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Kindred Build Guide by BossyShark

Jungle Unstoppable Kindred - Patch 5.20

Jungle Unstoppable Kindred - Patch 5.20

Updated on October 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BossyShark Build Guide By BossyShark 2,883 Views 0 Comments
2,883 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BossyShark Kindred Build Guide By BossyShark Updated on October 16, 2015
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Hi there, my name is BossyShark and I am currently Gold elo. I have been playing Kindred a bit and really enjoy her as well as plan to master her and try to climb hard with her, shes unique and extremely fun to play... I see a lot of builds saying to get things like hurricane or go full AD or get Ghostblade and I just disagree with all of these things completely.. I feel like they either don't go well with her kit, don't do enough damage or just could have much better things instead, I have tested a lot of the builds that people are saying and just don't like any of them very much, so I made this and it has gone really well for me.... so lets get to what I think and have tested to know pretty well what should help you!
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Runes you are just going to want to go with either scaling Armour and MR or just normal, either works realistically I just prefer scaling so I have a better and more secured late game. You will wan't AD marks for some early game damage and attack speed quints for jungle clear and early dualing.
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Masteries I go 21/9/0, I like the tenacity a lot with Kindred as she is so much easier to have fun with and get around with when she can't be stun locked unless they have a full CC team. It also works better mathematically because in the end getting HP instead with Defense masteries you only get like.. 50 more HP early which will do next to nothing for you.
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Now the main thing I wan't to talk about here is the Devourer vs Warrior. I know that her E does not go with Devourer very well, although it does go with Blade of the Ruined King still, gives you a lot of attack speed, diverses your damage with AD and Magic damage and from what I have played helps Kindred scale way better overall.... now this does not at all mean that you can't go Warrior and still do good. I still enjoy the Warrior build, you get some armour pen, extra attack damage and don't nessesarily get set super far behind if you make a terrible play, so if you are brand new to Kindred, maybe start with Warrior and then move on to Devourer when you are comfortable but Devourer is definetly the way to go if you are confident with your Kindred play.

Next I wan't to talk about what I've been seeing other people want to build being like.. full AD Kindred and its just really un-nessasary. Its like seeing a full AD Udyr, you do more than enough damage already and you will just explode if you have no defensive items!
I recommend getting a defensive item that fits the team you're against like Spirit Visage for AP heavy teams, Deadmans plate for AD heavy teams and Randuins if they have a lot of auto attacking ad champs, I would say to get Frozen Heart but you need the HP as well.

Black Cleaver will give you a bit more HP and go really well if you get Furior boots by helping you kite, doing more damage with armour reduction, its a really good item for Kindred.

If the enemy team is heavy stacking armour get a last whisperer, otherwise if you are confident enough to carry go for a Zephyr, you'll get some more AD and attack speed as well as tenacity bonus which will help you a great deal, but only if they do not have much armour for whatever reason.
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Skill Sequence

I'm not going to go into great detail with this, but I do wan't to mention one thing.. A lot of people max Kindreds W second... Don't. Its literally useless, especially with this build. You are going to get a bit of CDR which will be good with your W and you really don't need the CDR on it THAT bad. It does not give a lot of damage output, the only reason I see it being useful is so you can spam your Q and chase people. Max your E second for maximum damage (And its a lot) and so your slow, your only little bit of CC can do more damage and help your ganks!!

Q max first for jungle clear
E second for damage
W last because why not
R inbetween cause duh.
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Pros / Cons

PROS of Kindred:
[*] Highly Mobile
[*] Loads of Damage
[*] Great sustain
[*] Snowball heavy
[*] Great scaling
[*] Amazing kitability

CONS of Kindred
[*] Squishy
[*] Low cc
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Final Words

Thank you for looking into my Kindred guide, this is my first guide as well so if there is something more you think I should do let me know :] I hope this guide helps you and makes sense as to why you should do all of these things.
If you did think this was a good guide leave an upvote and maybe i'll make more in the future!
Thanks for reading;
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BossyShark
BossyShark Kindred Guide
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Unstoppable Kindred - Patch 5.20

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