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Recommended Items
Runes: VS Lane Bullies
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Allways .
Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You can Out play bad caits. Good Caits your fucked. Call JG or Ban It
Best Support in the game i think
Best Support in the game i think
Champion Build Guide
I do also stream , you can leave me questions here or on youtube or twitch and i will respond Promise !
Focus on Cs instead of kills unless your duo. If your duo your focus on your synergies
Well if your like me and did solo Q and dealing with toxic people first thing. Before you play. eat something good. make sure your focused . find some good music and practise your csing at the first ten minutes . Do this like 3 times. if your cs is increasing start ranked. Ideal you want 80 cs at 10 mins. If you can't do this keep practising.
You can keep track of thee other laners spells and abilities and cs.
You need to back him up. you need to be there first and hopefully mid is there. Free kills this will open the mid game for you to transitions. There are situations where you winning the lane phase ,and you can crab the crab for your jg.
time to rotate to hearld. Grab Herald Fight will happen. Win this fight. You can take hearld use it if there's still plates on the map. you want these plates . Go with team to ward enemy jg. look for safe farm. farm everything never stop farming but make sure your close enough to skirmishes . You should be able to 1 v 1 the top laner you can match him if you toplane is lack luster. essential farm till 2nd item. and looks for fights and have your team throw their bodies into the enemy and you kite . ACE them and they FF . Or type in all chat about how broken you are.
But take towers dragons farm enemy jg. ward baron always. Rinse and repeat. Even if your team is fighting a dumb fight focus towers and keep your mind on objectives. Unless the fight can lead into a tower or drag or something . Don't fight for nothing ! 20 mins take baron . or bait it. Make sure your shot calling if your fed. Lead your team to victory. Make sure the sidelines wave are always pushing during the entire game. This gives you vision and can setup plays . IF jgler is bot Run to Baron or bait and ace Take baron and win the game. Your Gold Congrats.
Your going to lose games. Don't get tilted never ff ! be consistent . Also have fun. if you having ranked anxiety lvl up another acct and only play vayne. That wave the pressure is off. You do need a pool tho so kaisa and jinx. are pretty good pool to have. The have a better lane phase and can 1 v 5 . This chapter knowdled is good for any champion in the game. Make sure you watch Vods , and pro players . Minic them and Practise kiting . NEVER Give up. And don't flame. /mute all in chat and focus. Don't play ****ed up or hi. IF this is important them you will do these things . I hope this was Informational. Http://
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