but one is enough. With season 4 changes they will probably use smite straight away on first buff, so you can use yours at the end to steal. They may not do the same on second buff so this can be harder. Just outplay and outSMITE!

Smite in the LANE
Smite in the lane should be used on the cannon minions, you need the extra gold more than the ADC. This will allow you to get more CC, and thus more kills, so your ADC actually benefits from this (despite how much they will wreck you with words in chat)
Not only this, but it also shows your dominance in the game as a support, make your ADC listen to you, as support you are a god.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WillStormz
WillStormz Twisted Fate Guide
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Twisted Fate Support God

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