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Malzahar Build Guide by buseph

Middle ßuzaharº

Middle ßuzaharº

Updated on June 5, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author buseph Build Guide By buseph 2,355 Views 0 Comments
2,355 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author buseph Malzahar Build Guide By buseph Updated on June 5, 2014
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To me malzahar's sustain is very important including my teleport. I specifically try to clear the entire wave and/or harass the enemy champ forcing them to recall as well and walk to lane while I have lost at the most 1 minion worth of exp during my teleport.
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Depending on when I recall and how well I am doing will determine if I buy a second and even a third doran's ring or chalice. If I am getting hit more than I expect then chalice but if I am inflicting more damage on them to where my enemy is backing off I will increase their discomfort with more doran's.
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skill order

Start with call of the void(Q) and stack the voidling passive to 2. I leash the jungler with a single call of the void over the wall and go straight to my lane as to not lose any exp while still helping the jungler to be a team player. With the 3rd voidling stack your next spell will summon a voidling. So i call of the void the largest amount of minions i can and potentially the enemy champion. Now that I have more sources of damage being thrown at them unless they're hiemer or zyra, i can easily hold them off til I reach level two to get malefic visions(E). From there I max (E) being my main source of sustain and harass without having to be in exp range. Even if I could not defeat my enemy I can hold the off without placing myself in harms way better than most champions. I (E) the lowest hp minions so I will quickly be granted the bonus mana for malefic's transfer to another target combined with doran ring(s) malefic vision's pays for itself if 3 minions die i do believe don't quote me on it. I will often use my (Q) to aid the malefic vision's push but also anytime my enemy champ moves in towards me farming freely (Q) silences them which most mid champs are spell dependent.
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Masteries are more of a preference, to each their own. But literally malz can sit in lane for a long time with 3 dorans and a hextech revolver.
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to run literally defenseless I suggest having a extended amount of experience playing as malzahar to begin with. Knowing your enemy is just as important. I have ran many different runes and I can feel the lack of early damage that I insist on without the 15 ap from Quints alone.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author buseph
buseph Malzahar Guide
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