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Vi Build Guide by Drada

Top Vi - Punch first, ask questions while punching!

Top Vi - Punch first, ask questions while punching!

Updated on September 5, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Drada Build Guide By Drada 16,717 Views 8 Comments
16,717 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Drada Vi Build Guide By Drada Updated on September 5, 2013
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Guide Table of Contents
Summoner Spells
Ability Explanation
Ability Order

Hi, I'm Drada and this is my first Mobafire guide! Before I go any further I want to post this small disclaimer: I am not, nor will I imply that I am a professional player. I'm not highly placed in ranked, which is due to a number of reasons. What I do have however, is a decent amount of experience with Vi and I want to share what I DO know with those who do not, as well as post what has worked, and is currently working for me.
Vi is a bruiser-type champion that excels at getting into the thick of a fight, inflicting large amounts of damage, and disrupting the enemy team's positioning. She absolutely destroys carries and when playing Vi they should be your main focus. This build (and this guide) focuses on maximizing Vi's damage output while helping her also maximize her chasing ability.

Pros / Cons


+ Great burst
+ Good sustained damage
+ Kinda tanky with Blast Shield
+ Excellent chasing
+ Not too item dependant
+ Punches things. I mean come on, giant robot fists!

// Vi is adept at charging the enemy team's carry with Cease and Desist, destroying said carry, then proceeding to cause havoc for the enemy, usually tilting the teamfight in her favor.

- Still a LITTLE item dependant
- Pushes lane with Relentless Force
- Countered by very hard CC
- This particular build is pretty expensive.
- Caitlyn's always on her case.
- Nothing else that I've found.

// While Vi can make do with less items than other bruisers, she still has some reliance for her damage output. Not to mention hard CC champs, mainly root-related (I.E. Ryze, Zyra, LeBlanc, etc)have a tendency to ruin your day, except for during Cease and Desist


// For masteries we're looking to increase our lifespan and reduce the time we spend being slowed and CC'd. Therefore we're going with 9/21/0. You can switch out the Unyielding line of masteries with Relentless , but I feel the combination of Tenacious and a Zephyr takes care of slows quite well.


  • Greater Quintessence of Life Steal: When trading with your opponent, usually another bruiser, regaining some life, if only a small amount, can keep you on lane longer. This will allow you more time to farm and generally gain an advantage over your opponent. If you disagree with this tactic, I've found that 3 AD Quints also work.
  • Greater Mark of Armor Penetration: All of your damage is done as physical damage, so negating armor is a must.
  • Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: These will help you take just a bit less damage from those pesky little mage-types.
  • Greater Seal of Armor: Since a good deal of the time you'll be facing another bruiser, taking less damage from their attacks will prove invaluable, especially when combined with the life steal from our Quints.

Summoner Spells

Ignite: Just a lil bit of extra damage in case you fall short during your brawls.

Ghost: Useful in catching enemies who are trying, I repeat: TRYING to escape you. A good deal of the time past mid game I don't need this, but it's always nice to have.

Flash: For those who don't like to stray far from the normal summoner spells. However, I don't find it to be as much use on Vi as Ghost is.

Ability Explanation

  • Blast Shield: Your passive. Every time you cast an ability, you gain a shield for 3 seconds equivalent to 10% of your maximum health.Note, however, that this has an 18 second cooldown.
  • Vault Breaker (Q): Your main gap closer. You slow down while charging a dashing punch, increasing range and damage the longer you charge.Hitting an enemy with this ability knocks them back slightly and applies a stack of Denting Blows.
  • Denting Blows (W): This ability is invaluable. Not only does it deal a percentage of the target's maximum health every third strike,but it also reduces their armor and increases your attack speed temporarily.
  • Excessive Force (E): Your bread and butter. This ability resets your attack timer, does extra damage on your next auto-attack, and applies on-hit effects. Note, however, that the attack immediately after using this ability is slightly slower than normal.
  • Assault and Battery (R): Your coup de grace, your opener, chaser, finisher, and Michael Jordan slam-dunker. This bad boy locks on to your target, chases them down, brings them high into the air, then slams 'em down, making sure to knock aside anyone in your way. The best part is you're immune to disables while doing so!

Ability Sequence Order

> > >
Cease and Desist hits like a train and is extremely useful, so it should go without saying that it's obviously maxed first. Relentless Force is your staple ability. You'll use it for a major portion of your damage output. Following it up is Vault Breaker. As your main gap closer, it makes sense to lower its cooldown and increase its damage. Denting Blows I've found to be a one-point wonder. It does its job effectively even with only one point invested, you'll gain more benefit maxing this last.


Item Sequence

Boots of Swiftness 1000
Black Cleaver 3000
Trinity Force 3333
Frozen Mallet 3100
Zephyr 3100
Bloodthirster 3400

Since its recent buff it's an extremely strong item on Vi. Rage provides you with a miniature Furor buff, increasing your movement speed for striking and killing enemies. Not to mention the fact that you deal 200% of your base AD with the sheen proc. For those doubting that effectiveness,that's an additional 228 damage per Relentless Force, not to mention it gives crit, increasing damage further.

The slow debuff combined with the new Rage passive on the Trinity Force makes you a LOT harder to run away from.

A very solid item for Vi. More armor penetration means more damage dealt overall.

Extra movement speed, Tenacity , and attack speed. Just brilliant.

More movement speed? Yes, please.

100 extra AD when fully stacked and it gives you sustain with life steal so you can smash faces longer.


Your first and primary goal in team fights should be to take the nearest enemy carry, ball him up, and proceed to instruct him on how to properly perform a slam dunk. Following that, you need to peel for your own carries and disrupt the enemy team any way that's seen fit.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, unless directed to do so, with good reason, should you be focusing other tanks/bruisers. You may be able to take a hit, but at heart Vi is still a form of assassin. In case anyone reading this is unfamiliar, their job is to crush the squishies on the other team and serve them up on a silver platter.


Well that's my guide. Please upvote it if it's helped you. However, if you feel that I've erred in some way or there's something you don't agree with, feel free to leave a comment and let me know so that I may improve it. This is my first guide and I'm all too willing to learn from any mistakes I have made. I'm going to be adding a section for screens soon so if you try this out and want to send me your results I'd be more than willing to add it.

Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here, also for her guide on guidemaking.
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Drada Vi Guide
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