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Katarina Build Guide by YohTheRaw

Middle (Updated) [S8] Shunpo to high Elo! (In-depth guide)

Middle (Updated) [S8] Shunpo to high Elo! (In-depth guide)

Updated on July 22, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YohTheRaw Build Guide By YohTheRaw 7,224 Views 0 Comments
7,224 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YohTheRaw Katarina Build Guide By YohTheRaw Updated on July 22, 2018
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Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Welcome to my guide for Katarina, my name is Yoh and this is my first guide ever, hopefully after this guide, you should become a Katarina god, Good luck!

I used to play Dota all the time, and I was your typical Dota player yelling "LEAGUE SUX OMG!!1!!" but one day my friends made me play league with them, and a friend of mine picked me Katarina, and I was like "yeah okay whatever." and then I play the game and holy **** was it fun.

After that day, I got league on my PC, I was level 11 at the time, got Katarina and played her to 30, didn't get bored of her. never will.

A while back, when they announced the Katarina rework, I thought it's gonna be super bad so I started playing Draven, like A LOT of Draven, new kat comes out, and I think it's horrible, it's not fun, not the same Katarina anymore etc.

after like a week, I was like "**** this I'm not leaving my Katarina", So I kept practicing on Kat in normals until I got a Penta kill, and I fell in love once again.

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Pros / Cons

    Extremely mobile
    High burst
    Super fun!
    She got a scar in her face what do you want more?

    Very hard to comeback when behind
    One CC and you're dead.
    Easy to play, hard to master
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Champion abilities

Voracity (P) is Katarina's passive. Whenever a champion dies that Katarina has damaged in the last 3 seconds all her abilities cooldowns are reduced by 15 seconds. Also, if she picks up a dagger she spins and deals damage.

This is what makes Katarina, Katarina. Whenever you get a kill all your cooldowns reset and you can go ahead and kill the next person. That's why it's important for you to get a reset in fights so you can keep on killing!

Bouncing Blade (Q) Katarina throws her dagger and bounces up to 2 enemies and then the dagger falls to the ground.

The dagger always falls to the opposite side of the struck target.
You want to mainly use this ability to farm and poke enemies in lane.

Preparation (W) Katarina drops a blade on the ground and gains a burst of movement speed.

As the ability's name says, it's an ability to chase enemies and prepare for fights. We get in-depth about the combos in the combos section.

Shunpo (E) Katarina blinks to an enemy and auto attacks them.

You can control where to blink using Shunpo if you want to blink behind the enemy, you can use your mouse cursor and point on the back of the enemy and you will blink there, if you want in front of the enemy you can point in front of them and you will blink there. This also applies to daggers.

Also, picking up daggers reduces Shunpo's cooldown by 78 / 84 / 90 / 96%.

Death Lotus (R) Katarina spins in her place for 2.5 seconds throwing daggers up to 3 nerbay enemies dealing damage and applying grevious wounds.

Keep in mind this is a channel, that means if you move it will cancel.
Tip: You don't have to wait for Death Lotus to finish, if you get an enemy low enough you should Shunpo to them and try and get a reset.

Another tip: 3 kills resets Death Lotus's cooldown completely.
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  • Electrocute is the best keystone for Katarina. You can easily proc it with one combo, Q>E>W or W>Q>E etc. always take Electrocute

Sudden Impact
  • Sudden Impact is amazing on Katarina because of her Shunpo she can get some lethality and magic pentration each time she uses Shunpo and in the early game the extra stats will definitly help you to get an early kill.
Eyeball colletion
  • Eyeball Collection lets you snowball the game and get a lead when you get kills, and when you get 5 eyeballs you get some extra AP as well on top of that.
Ravenous Hunter
  • Triumph synergizes well with your passive, whenever you get a reset you get some HP back as well, combine this with Ravenous Hunter and you have a lot of sustain.

Coup De Grace
  • In teamfights you generally want to focus low HP champions so you can get an easy reset out of them, and Coup de Grace makes it even easier for you to burst them down.
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Lanning phase.

Lanning phase for Katarina is not in a bad spot right now. You can easily get a first blood using your level 2/3 combo which I will address and talk about in the combos section.

Farm with your Q and try to poke the enemy a lot using your Q as well, but keep the farm as a priority.

After 6 you want to move around the map and get kills and start roaming which will I talk about in the next chapter: The Mid-Game.
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The Mid-Game.

In the mid game(Which is when you hit level 6 and most people hit level 6 as well) you want to start roaming around the map and get kills and start impacting the game, you can't carry if you stay on mid lane farming, although farming is important that doesn't mean you just have to farm all game long without doing anything, you don't want to not farm at all nor farm all the time, but something in between.

So now you're looking to roam, but before you do make sure you pushed the wave into your opponent so they have to choose between farming and following you, if they follow you they lose XP and if they don't, you would have an easier time getting kills. Win-Win situation.

I believe going to the bot lane is a better choice than going for the top lane. Why you might ask:

1st: bot lane has 2 champions, sometimes 2 squishy champions (Like for example, ( Ezreal and Sona.) If they do have 2 squishy champions on the bot lane you would have an easier time to burst them and get kills. and even if they have a tank support they're mostly useless after you burst their ADC. So you can kill them too.

2nd: Your support might be able to help you get a kill by using their CC on the enemy ADC.

And I don't like roaming top because they're mostly tanky and harder to burst, and (Most of the times) your top laner doesn't deal that much damage, and on top of that, you only get one kill instead of two.

Oh and one more thing, if you kill their jungler and you're close to mid lane, try and take the enemy's raptors, they give a lot of XP and you can get the enemy jungler behind, you can do that in the lanning phase as well, but you have to make sure the enemy laner is away and you pushed the minion's wave.
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You have many options to choose from as starting items:

Doran's Shield is a good item against poke champs

Dark Seal while is good for sustain

Read the notes on the starting items on the start of the guide. I explain when to start which item.

Now to the main build:
Choose 1 of these options, depends on what's happening in the game.

First blood rush:

If you get a first blood before level 6 and you have 700g get 2x Long Sword your AD scaling is better pre-level 6 and you get more out of double Long Sword than any AP stats. After you get that, get a Hextech Revolver and finish Hextech Gunblade

Level 6 rush:

If you're level 6 or higher rush Hextech Revolver right away. and then finish Hextech Gunblade

Situational rush:

You can rush Seeker's Armguard if you're against an AD champion and you think you need it for example against Zed or Yasuo, and a Hexdrinker against an AP champion if you really need it. After you get it rush Hextech Revolver into Hextech Gunblade

After you get Hextech Gunblade get a Zhonya's Hourglass it's active is very useful and the armor it gives is also very good against AD champions. After that get a Void Staff since they most likely will have finished their magic resist items. Then it's more situational but I mostly get Rabadon's Deathcap and a Liandry's Torment.

And always try to get Sorcerer's Shoes second/third item, you need it to roam faster in the mid-game, so as soon as you finish your Hextech Gunblade, try to get it, or any type of shoes really. If you're going against a full AD team comp you can get Ninja Tabi and if they have a lot of AP or CC get Mercury's Treads.

So the fianl build should look something like this:

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Now let's get to the combos:
Level 2 combos
> > AA
> AA > > Walk to dagger > AA > > AA
Level 3 combos
> (On dagger) > AA > > > AA > > AA (optional, if you want to go on, AA if you don't you can use the last shunpo on a friendly minion)

> > > > AA > > AA

> > Wait for Preparation's dagger > (On dagger) > AA > > AA

Level 6+ combos

> > > > > > AA > > AA

> > > > > > AA
> AA > > > > > > > AA
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As Katarina, you shouldn't engage, at all. Your mission in team fights is to stay in the back wait for their CC to go down and then go to their backline and kill everyone. Your role should be cleaning up.

Some of you might be thinking, "But Yoh, what if someone is saving their CC for me? what should I do?"

Peel for your carry. Yes, Katarina isn't a great peel champion but if you go into the backline, you're dead. If you don't go in, the enemy team will just destroy your team because they're 4v5ing. Just stay in the back with your carry and if someone tries to go kill them, like a Zed maybe, you and the support help your carry to stay alive.
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Tips and tricks!

Now time for some cheesy tips and tricks to help you out a bit, I will be adding pictures/videos later on, please be patient.

1-wall jumping:

There are two ways to jump over walls:

Method 1:
Go to the edge of a wall, Press Preparation(W), and then Shunpo (E) to the edge of the dagger to the side that is near the wall.

method 2:
You can get close to a jungle camp and then use your Bouncing Blades (Q)on it and the dagger will drop to the other side of the barrier. Keep in mind you have to be a bit close to the monster you're about to throw your Bouncing Blades at so the dagger would drop to the other side of the barrier.

I know it sounds confusing, I will add videos very soon.

2-Shunpo ult reset
You should always W before you cast your Death Lotus, it makes your Shunpo reset and it also damages close enemies, so if they flash or ran away with 10 hp, just Shunpo, and they're dead.

3-Auto attack reset:

Your Shunpo (E) resets your auto attack, an auto attack reset can make you deal more damage in less time if you do it right, and will make you push faster, and also secure some minions. So what you wanna do is ALWAYS auto attack once before using your Shunpo (unless the target isn't in auto attack range. Don't suicide and walk through the five just to auto attack.) If you are pushing a turret, what you want to do is auto attack the turret, then Shunpo on a minion, then attack again, you can reset your Shunpo again with your Preparation and Bouncing Blades so you can use it a lot and can push the turret much faster.
~~~more tips and tricks Incoming~~~
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Thank you so much for reading my first guide

You can follow me on if you want to, would be appreciated a lot.

I hope you enjoyed and learned new stuff.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YohTheRaw
YohTheRaw Katarina Guide
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(Updated) [S8] Shunpo to high Elo! (In-depth guide)

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