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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
For guranteed kills
Ability Order Abilities
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
[Q]: Damaging ability that scales with AP, also heals you and healing scales with AP. Great source of damage.
[W]: You submerge in a blood pool and are invulnerable for about 2 seconds. You lose a bit of health using this ability, but you heal if you go over enemy champions and slows them. Long cooldown, make sure you save it for when you want to keep yourself safe from any damage source.
[E]: Another damaging ability from Vladimir that scales with AP. The ability creates a ring around you, dealing damage to enemies within it. Holding down this ability makes it so it charges and deals even more damage! This ability also takes away a bit of health from you too so watch out. The ring comes from Vladimir -> out, so if you were to try to hit an enemy champion that is hiding behind his minions, its only going to hit the minions.
[R]: Vladimir creates a pool in an area specified in cursor location and champions, minions, and monsters that have touched the pool get infected and you deal more damage with your abilites to the targets. After 4 seconds the infected targets take AP damage and heal you (Sales with AP).
[W]: You submerge in a blood pool and are invulnerable for about 2 seconds. You lose a bit of health using this ability, but you heal if you go over enemy champions and slows them. Long cooldown, make sure you save it for when you want to keep yourself safe from any damage source.
[E]: Another damaging ability from Vladimir that scales with AP. The ability creates a ring around you, dealing damage to enemies within it. Holding down this ability makes it so it charges and deals even more damage! This ability also takes away a bit of health from you too so watch out. The ring comes from Vladimir -> out, so if you were to try to hit an enemy champion that is hiding behind his minions, its only going to hit the minions.
[R]: Vladimir creates a pool in an area specified in cursor location and champions, minions, and monsters that have touched the pool get infected and you deal more damage with your abilites to the targets. After 4 seconds the infected targets take AP damage and heal you (Sales with AP).
-Start with your [Q] ability and just farm for a lot of the game.
-Your [Q] heals you and Vladimir has a bar that replaces his mana bar which indicates what state he is in.
-Only when you use your [Q] fills up the bar, and only by half. When the bar is full, you gain insane amounts of movement speed and your [Q] will be empowered, doing almost twice the damage and healing for tons more. But be very careful, you have about a second and a half to use your [Q] until your bar automatically resets by itself.
-Using your [W] or [E] can extend your blood rush (mana bar replacement) significantly.
-You can hold your [E] before pressing [W] to be able to use [E] in your [W].
-You also can hold [E] before flashing to do damage out of nowhere, jump scaring almost anyone.
-Your [Q] heals you and Vladimir has a bar that replaces his mana bar which indicates what state he is in.
-Only when you use your [Q] fills up the bar, and only by half. When the bar is full, you gain insane amounts of movement speed and your [Q] will be empowered, doing almost twice the damage and healing for tons more. But be very careful, you have about a second and a half to use your [Q] until your bar automatically resets by itself.
-Using your [W] or [E] can extend your blood rush (mana bar replacement) significantly.
-You can hold your [E] before pressing [W] to be able to use [E] in your [W].
-You also can hold [E] before flashing to do damage out of nowhere, jump scaring almost anyone.
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