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Varus Build Guide by The Fat Sheep

ADC Varus, Turbo funtime. (S5)

ADC Varus, Turbo funtime. (S5)

Updated on February 12, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Fat Sheep Build Guide By The Fat Sheep 46,503 Views 0 Comments
46,503 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Fat Sheep Varus Build Guide By The Fat Sheep Updated on February 12, 2015
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There isnt much to varus that there is to any other ADC. He has a rhythm to him though so you're gonna have to feel that out on your own.
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Early Game

Varus has some of the smoothest transition from early game to late game as ive ever felt. theres a nice easy perfect 45 degree line on his chart with all the runes and masteries and such i told you to get.


Farming is where its at with him. With the first point in his W at level 2 it gives you 10 free magic damage against EVERYTHING. that combined with the early flat AD makes it a joy to last hit those pesky melee minions.


Do not begin poking until level 3 when you have an extra point in your Q. its not worth the early game mana for you to spam your Q for meh damage. though it can be worth it (if your on blue side) to use it to harass their jungler at blue or even try to steal gromp with it.
That hundred something damage will really be annoying if they're trying to gank early and arent playing a champ with huge regen. other than that, use your Q to poke at their adc and support, whoever is more annoying and it will force them to stay back away from you as you plink away at minions.


Early game fights with varus can be VERY fruitful if your support lands some good CC. heres where that rhythm comes in with him, three shots, Q, three shots, E. Thats how you combo with varus, because that W burn with 3 stacks can really hurt when they didn't take any MR. the reason you open with the Q instead of W is that after the skirmish, you're gonna wanna secure that kill, and if you open with W the Q will still be on cooldown while desperately flash and burn ignite to get it, leaving you open to a jungle gank because you dont have jack for escapes.
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This is a tricky session because if they have an assassin or jumpy bruiser hes/shes gonna be on you. Varus does beastly damage in mid and late game teamfights if he has good peel. Heres what makes varus good though. His lackluster damage ult, yup you heard me. That 150+change ap damage ult will be your most useful tool in teamfights. if they're clustered, THROW THAT INTO THEM. it'll hold them in place while you shoot down their squishies and your team ********s them to back to platform. If that ASSASSin gets all up on you, throw it in his face, point blank because your team didnt peel and they will lose if you dont. throw it in his face and take half a step back and combo them with the 3Q3E. They should have either ran or be on the floor crying in agony as you bursted them down. The last thing i should mention is the preteamfight. poke poke poke with that Q, and if you see one of them out of position. like their ADC or squishy mid on the front lines, Tag them with your ult. they will poo their pants as their team dodges and runs away from them as not to get snared, OR stays and lets it jump between them locking them down and providing a top tier initiate BY YOU, THE ADC.
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i know, weird chapter but i wanted to bring this to light, late game if you're pushed into your base with only 2 nexus towers left, don't give up. Varus is the best defending ADC in the game, why? because of his W and hurricane. that W has a max damage on MONSTERS ONLY. you heard that. minions don't get a free pass on that 15% hp in magic damage that means you eat super minions for breakfast, YOU DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T HAVE INHIBITORS, ALL YOU SEE IS MORE FARM!
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Explaining the last item, Arclight skin, and other misc.


Your last item can be very important to making or breaking the endgame. Black cleaver is my favorite as that AOE armor shred is very useful if your team is AD heavy. same with zekes, but only get that if you feel you aren't contributing as much in damage as your riven, J4, or Zed who is just stomping out their team, it will help them and they will love you for that bonus lifesteal and damage. Botrk is situational as you should only really get it if they have some heavy HP tanks like zac or mundo, or their team is just generally healthy. Last whisper is better if they have built HEAVY armor as the 35% pen beats out black cleavers like 10+25% for heavier tankies it'll make your preteamfight pokes a bit stronger, but overall output not as much. but if they're bruisery, BC.


Just like Iblitzcranks hook being total BS, arclight varus actually provides a broken pay to win benefit. and that is his light based abilities contrast against the new rift much worse than his base skins black arrows and such. his Q and ult are MUCH harder to see, therefor avoid. this isnt totally necessary for this guide but the skin really does help.

Items, Why?

Q: Why Phantom dancer over static shiv?
A: The crit chance. IE only gives 20% crit, same with SS that only gives 40% making IE less effective, AND varus has no dashes. therefor no easy buildup for it.

Q: Why should i get level 2 trinket so early?

Q: Why do i wait so long to finish PD?
A: Zeal is there for 1 thing, movement speed. thats it, same with the aclarity shoes. also it gives you some more crit chance early game for your tasty IE. you can get Nazi boots if you WANTTTT, but when you run away, you dont stop to auto attack, you throw down your slow field and you gtfo asap.

That ends my varus guide, names The Ancient Sage (NA) im like bronze 1 and trying to climb out of it with my wonderful varus, he hasnt let me down so far.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Fat Sheep
The Fat Sheep Varus Guide
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Varus, Turbo funtime. (S5)

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