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Recommended Items
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Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Ideal Synergies
If you're low and he has his ult up, dont't hesitate to recall. If you don't recall and think you can outplay him, you're wrong.
Electrocute is normally used for the extra damage it deals along with her EWQER combo and does a lot of damage. Dark Harvest can also be used if you are confident in last hitting your minions and taking out jungle monsters to deal more burst damage to your target. Sudden Impact is a common choice due to her Shunpo's blink and it helps you instantly gain 8 Magic Penetration which helps deal more damage with your other abilities. Eyeball Collection also helps you get more AP by encouraging you to kill more enemies. Ravenous Hunter heals you when you damage your opponent with your ability which is a good combination together with Hextech Gunblade which helps you heal a lot of HP. Coup de Grace deals more damage to low health opponents which benefits you from your abilities and will be useful on team fights. Lastly, Triumph helps you to sustain in lane after killing a opponent, which means you might have a chance to outplay your enemy jungler due to its restoration of health.
Hextech Gunblade is your main item and helps you to recover health by using your abilities due to its 33% heal and helps you sustain early-game ganks easily. Luden's Tempest helps you to deal extra damage once it reaches 100 stacks and applies to nearby enemies as well. Zhonya's Hourglass is also a common item to use against AD mid champions such as Zed to prevent his Death Mark from proc(ing) by activating it. Void Staff is to deal more damage to your opponents if they ever buy any MR items. Liandry's Torment is also beneficial for sustain due to its increased health and AP as well as extra Magic Penetration, followed by its burn damage. Rabadon's Deathcap if you want more AP scaling with your other items, or Rylai's Crystal Scepter if you want to slow escaping enemies.
Flash is the most commonly used summoner spell as it grants a free escape, gap close or a dodge. Or, for example, if your Shunpo is on cooldown, you can Flash to the dagger to reset your shunpo and do an excellent combo. Flash is a necessity and helps you escape from heavy CC.
Ignite, on the other hand, helps you to deal true damage every second for 5 seconds and applies Grievous Wounds to your target which reduces healing and is perfect for a expert AoE champion like Katarina.
Ignite, on the other hand, helps you to deal true damage every second for 5 seconds and applies Grievous Wounds to your target which reduces healing and is perfect for a expert AoE champion like Katarina.
Pros :
- No Mana.
- Resets make her one of the easiest champions to score a pentakill.
- Can escape easily.
- Tons of AoE damage.
- Plays aggressive almost all the time.
- High mobility.
Cons :
- Very sensitive to ganks if her Shunpo is down.
- Very vulnerable to CC.
- Melee attack range.
- Only specialises in damage, nothing else.
- No Mana.
- Resets make her one of the easiest champions to score a pentakill.
- Can escape easily.
- Tons of AoE damage.
- Plays aggressive almost all the time.
- High mobility.
Cons :
- Very sensitive to ganks if her Shunpo is down.
- Very vulnerable to CC.
- Melee attack range.
- Only specialises in damage, nothing else.
Team work is crucial if you're playing a game as Katarina. Such as you need to know how to utilize your burst damage combo. For example, if Yasuo uses his Last Breath, you can Shunpo to the enemy and use Death Lotus. Or, if Jarvan IV uses his Cataclysm on 3 or more enemies, you can use your EWQER combo to deal sufficient damage to score a triple, quadra or pentakill.
Thanks for reading my first ever guide, and hopefully you will do well with Katarina by making full use of the knowledge I personally wrote here. One day, Katarina mains will flourish and benefit well in ranked games with high % win rate. (Hahaha xD)
Thank you for taking your time in reading my guide.
Love, iZrXx.
Thank you for taking your time in reading my guide.
Love, iZrXx.
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