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Vi Build Guide by plaweur

Jungle Vi-ctims do not wait.

Jungle Vi-ctims do not wait.

Updated on January 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author plaweur Build Guide By plaweur 2,079 Views 0 Comments
2,079 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author plaweur Vi Build Guide By plaweur Updated on January 7, 2014
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Hi guys !

Today I'm going to write my first guide which is going to be a guide about Vi which is, in my opinion, one of the greatest jungler of the League.

Hope you are enjoying it.
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What to do with Vi as jungler ?

As every jungler of the League, you have to do four basic things :

- Clear your jungle
- Gank/Countergank
- Counterjungle
- Decide of drakes and barons

That was the common points with every jungler of the League.

Now let's see what to do with Vi :

- Initiate
- Tank
- Defend your carries/outposition their carries
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Pros :

- Nice engage/escape with Vault Breaker
- Passive armor breaker
- Passive attack speed bonus
- Good clear of jungle
- Passive shield
- Great push of lane
- Free kill post-6 with your ulti

Cons :

- Weak gank pre-6 compare to some other junglers
- Q spell can be easily interrupted and is no so easy to cast with the slowdown of your movespeed
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Tips for lane phase

As a jungler, I suggest you to start at blue buff if you are on red side and start at red buff if you are on blue side to get a smiteless thanks to your botlane. That means you will be at your second buff between the top and the mid and then you'll be ready to gank or to plan a counter gank on one of these two lanes. But don't think it's the only possibility. This one is classical one, the one you usually do in soloQ. But you can also plan an early gank on botlane or whatever.

To know where the ennemy jungler is going to gank you have to go through his head. For example, you are red side, so you start at bluebuff. You arrive at redbuff and see your toplaner is pushing a lot. Go in toplane as if you were doing a lane gank and wait a bit to counter the ennemy gank. If he doesn't come then, gank in lane : if it's successful, good job, first blood, recall or go farm. If it's not you'll leave the lane. What could the ennemy jungler thinks about this ? "He has ganked top, so know he is not near to toplane, and I can gank". What you have to do when you fail firt gank in toplane is to try an other time. How to ? Fake a back, come back discretly, and try again.

This was just an example of what to do to get a first blood. It's to you to imagine a lot of situations. This one actually happens a lot to me, so that's what I share it to you. Just remember to always BE IN THE ENNEMY JUNGLER'S HEAD.

An other usefull tip : thanks to Vi passive, you can early tower dive champions sometimes. I mean, if they are midlife and underturret, try with your ally to harass him a bit and when you feel it, you can towerdive. I mean... it's possible but not against every champions of the League (the ones who can shield, stun, revive...).
By the way if an ennemy is missing on his lane, whatever your mate can tell, push the lane.

A last tip : when your mid is losing his lane, don't give him bluebuff. Take it for yourself and use it to make impactful ganks.
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Tips for teamfights

As a tank, you have to protect your carry and try to outposition their carries, as I told earlier.

Your ulti is a real great ally. It helps to determine the focus and you don't need any communication with your team to make them understand who is the focus. For example, if the ennemy team has an assassin he will probably try to one-shot your adc. Wait him to jump, ulti him and save your carry life. If you got advantage in teamfight, do not have any hesitation about engage with your ulti or your Vault Breaker (or both by doing a combo Q => R to come closer, in ulti range).
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