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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cursed Touch (PASSIVE)
Amumu Passive Ability
I am Nk Inc the jungler for Velocity Esports. I've played League of Legends since the
This build is for the jungle only, it is a general item path that works well for
Why do I love Amumu? Because killing enemies with your tears is the best weapon. Though honestly, Amumu is a very strong pick in solo queue and he can dominate team fights and if it goes very well for Amumu he can even carry unlike some other junglers who always require assistance. His ability to start fights is unmatched and he has great control of the game even when behind.
Twitter: @VelocityES & @Nk_Inc
- Strong pick in solo queue with a consistently high win rate.
- One of the champions with amazing jungle clear.
- Decent ganks before level 6, and pretty much unstoppable ganks after level 6.
- Strong team fight presence with a game changing ultimate.
- Objective control is also relatively strong when played right.
- Pretty weak levels 1-3.
- Huge reliance on blue buff at the start. Without it he has low mana reserves and a hard time clearing jungle.
- Very prone to getting invaded on because of the first two points.
- Once you have a bad start it can be difficult catching up.
- Very item dependent. If you don't get lots of big items, you'll find yourself (and your team) hurting.
I think Amumu is a strong pick in general and works great with almost every team comp. I don't really like him for poke oriented comps but he still does pretty well there too, though not as strong. His biggest weakness is his early game, so if your comp is designed for that early game pressure stay away from Amumu! He won't add much to that strategy compared to other junglers.
While he's a strong pick overall, Amumu really shines in an Area of Effect (AoE) comp.
Champions with a stun or a slow can also be a good pairing with Amumu. This makes for easier ganking in their lane (and being able to actually land your bandage!).
Early game aggression is hard to deal with on Amumu so trying to avoid picking into that is ideal. Champions such as
For me these are the only real summoners to take on Amumu if you're jungling. They're simply the best options. Flash allows for better
If you must lane Amumu,
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I find that this rune page fixes a lot of Amumu's early game weaknesses and lets him stay full hp in the jungle a lot longer while still allowing him to be able to better duel an invader. It also lets him solo the jungle well even with a bad leash or no leash at all making this the most versatile and safest rune page.
However, this rune page isn't the only option for playing Amumu. There are a couple other changes you could make depending on your game and the enemy team.
You can swap out the armor marks for
These are my normal masteries for playing Amumu. The Armor and magic resist masteries are not that gold efficient compared to others and with my rune page setup I don't even need them. So, I opt to take the more gold efficient setup. You now have the choice of taking the flat damage reduction or health masteries instead.
If you get blues all game and are going more AP/damage then these are the masteries for you. For example, an energy-based mid-laner such as
Spiderman over walls with
When ganking before 6 dont use
Not much needed to be said about this start. Standard jungle start for almost every jungler. Gives good damage against neutral creeps, gives good sustain and the machete builds into one of your next core items.
These are my core items. For the boots, get whatever works best for your game, either
You buy these items in the order that they're most needed. For example if you're up against a heavy AP team you can rush the
For your spirit item I really like
Like the title says, these items are great for a couple of different situations. The Zhonya's Hourglass is great against burst champions since you can activate it to dodge their abilities. It also gives you great AP damage and some additional armor. So, get it if you're against a champion like
The Rylai's and Liandry's combo is great against tanky champions like
The banshee's veil is also a good item to get for champions like
Abyssal scepter has been one of the default items to get on Amumu for a while now. It's a great item as it provides good AP damage and a passive magic resist drop for enemies while giving you magic resist at the same time. It's a good compliment for Amumu's kit and since it is relatively cheap it's usually a good pick up. However, it's situational because you want to prioritize items that work out better for your situation and for the game you're in.
Amumu’s teamfights are extremely flexible, as mid- and lategame his options are nearly limitless. Take a look at where you stand and where your opponents stand, in terms of strength.
Are you particularly fed, and do you have some AP items to bolster your damage and burst? Consider flash ulting onto grouped up opponents, even if you take some tower damage, to set your team up for easy clean-up kills. Use your bandage to catch people trying to flee from your tears!
Is the enemy carry fed? Try using your bandage to pick them off when they stick their noses out a little too far to cast a spell or poke you. Once your opponents have collapsed onto you to protect their carry, ult all of them!
Is your carry weak, or your opponents’ front line too strong? Keep your W on while you help peel for your carry. Use your ultimate on divers instead of being aggressive yourself. While your AD carry is able to kite and survive, he’ll thank you.
Is the game relatively even between both teams? Use your ult to catch as many people as you can, then bandage someone on the outskirts of the fight to make a quick getaway as you draw fire. When your opponents turn their focus back onto your carries, bandage back in to stun them as they overextend. Always keep crying and spam your E whenever you can, but beware of mana costs!
Are you particularly fed, and do you have some AP items to bolster your damage and burst? Consider flash ulting onto grouped up opponents, even if you take some tower damage, to set your team up for easy clean-up kills. Use your bandage to catch people trying to flee from your tears!
Is the enemy carry fed? Try using your bandage to pick them off when they stick their noses out a little too far to cast a spell or poke you. Once your opponents have collapsed onto you to protect their carry, ult all of them!
Is your carry weak, or your opponents’ front line too strong? Keep your W on while you help peel for your carry. Use your ultimate on divers instead of being aggressive yourself. While your AD carry is able to kite and survive, he’ll thank you.
Is the game relatively even between both teams? Use your ult to catch as many people as you can, then bandage someone on the outskirts of the fight to make a quick getaway as you draw fire. When your opponents turn their focus back onto your carries, bandage back in to stun them as they overextend. Always keep crying and spam your E whenever you can, but beware of mana costs!
If you are up against someone that needs blue your life will be easy. If your enemy jungler does not need you it is likely they will counterjungle so be extra careful and get a hard leash at blue.
You will be using your ult as much as possible on the enemy carries and staying in their face.
Make sure you are in good position and set up good engagements for your ult. You're in trouble if it's a bad engagement and you can't land a good ult.
You will be using your ult as much as possible on the enemy carries and staying in their face.
Make sure you are in good position and set up good engagements for your ult. You're in trouble if it's a bad engagement and you can't land a good ult.
Amumu is not meant to lane, but in the event that you get a troll on your team and you’re forced to lane, build defensively and play passively. Ranged champs in general will destroy you because you have very few ways to retaliate. When a jungler comes to gank for you, make your bandages count! Amumu has low damage output unless he builds damage so make sure your jungler is an offensive powerhouse. You probably won’t be getting much farm in lane so understand your role as a semi-tanky support champion. Remember, kills don’t mean everything, and dying to protect your teammates is worth it if you win the fight and the game!
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