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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Hello I am LEmon Elephants and this is my guide on
Vi, the Piltover Enforcer.
Vi is a melee bruiser type champion that can go top, jungle, or (but not completely viable) adc. With a strong gap closer, escape, two knock-ups and strong harass
Vi is a force to be reckoned with. Please as with all guides, if you downvote give a reason so I can help fix my guide and make it the best it can be. Skim through if you don't want to read anything and feel free to just refer to the build if you want. Remember though to never follow a guide exactly as in LoL circumstances change and you need to adapt to that. Thank you and happy punching!

![]() Another typical starting item is the Health Pot. Now this is an item I love. Gain back health for later. Use it to survive damage over time spells and ad some health when your engaged in battling an enemy in lane. Overall this provides the survivability ![]() |
![]() The Black Cleaver is just such a strong item. Even after it's nerf its armor penetration is incredible. The cooldown reduction also increases your damage by making your abilities usable more often. It also gives you some attack damage and a little bit of health for extra survivability. This item really does it all............with style! ( ![]() |
![]() Trinity force truly is an amazing item. It gives you all you could ever want. Sadly while it gives you just about everything it doesn't focus on any one thing. This is a great item on ![]() |
![]() I love this item. I really do. Its health boost makes your already small health bars oh so tiny. The attack damage isn't great but it's nice it has any at all. The best part of it all is...... your basic attacks slow. It makes it impossible to escape you and gives you the edge in a battle as it is harder for opponents to out-zone you. |
These items are to be used in the appropriate circumstances. These will fill up your final two item slots and should be built to counter the opposing team.
Against AP
Against AD
For Extra Damage
![]() The Bloodthirster is a great item for boosting your AD. IF you want some more straight up AD this is your item. You must beware of the farming required for max damage these kinds of items make it so that your deaths are more punished because you lose damage that you must farm back. If you can be careful and farm well the AD boost is not too hard to keep. Also it provides life steal that can really help ![]() |
![]() Ravenous Hydra is such a fun item. The great attack damage will help you take down enemies and the health regen and life steal help you keep yourself in tip top shape. The best part of it all is it is melee only! We have an item that ranged people with the could have! haha... suckers. Back to business the Tiamat effect of splash damage helps make farming a breeze and you gain lifesteal from all people affected from the splash damage making your health soar when attacking minon waves. You'll never farm the same way again..... |
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