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Twitch Build Guide by Jaypwn

Twitch Jungle -- Almost Guaranteed First Blood

Twitch Jungle -- Almost Guaranteed First Blood

Updated on September 14, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jaypwn Build Guide By Jaypwn 3,445 Views 0 Comments
3,445 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jaypwn Twitch Build Guide By Jaypwn Updated on September 14, 2014
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The Start of the Wall of Text -- Intro

This build allows for a strong presence early game, and if played right, the ability to burst down carries in 3-5 quick hits late game. This is by far the most fun jungler I have played.

EARLY GAME, you do a camp, then gank, and repeat. This allows for large map presence while trying to use kills as an income supplement in place of farming. This helps both you and your lanes, but you have to be careful about how squishy you are.

LATE GAME, you Q while just out of sight of the enemy carries, then move just out of their range behind them, and hit your Youmuu's, Sword of the Divine, and your Ultimate at the same time. In about 3-4 auto attacks with this, you should be able to delete the enemy carry(carries?).
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Always start red buff.

Use E to clear first RED faster, then get Q to gank middle immediately afterwards. As you round the corner from red into the river, you should be able to hit Q and go invisible just as you are about to exit the bush towards middle. Tell your mid-lane at the start of the game to never rush towards anyone until you are on top of or behind the enemy mid lane champion. Practice gives a feel for when you can start attacking. Try at all costs to avoid tower shots (or being seen by tower). Ignite with the first shot, ONLY E WHEN YOU CAN'T GET AUTOS OFF ANYMORE. Don't dive for the kill. Whatever happens, go straight to blue afterwards. Kite the monsters, then back for one or two longswords. Go do wraiths, then either gank middle again depending on how that went the time before, or go top. If neither is an option, go to wolves. Typically you will do one camp, gank, and repeat.

A combination of Red buff, Twitch passive, ignite, and Contaminate usually guarantees first blood, sometimes without any mid-lane assistance.
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How to creep -- VERY IMPORTANT

Hit the monster, then back up to almost where the monster wants to go back to its camp. THEN, if you attack then move sideways slightly away from the monster, attack again, move sideways away from the monster, you can avoid the big melee monsters from attacking you while keeping them from going back to heal. PRACTICE THIS IN A CUSTOM game FIRST. It is doable, but it is NOT easy until you get the hang of it. It is a hard balance to find the spot to kite away from that will keep the minion from attacking while also not allowing it to heal.
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Pull dragon back just like you would with a camp. You can take off about 1/3 of his health without him attacking you. Don't try to solo dragon until you have an infinity edge, and only on an as-needed basis when you have good vision and a team with you. You should always save E and Smite for when the objective has health just over your Smite damage. Use both at the same time for a strong, safe smite.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jaypwn
Jaypwn Twitch Guide
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Twitch Jungle -- Almost Guaranteed First Blood

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