This matchup is just straight up disgusting.
She outranges you,outpokes you and at level 6 she clears waves like blowing candles.
Don t let her stack autos and proc electro on you it will lead to her killing you.
Try to dodge her Q or pool it in case you can t dodge it you can also dodge her E with your pool .
Killing her is nearly impossible bcuz of passive.
At level 6 she is gonna use her R slow to guarantee her stun on you ,watch out for that.
You don t see him much in low elo since people don t play azir that often besides ONE TRICKS.
In this matchup you want to make him use his W and trade him with your Q levels 1-2 after level 3 he becomes a bit annoying because of his Q.
Match his push if he decides to shove the wave early.
Unlike anivia this champ is pretty easy to kill if you make him waste his E.
Remember your W goes under his R, be aware of him baiting you to R you into Tower.
Dr. Mundo
Haven t played against mundo since the rework tbh.
It s very unlikely that you will ever kill him in lane without jgle help.
Farm up get items and ignore him in team fights just go ham on his team.
If you don t play top it s unlikely you will ever meet him in your games but if you do just go phase rush or ghost and if he tries to kill you proc phase rush and run away he s just as immobile as vladimir.
Ah yes the void man.Alright this matchup isn t that "hard" early game in the sense that you can actually kill him and get a lead(how? poke poke poke).
That being said if he s really good it s probably unlikely he will die to you and at level 6 he beats you but it doesn t end there he keeps winning vs vladimir for the rest of the game.
This matchup is where experience and games surfaces knowing when to abuse him and when to play safe because you will die.
Secret tip: if you have and ad toplaner and the toplane matchup is good for you consider switching lanes.
Okay this matchup is annoying but not impossible.
Match his push as most malzahar players will just push push push.
As for how do you kill him just poke him constantly he has no sustain besides pots while you heal, if he plays really safe he s pretty hard to kill.
At level 6 it s dangerous to get ganked bcuz if you get ulted you are dead.
If you get some decent poke you can kill him at level 6 just make sure you R before he R's and you must be full hp.
Her range is so cancer for vladimir and her empowered autos hurt.
Try to last hit as good as you can and watch out for her E pool it if it goes through minions as the stun duration is increased and offers her a free combo rotation on you meaning you can t lane anymore.
Doran shield is viable this lane or got teleport watch out level 6 since her R also give her a shield and most neeko players will opt for perfect timing which means they ll get a free stopwatch.
This one i think is more about who has more experience on their champion.
If she s good it s hard or EXTREMELEY HARD but if she s bad it s freelo.
She is pretty squishy so if you chunk her you can kill her , the problem is hard constant poke dont allow her to poke you 2 hard if she has ignite, if she doesnt trade her as you outsustain her and force her tp.
To be honest he s like a vladimir but just blue.
Most ryze players will run phase rush and tp as ryze outranges you he will outrade you and run away with phase rush before you can do much.
If he s a one trick it s unlikely he will die to you but it s not like he s unkillable.
Be careful of his gank setup with his W root and don t sit near minions allowing him to get free dmg on you.
If he doesn t space you correctly you can kill him.
Viktor is really strong right now and he outrades you unless you have empowered Q, try to not get hit by every E and don t let him get his Q auto on you for free.
You can kill him if you trade smartly be careful if he has ignite.
Tading smartly meaning:
if he s in your q range for example don t just q him, auto +Q him.
if he s not behind minions you can also short trade with auto+Q+tap E proccing electro on him.
another scenarios are where he uses his cooldowns on minions.
Since her rework she is really annoying because its really hard to kill her after level 6 if she has R.
She will probably start W into you trade her with auto+Q.
Make sure to at least dodge her second part of Q and don t get hit by her charm just pool it and if you think you got a feel for it just dodge it without pool.
if you can get some empowered Q s on her you can kill her next rotation of electro.
If you don t kill her untill 6 it s probably unlikely you kill her after 6 bcuz of how much mobility she has. The only way you kill her if she gets cocky and R's into you.
Aurelion Sol
Try to not eat his every Q and autos from him early if you have empowered q and his in range trade him and dodge his Q with your W.
Watch out for his roams as this champion can just dash casually to botlane just spam ping when he leaves lane.
You can dodge his R with your W.
When you get protobelt you demolish him.
If you play top you ll probably meet him since he s in the meta right now.
He s melee and you are ranged ,you get the point(POKE POKE POKE) and ask for gank when he s low hp. If you have ignite you can kill him but many toplaner go ignite now too since the tp changes.
If he has ignite be really careful to not get caught by his W since it doesnt matter if you pool it afterwards because it still drags you to him.
After level 6 if he gets hp or mr items you can t kill him without jgle help so just farm and scale.
Another matchup where his range is lower than yours which means(POKE POKE POKE POKE).
If you have an insane reaction time dodge his silence with pool or dodge his Q with pool.
Don t underestimate his dmg tho and step up to him.
Watch out for the Hail of blades cheese.
If you don t want to interact with him just focus on farming.
She s in the meta right now so if you play top you will play vs her for sure.
She will go ignite vs you so be careful with your spacing.
But she is still melee so anychance you get auo+Q or auto+Q+ short E if she tries to dash on to you with her Q.
Secret tip: go in practice tool and actually play riven see what her abilities are ,what s her range,cooldowns, how far can she dash and it will make your life much easier VS her.
Midlane irelia wasn t unheard of a few patches ago now she doesn t show up midlane so often.
But in any case she s melee you are ranged(POKE POKE POKE AND EVEN MORE POKE) watch out the minions though fully stacked passive irelia is really scary.
Don t get cheesed early with her 4 stacks 3 on minions one on you and be chunked for no reason.
Poke her while she Q's as she s in a channeling animation(auto+Q+shortE) and dodge her E or her R with your pool. Don t step up next to minions without pool.
If she goes Wits Ends first item it becomes unplayable.
Not in the meta right now but if you play top you might meet him.
He s melee so you can just poke him but watch out for his q because it applies grieves wounds on you and also pulls you to him.
If he hits Q on you and you W his Q it will pull you towrds him even in POOL and if you W+E with his Q on you it acts like a small knockup and cancels your E.
Even if you poke and dismount him his small form is pretty strong too.
SPACE HIM OUT PROPERLY and try to dodge his Q's as he can be on top of you real quick with his E.
Go Phase Rush an teleport.
Nasus against vladimir is a god since he literally stacks for free as vladimir s abilities are high cooldown early game and he has a lifesteal passive .
Go Summoner Aery with ghost ignite and POKE POKE POKE POKE constantly and ask for jgle help to set him really behind.
If you are not able to get ahead by level 6 it s over he s gonna literally dive you under your tower and kill you everytime.
You won t be able to sideline vs him so it s over if it get s to that.
Hello Professor,how are you?
He s similar a bit to malzahar as in he uses turrets to push you under tower.
Trading against heimer with his turrets up it s pretty hard as if he E's you and it hits it s over so you have to pool his E each time unless he just throws it to Mars.
Poke him without taking too much harass and if he s low enough just commit.
If he goes barrier you won t be able to kill him so don t even try.
Remember that most of his abilities are projectiles besides the turrets which means you can dodge his W or E with pool(watch out for improved E it bounces if you plan on dodging it).
Don t stay in his Q even if it hits you ,if he charges w when you charge E it s the same distance so he releases his W and cancels your E.
His ult is really annoying in a teamfight as he gives those in it magic shields.
Besides being careful when trading it s not unplayable watch out for jgle ganks since his kit allows him to keep you stunned for a while,dodge E with your W if it s gonna hit.
If he goes aftershock you don t win any trades if it s up.
Old fiddlesticks was a vladimir counter so the new one is pretty much a counter as well.
His W works even if you are in pool his fear is really annoying in teamfights and his e is a silence as well.
Try to take longer trades vs him as he wins in short trades, be careful how you use your E as he can just silence you.
Watch out for his out of vision R engages.
If you get any good empowered Q trades on him you can kill him as he s pretty squishy.
if he s fed go banshee.
Support mid gaming!
Haven t seen her mid lately and you probably won t either.
But if you do just know that it s really hard to kill her she will just shield your damage and poke you pretty hard, you can t kill her at level 6 either. She also has gank setup to make sure you can t get out with polymorph.
YOU OUTSCALE so farm up and just poke her with empowered q if she wants to trade you when it s up.
Go Shadowflame if lulu isn t the only shield champ in their team.
Actually met him midlane a few times
the story is as usual , melee vs ranged(POKE POKE POKE) if you are midlane.
If you play against this barbarian toplane go phase rush ghost as he will probably be running ghost too.
DON T GET HIT BY Q he will literally run you down.
His W heals him and gives him lifesteal and his E does true damage his R is kinda useless against vladimir as you have no disabling abilities besides your E's slow.
He s not a scaling champ but he can be really scarry and takeover the game if you feed him.
if he hits q on you and presses R to run you down just ghost when he ghosts and get out.
Once again probably you will only meet him top lane.
He s similar to olaf if he pillar s you well he can fk you up pretty badly.
Since the lethal tempo changes he s really strong 1v1 and it s unlikely to kill him.
At level 6 his ult robs your defense stats and heals him.
I recommend running phase rush and flash/ghost and just scale.
Rng champ so braindead yet so strong.
Similar to olaf or trundle go Phase Rush and Ghost.
Again since Lethal tempo is so good on this champion he might start E and dash onto you , stay out of his E range ,space out and farm.
He has sustain with his Q so killing him is really hard.
At level 6 you don t win 1v1 because his dps is so much to deal with for you but if you go phase rush and ghost with pool and your R up it s pretty hard for him to kill you.
Go perfect timing on secondary runes and rush zhonya after protobelt.
Later in the game you can just force his R in one combo, without R he s useless.
The chick with BALLS.
Level 1 if you dodge her Q's you can poke her pretty well but after that it s kinda cancer if shes GOOD.
Syndra outranges you and will perma Q and auto you, you have to see her Q pattern and try to dodge as many.
Remember she can E you and Q you when you are stunned she can do the same at level 6 when she has R which means you die.
If she wasted her E and R's you just pool her R(works with veigar R as well).
And if she misses E on you just go ham on her.
His damage early game is pretty disgusting.
Keep distance don t let him stack passive on you for free, you can W his W when it returns to him.
Also get a feel for his Q range so you aren t surprised when he leaps to you.
Match his push and spam ping any roams.
At level 6 be aware that once a champion goes invisible it cancels any channeling abilities on him for example your Q.
Tip:Go oracle after first back if he tries to 1v1 at level 6 you will be able to see his location.
Seriously go predator against him and start boots.
You can trade him as he has no sustain but try to dodge his abilities since it s all his dmg.
His E travels kinda fast you might want to see it in practice too before you go against him but you can just Pool his E if you can t dodge it.
If he goes barrier you prob can t kill him early try to get his barrier down before level 6.
At level 6 you just one shot him if he has no barrier.
After level 6 if you ever see him in lane just press predator and go ham on him even if you don t kill him he can t stay in lane since he has no sustain.
Xin Zhao
Unlikely you will play vs this guy.
If you do tho he will probably go hail of blades and ignite which means if he ever gets on top of you he will destroy you ,one combo will leave you so low that his next engage you will die.
Try to space away from his E range and don t get hit by his W since it increases his dash range.
Remember if you are marked by his W when he R's you won t be pushed away.
Watch out for him dashing on you with 3rd Q up as it will knock you up,
This matchup depends on the Vladimir player and how good he is.
Since he has so much range he can just farm safely he also has an escape with his W and if he goes barrier it s unlikely to kill him.
That being said his Q isn t hard to dodge so poke him as much as you can since he has no sustain.
If you can get him to use barrier early he s dead at level 6.
To help you dodge his abilities and get in range to poke him i suggest running Predator and buying boots first item if you kill him it s over.
Hard matchup for vladimir since her q has a lot of range and can be casted from different angles ,you want to dodge her sleep or pool it since if you get hit she will chunk you pretty hard.
Don t sit too close to the minion wave as if she Q' s the wave it will also hit you if you are near.
Her W is really disgusting as she gets free stuff and she can pick up your summoners for free so watch out what item or Summoner she has holding.
Some Zoe players like going out of vision to cast Q ,at level 6 you can think of her q range as extended.
She 's really squishy so if she wastes R or E just go ham on her (make sure you are healthy don t go in if you are low hp).
I don t think it s a really hard matchup until he get's shieldbow but don t underestimate his dmg.
GO eletrocute AND POKE POKE POKE POKE if he s dumb enough to eat empowered Q ignite him to get him out of lane or kill him.
If he tries to trade with his E into you just auto+q+short E and pool away.
Watch out for his 2nd Q into R at level 6.
I personally itemize Shadowflame if there are high hp champions and at least 2 shieldbow champions in the enemy team.
This matchup is classed Extreme because if he s good at yorick there s nothing you can do.
OK if you play against him you should know he s a counter.
Yeah he s melee and immobile but his W makes this champ so good against vladimir since you CANT GET OUT WITH POOL and he can walk in and out all day long.
Might as well dodge his E with pool if he has full graves stacked.
He will run tp and farm and at level 6 he wins vs you and will destroy your turret since you can t really stop him since he will buy HULLBREAKERRRRR (balls breaker).
Go flash in this matchup since you can only escape his W with flash and POKE POKE POKE if you get him low beg for jgle help.
Look at her runes and summoners, if she s running ignite/electrocute or conqueror.
it she s running electrocute make sure to pool her E bcuz the dmg is pretty disgusting.
Your Q is higher range than her poke her auo+Q and proc electro on her if she s not running tp you outsustain her.
if she goes into her W just use E to dmg her.
At level 6 be really careful as her R is pretty much instant and it s impossible to react to it you ll have to play mindgames and assume when she will R you.
Thank you Magifelix!
OK another support midlane in this matchup just focus on farming to be honest.
Her Mantra Q clears wave so hard you cant match her then she will just harass you under tower.
Her W once casted on you will stun you even in your Pool so might as well use pool to dodge her Q.
if you want to poke her well kinda hard when she just shields your dmg .
Protobelt is really good so you can gap close to her ,shadowflame is also an option since her MANTRA E shield her whole team.
Run electrocute poke her level 1 as she can t do much level 1 and you can sustain back up.
From level 2 she becomes cringe,if she hits q on you she wins the trade unless you have empowered Q.
Take short trades in this matchup never do long trades since she wins super hard once she hits q on you.
At level 6 you should have the dmg to kill her but if you get hit by one q she ll chunk you and you won t be able to all in, if you dodge her Q (you can also pool her q) go ham on her. Her R only stuns you if you are looking her way and it doesn t matter if she miasma' s you once you are close enough to dash out your dmg.
How to dodge her R?
League champions have certain animations they go throught when they are using an ability ,some animations can be cancelled some cannot.Learning her R animation and paying close attention to her character when you all in might help you dodge it or just predict it.
Diana isn t played midlane current patch but you might meet one tricks.
Poke her out level 1 as she might start W , if she starts Q try to dodge it and poker her back.
If she goes conqueror she wins longer trades so don t let her stack it.
In this matchup you need to be careful at level 3 since she can gap close to you , in case that happens auto+Q+short E and disengage with phase rush or just pool out if you went electrocute and just sustain back up.
You can let her shove in early but it s better to match her push since you can bully her.
At level 6 her burst is pretty dangerous you can pool her Q so she doesn t get an E reset or pool her R.
Careful of the instant Q+E diana combo as it s not so hard to pull off.
swag boy!
He s melee you are ranged(POKE POKE POKE POKE AND MORE POKE), go electrocute into him and don t let him farm for free when he steps up just poke him.
If he has teleport poking him out can force his tp and result in him losing it with bad back since he doesn t have much gold.
What you need to be careful is if he goes electro level 3 his trade might actually hurt if he hits Q>E and passive on you.
Also watch out when he goes out of vision he might W and catch you out in it besides that if you play properly you beat him constantly.
OK i would like to see she s freelo but this matchup is kinda hard is she s a good player since she outranges you.
She s gonna start E level 1 so walk and make sure to poke her with electro, one tip to not get hit by her E is to just walk up to her. Don t be afraid to trade autos since you sustain back up.
After she gets her stun try to dodge it and if you can t just pool it because at level 6 in 2 rotations she kills you besides that you should just run her down.
He s back in the meta right now so you will meet him midlane.
He straight up outdamages you permanently so don t do long trades as you ll end up dying for it.
Play safe and just use your range to farm up , if you went electro and ignite you can one shot him at level 6.
If he buys magic resist it s unlikely to kill him so don t waste summoners on him and just scale.
OK he s similar to Lucian but i think he s more disgusting.
His range is higher than yours and he gets a shield when he trades but his dmg is still realy high.
Dodge his Q don t let him get his passive or PTA on you.
His E can be stopped if he interacts with a champ so just bodyblock him to stop his E.
His R doesn t go through minions or structures so just hide behind them if he R's you and watch out for his W as he might be near some wall waiting for you to walk up.
Same as lucian FARM UP using your range and ping any of his roams at level 6 there is a gap where you can kill him if he uses cd's randomly.
OK this players always go barrier since he s not lacking dmg.
His range is bigger than yours and his passive hurts so try to avoid it.
Pool his E and dodge his Q by using minion wave.
His R does true dmg with passive
so if you don t have pool don t walk up.
He s squishy so you can kill him at leve 6 if you play right, one tip i can give you is to gap close hard once you are close to him he will try to E you just pool it and if he R' s you just walk behind him.
OK this lady her will go electrocute ignite but it doesn t mean you should be scared of her.
Trade her level 1 with electro since you outsustain her.
Dodge her chains or pool them if you can dodge them.(she might chain you as she W's forward so stay in the minion wave it will make it hard for her to hit chain on you).
When she W's forward Q+short E to trade some dmg back.
Her passive makes her invisible but if you ignite her before she enters passive the clone won t be affected by ignite and you can tell which is real.
OK she s annoying since she will max E and will just outpush you,focus on farming rather than poking in that case.
Besides her E and Q she has no damage so if she wastes Q on you just trade her hard.
If you eat every Q you are gonna lose this matchup.
Her ult will stun you in pool if you are in range.(watch out for stopwatch as morgana players will go perfect timing)
the rock star!
Just dodge his Q's ,haha easier said than done.
Go electrocute/predator and trade him since he has no sustain but dodge some Q's since they hurt.
Boots is an option to have an easier time dodging his Q's also really good start if you go predator.
After you get some AP you just one shot him.
You can go banshee if you are struggling.
Her Q has a spread so don t stay too close to the minion wave when she Q's it.
Go electro and just poke her here and there don t do long trades since her cooldowns are lower than yours.
Don t waste pool as she has great gank setup level 3.
You can shove the wave into her but be aware of her jgler since level 2 she will have W up .
He will go hail of blades and ignite so if his burst is pretty serious.
Don t get hit by Q by standing in minion wave , he s melee so make sure to poke him everytime he tries to farm.
Level 3 is dangerous since if you get hooked he will E you and it s guaranteed,it better to just pool his
At level 6 you should win the all in and after that you just win.(you can pool his R).
You might meet him mid or top.
Don t eat his E's and watch out for his his passive, his dmg comes mostly from his q and the range is pretty big.
He might all in you at level 6 with R just disengage.
If you trade well you should win since he has no sustain.
She s ranged but all her dmg comes from her abilities so just dodge them.
Watch out for her passive since the abilities get empowered.
She has no stun pre 6 or any escapes and if she spams her abilities constantly she will run out of mana.
Just poke her and after first back you just win.
Her R get s increased range if it hits her allys or enemy champions but you can just pool it.
You won t really meet her but just in case.
Most of her damage comes from her plants you can also farm her plants since they give gold and you can heal back from them.
Dodge her root or pool it and trade her when she doesn t have many plants up.
At level 6 you win just Pool her ult , it s easy to pool .
I go electro in this matchup since she s squishy so if you kill her it s over.
Predator is also an option.
There s actually a trend now with some people running predator singed mid.
He s melee and you are ranged so poke the **** out of him since he can t contest you until level 3.
Watch out for his W into E it s a great gank setup.
If he s mid and runs predator he will perma roam botlane so poke him hard and don t let him roam for free on you.
If you are against him top you should be more careful as toplane is a longer lane so it s hard to escape.
But usually they will just proxy the waves and you can t do much since vladimir has no wave clear. Just farm and scale.
You can run Predator to match him if he roams or electro mid.
Top i suggest phase rush for disengage.
If you have front vitals just go out of vision and reset them, if you get side vitals just play near that wall of where the vital is.
If you let her hit vitals on you she wins.
She s melee and you are ranged so just typical auto+Q and Short E when she s in range.
She can parry your E dmg and empowered Q if she does it right.
Don t do long trades and you should be fine you out sustain her,
He s melee without a gap closer so you know the story(poke poke poke).
His passive keeps him in lane so try to cancel it by auto when it resets.
Don t get close to him since you lose hard if you go melee.
Watch out level 6 if he goes ignite since even if you R your heal will be reduced and you will die to his R.
Go phase rush and cdr and just regen his dmg.
He s a ranged toplaner and his dmg kinda hurts.
Don t get hit by his Q and don t fight him in his mega form unless he doesn t have jump.
Just go phase rush and farm out you can sustain his poke.
If you get caught level 6 it s pretty hard to escape bcuz of his CC so just flash out.
This lady is pretty tough as in you can t really kill her since Illaoi players go corrupting potion.
Don t care about her q dmg just make sure you dont get it by her E since she fk's you up.
Also clear her tentacles since it gives gold.
If she ult you at level 6 just diesngage you don t win.
You can dodge her E with your W if you time it right.
Go phase rush for disengage and just farm up, pre 6 ganks are fine after 6 ganks could result in a double kill for her so watch out.
OK another champion that benefits from lethal tempo changes .
He s melee but this champ has something most dont a LONG *** CLOSE GAP with his Q.
He will stack passive on wave and max Q so he can perma jump on you.
Go phase rush and if he jumps on you just Q+E+W and disengage and just farm up.
You don t win 1v1 vs jax after 6 but vladimir is so much better at teamfights so you can just kill his team and ignore him.
His Q damage will go through even if you pool his jump(RIOT?).
Jarvan IV
who the fk plays jarvan.
if youre against him he will go lethality most likely so be careful of his dmg and pool his E+Q besides that he s melee so just poke him everytime he goes up for cs.
At level 6 you can W his ult dmg.
You can go phase rush and just farm up and scale since you outscale him.
She s ranged and most quinn player will go ignite against vladimir.
You can go phase rush and just chill but if you decide to be aggressive try to trade her with empowered Q.
If you time your W right when she E's you she will just end up on top of you and won t be able to disengage so she dies.
At level 6 ping your team if she s not in lane or she will just feed of your teammates.
If you play vladimir it shouldn t be such a hard matchup.
Try to dodge her E fear and don t let her get her passive auto on you since it hurts.
Her other abilites can all be dodged with pool.
Level 1 just walk up and trade her hard and don t get hit by her fear.
Once you have protobelt you win really hard.
Level 1 trade her as hard as you can .
Pool her stun since it s pretty obvious when she walks up with stacked passive.
Watch out at level 6 for Flash W+R on you.
She s squishy so if you trade well it s feelo.
He s ranged just like you but he has no escapes besides flash and he only has a stun which you can dodge with pool.
If you are not ablaze his Q wont stun you.
Trade him constantly since he has no sustain you win unless you get hit by his stun if you get him low enough just kill him and it s over.
Watch out for his E spread from minions on to you and dodge his W since it s not so hard to dodge.
Ignite his W and you win or you can pool it but it s harder.
You can dodge his second E with pool.
Go electro and use your range to trade usually he starts E but he can start Q .
Poke her level 1 as you outrange her.
Don t push her in as it s easier for her to all in you.
Dodge her Q and dont waste your pool.
You can pool her R if you time it right, she becomes really annoying when she gets Prowler watch out for that.
Twisted Fate
His range is similar to your but you do more dmg so POKE POKE POKE.
Dodge his Q and be aware of his cards.
If you waste pool and you get ganked you die.
So only pool his gold card if you think he has potential to kill you.
he will roam first thing level 6 so let your team know when he s 6.
Free matchup as you outrange him really hard so just poke him down.
Don t push the wave just match him and keep poking.
You can dodge his E damage with your Pool .
At level 6 even if he R's you you can just pool it after and you won t take damage.
FREELO in my opinion.
Dodge his Q and poke him hard with electro.
His cage is useless against you as you can just pass through it with your pool and his W is pretty easy to dodge.
At level 6 you can all in him but be careful if you are low hp as his burst is pretty high.
Tip: Don t use pool unless he uses R since your pool makes his R useless.
He can be pretty strong if he keeps stacking but if you play this right it won t get to that.
Match his push and poke him every time he wants to cs he will poke you back with Q but if you are behind minion it does negative dmg.
He s melee so don t be scared to be aggressive level1.
At level 3 make sure to be dodge his double shuriken as it will proc electro on you since he will throw his shadow and E at the same time, if you can t dodge just pool it and wait your cool down.(ward a jgle camp and use Q to siphon back HELTH).
Watch out for his W>E>W>Q since he will be next to you he s likely yo do this if you are low hp to finish you off.
At level 6 you should know that when he ult he appears behind you still if he threw his W somewhere he might W there leaving his R shadow next to you .
If he has no W he will appear behind you knowing that you can just charge your E and R>E>Q>W and get out or just straight up kill him.
Level 1 you can just poke as much as you want she can t really contest ,watch out for her W since if the outer half hits you it heals her back.
Pool her E into you and stay away from walls .(DON T WASTE POOL RANDOMLY)
She might max E so she can gap close to you hence it s important to use W wisely.
Don t forget about her passive shield.
At level 6 you are dead if you get ganked since you can t get out her R with W.
Go phase rush in this matchup and cdr items to keep you healthy and hard to kill.
He s melee so you can poke him ,utilize your range and don t get hit by his Q .
At level 3 it s becomes a bit more dangerous if you can t space out properly , you can pool his E if you can react.
He has no sustain so he can t regen your poke just be careful to not step up too much since he will just press ghost and run you down.
You can dodge his Q,E and R with your W.
Go phase rush and if you struggle Zhonya is a good option.
Do not face check any bushes in this matchup stay out of vision until you see him.
He s melee so level 1 just use your range to do some nice dmg to him ,watch out level 2 since he has E up and can double dash.
If he gap closes to you with full rage he will fk you up and regen some hp with his Q too.
You can really pool any of his dmg .
Phase rush is an option to get away from him , if he pick's renekton mid you can go electro since the lane is shorter.
If he goes ignite+PTA play really safe.
Ah again magifelix. pepelaugh.
Ok this guy is pretty squishy the problem is his wave clear is better than your early so he will just shove you in and poke you undertower and there s not much you can do.
If he gets in range just trade with him since you sustain back up.
At level 3 this guy becomes really hard to kill since he can slow you if you try to trade him and do dmg to you while he just walks away zooming.
At level 6 it wont matter if you all in him since he will just ult and come back full hp.
if by some miracle he does a mistake and you can wait out his R you can kill him otherwise don t waste summoners .
Trade q for q as your range is higher and you can get free autos on him , watch out since his q cooldown was lowered recently and once he gets sheen his q tends to hurt.
You can Pool his Q and his Barrel damage ,the only sustain he has is W.
His W doesn t remove your R but it will remove your E slow.
Don t go melee since his passive does true dmg and you will 100% lose.
If he plays him midlane you will always be able to see his barrels but if he plays top you might want to ward the bushes he might hide some barrels in there and surprise you.
If he uses 3 barrels and he doesn t hit you go ham.( his barrel cooldown is pretty high until lvl 13)
He s pretty had to kill because of his passive but his q mana cost got increased a while ago so he s gonna run out of mana pretty quickly.
If you have the range advantage so just poke him as much as you want since he doesn t really have any dmg to kill you if he s running teleport.
His W reduces dmg so go Sorcerer shoes.
if you re against him midlane and he s running electro+ignite he can one shot you in a combo at level 6.
Phase rush toplane , electro mid.
He s melee without any gap closers so just poke him for daysss.
Run phase rush so if you get E'd by him you can just PHASE OUTTTTT.
you cand dodge his W damage without using pool but if you must use pool.
He might engage with his R first so whe you see him walking towards you with JOJO STANCE.
if you are against him top make sure to run phase rush.
Trade with him since his Q cant hit you behind minions.
If he tries to jump on you with hammer form just E+W and pool his dmg while you do dmg and walk away with phase rush.
Go phase rush and cdr if he doesn t build maw or magic resist you just win.
You outscale in teamfights.
i actually played against this and it s pretty annoying since she goes barrier and you can t kill her.
if she goes mid she will probably go ap make sure to pool her R.
You can trade her since she has no sustain but don t forget about barrier.
Once you get Protobelt you should be able to kill her and you just outscale her anyway.
Hard matchup since this guy is really tanky and even if you poke him he can just use W for sustain or as a shield to deny your poke.
If he hits Q on you while you have no minions near it crits and does more damage.
Save pool in case you need to get out.(Pool his E if he s LEVEL 6)
At level 6 He presses R and you just lose cuz he steals your stats and becomes even tankier and his passive just shreds you.
1v1 he s hard to beat unless you are really ahead.
Go phase rush into zhonya or banshee or both.
You outscale him in teamfights.
She might run Teleport and ignite so be careful.
If she s running conqueror you will lose any long trades.
You outrange so poke her hard.
Since most katarina players have a thing for dashing on to her daggers
you can predict her sometimes and get some really good short trades.
At level 6 she might bait your all in and just shunpo out , she can be quite scary with ignite and R up.
She has no sustain so if she s low hp you should win the all in.
Has no sustain so don t eat every Q and trade him but respect his stuns and remember he can E out if he tries to trade with you he will lose and be forced to use tp.
Phase rush to keep up when he runs from you.
If you re against him top there is not much you can do to kill him if he goes magic resist.
Take down his shield before trading , you have the range advantage so just poke him and farm up.
You can pool his R or his Q.
If he goes AP midlane then it s similar but now you can just kill him.Take down his shield and just poke him since he has no sustain.
Watch out level 6 for Flash+R.
is he even a champion anymore>?
i feel like no one plays this guy but i ll add in case you meet him top.
Run Phase rush and cdr so you can poke him and sustain.
He s gonna sustain your dmg with his passive so kiliing him is pretty hard.
Pool his W and buy antihealing , his W is lower cooldown than yours so expect him to keep using W on you everytime it s up.
You can dodge his R with pool.
Zhonya,or banshees is an option besides that just farm and scale.
He s melee but with a gap closer that stuns you ,you can pool his stun and just poke him with auto+Q+shortE don t go for long trades because of his E.
If you are behind him your E damage will not be reduced.
Be careful his Q deals increased dmg to targets below 20% hp.
She s melee and her abilities are pretty hard to hit on you.
Her W is useless against you since you have no dashes ,don t stay near walls if you have no pool since she can flash E you into the wall.
you can dodge her R with pool.
You outrange her hard but you won t probably kill her since she becomes tanky.
Go phase rush for disengage and farm up outscale her and kill her team.
If he goes tank just use your range to poke him and kill him since you outrange him really hard and you outsustain, the only ranged dmg he has is his Q which is easy to dodge.
If he R's you just pool it.
If he goes ad you just one shot him.
Phase rush so you can poke him and dodge his abilities to your heart's content.
Go electro and trade level 1 AA+AA+Q, after he gets his hook it becomes a bit annoying because if you didn t play against him it takes some time to get used to his E.
If he hits E on you he guarantees W +Q and electro proc.
Pool his E if you are low hp besides that just the normal trading.
At level 6 he lifesteals from you 1v1 so you need to chunk him before you all in.
Stand behind minions to deny her Q poke and poke her with electro .
You can dodge her E if she tries to stop your engage with pool.
You can run predator in this matchup too and start boots.
At level 6 you just RUN HER DOWN.
He is ranged like you but unlucky for him your champion does damage with abilities so his q blind is useless.
If he s running ignite stop trading him as he might try to all in you.
Be careful for any cheese he might try.
At level 6 get oracle to sweep the lane.
Until level 6 you can do whatever you want since she s melee range and you outdamage her so any chance you get to kill her do it.
After level 6 it becomes a bit more harder bcuz she becomes ranged ,take short trades to chunk her and don t fight her with stacked passive and you should win.
She scales really hard since lethal tempo has become go to rune on her and it will give her extra range.
Focus on killing her team late game don t fight her 1 on 1 unless you have the advantage.
Flash ghost is really good against her, zhonya is also a very good option.
She is played mid right now.
She will go hail of blades and ignite if she s cocky.
That s good since barrier makes it really hard to kill her.
Go electro/predator and trade her level 1 but don t let her get her passive on you.
You can dodge her W with pool or just stand behind minions.
At level 6 if you chunk her just go ham.
A really good yasuo is really hard to play against since he will just step up and use q to farm and will wait for level 2 to trade with you while utilizing his passive.
Yasuo has mobility and more dps than you so long trades are no bueno.
Break his pasive and do short trades auto+q+shortE and procc electro.
At level 6 you can all in with electro if you manage to get a good trade on him.
Your Q goes through windwall but your E damage gets blocked by windwall even in pool.
If he E+Tornado Q you just pool and you are fine.
But he might E+stackedQ+Flash+R you if you are low hp.
If he s bad just keep killing him.
Shadowflame is an option if they have a lot of shields.
Q Q Q Q Q Q him all day long ,he has no sustain and you can dodge his q or just sit in the minion wave.
Run predator so he can t escape you with E.
dodge his R with pool if you are low.
Whoever has more experience on the champion will probably win.
QQQQQ an auto him all day long since he has no sustain and you can pool his Q.
The only escape he has is W(20s cd) until he gets items he s just TRAIN MEAT.
Run predator if you want to RUN HIM OVER or just electrocute, poke him out and make him use W and next rotation kill him before his W is up.
This guys scales so fking hard if he farms so any chance you get just one shot him and make him go afk.
Consider this champion like an ITEM
it give you stats and CC.
Throwss bombs on you and makes you go VROOM VROOM.
LULU as a champion has a good synergy depends if she feels like pressing R on you.
Consider this champion like an ITEM
it give you stats and CC.
Throwss bombs on you and makes you go VROOM VROOM.
LULU as a champion has a good synergy depends if she feels like pressing R on you.
Hello Everyone and welcome as you ve read in the title i m not a high elo player, i ve made this guide for any new vladimir players that want to pick him up.
Disclaimer: This guide is based on my opinion and my experience on the rift therefore if you do not agree with some parts it s completley ok.Share your opinion in the comment section.
I picked up vladimir in s8 and have been playing him eversince and i think my journey might help others enjoy this champion just as i do.
Why choose to play vladimir?
Do you want to heal all their damage with one R? Do you want to tilt your enemy laner by succing your hp back up making all his work useless?
Vladimir is a fun champion to play as the satisfaction you get from solo carrying your team is massive.
Pros and Cons
+No mana/energy system to keep track off
+Easy kit to understand and utilize
+Great sustain(you can heal off jgle camps ikr?)
+One of the best teamfight scaling champs
+Great outplay/dodge potential with Pool
+Multirole use(TOP/Mid/even adc if you dare)
-High cooldowns abilities early game
-Item dependent( no items, no scale)
-Immobile mage(can be kited)
-Weak against heavy cc
-Hard to get back in the game if behind
-Takes time to Master
Ok these are some pros and cons ,i m sure you can find more but i listed some important ones.
How Vladimir Works
In this chapter we will talk about what vladimir's abilities are and how they work.
Then we ll focus on Combos,summonner,build and so on.
NOTES:Vladimir is a champion that needs XP and most importantly Farm, learn to farm properly and don t take any bad skirmish that could set you really behind.
After laning phase drop into sidelane and farm gold and xp.
Every 40 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.6 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).
Vladimir passive is simple but very effective since more AP=HP and more HP=AP(AP=ability power HP=Health points).
The passive doesn t stack with itself meaning any HP or AP you get from passive won t be taken into account again.
Range: 600
Cooldown: 9 / 7.9 / 6.8 / 5.7 / 4.6
Vladimir drains the life force of his target, dealing 80 / 100 / 120 / 140 / 160 (+60% of ability power) magic damage and healing himself for 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+35% of ability power). The healing is 35% effective vs minions.
After casting Transfusion twice, Vladimir gains Crimson Rush for 2.5 seconds once Transfusion comes off cooldown. While under the effects of Crimson Rush, Vladimir gains a short burst of speed and his next Transfusion deals 85% more damage and heals for 30-200 (at levels 1-18) (+4% missing Health per 100 ability power).
This is the main ability in the kit that you are gonna use since it helps you sustain and do dmg.
Q has higher range than your autos so any champion that is out of auto range use Q to reach them.
As you can see Vladimir Q has and empowered version called Crimson Rush that decays over 2,5 seconds, to slow the decay you can use E or W before Q so your empowered Q will last longer.
Sanguine Pool
Range: 300
Cooldown: 28 / 25 / 22 / 19 / 16
Cost: 20
Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and gaining 37.5% bonus movement speed which decays rapidly over 1 second.
Enemies above him are slowed by 40% and take 20 / 33.75 / 47.5 / 61.25 / 75 (+2.5% of bonus health) magic damage every half second, while Vladimir heals himself for 15% of the damage done.
So as you ve read you become untargetable with a short movement speed buff,pool will cost hp when you use it.
This ability is really important to understand as it s you main escape in lane/ganks besides flash.
Pool can be used offensively as well to do dmg.
There are certain abilites that vladimir can t get out of with pool(Camille R,Yorick W,etc). Note:You can cancel Q animation with W if you do it properly(Q+W).
Tides of Blood
Range: 600
Cooldown: 13 / 11 / 9 / 7 / 5
Vladimir charges up a reservoir of blood, paying 2.5% - 8% of his maximum health (based on charge duration) over 1 second to increase Tides of Blood's damage. Vladimir is slowed after the initial 1 second if he continues to charge.
On release (or after 1.5 seconds), Vladimir unleashes a nova of blood missiles, dealing between 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+35% of ability power) (+2.5% of max health) and 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+80% of ability power) (+6% of max health) magic damage (based on charge duration) to the first enemy hit in a large area around him.
If charged for at least 1 second, enemies hit by Tides of Blood are also slowed by 40% for 0.5 seconds.
Alright, your E is your main damage and wave clear.
Vladimir E costs hp so does your W so never start any of these abilities first.
Your E has a charge time and it slows you if you keep charging so remember that , it also provides you with a slow if you charge it for more than 1 second.
Note: If you charge E and Q in the same time it ends your E charge.
Range: 700
Cooldown: 120
Vladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague. Affected enemies take 10% increased damage for 4 seconds.
After 4 seconds, infected enemies take 150 / 250 / 350 (+70% of ability power) magic damage, while Vladimir is healed for the same amount (healing is increased by 50% for each additional champion hit beyond the first).
So any enemy vladimir infects with R takes increased 10% DMG , this is one of the reasons vladimir is so good at teamfighting lategame.
Vladimir R heals for the damage dealt by R and the healing is increased 50% per champion hit,imagine a 4 man or 5 man R it will heal you for insane amounts.
Vladimir R has good range and using some pay2win skins sometimes it becomes really hard to observe in teamfights(Nightbringer,Dark Water).
Vladimir R can be casted while channeling E for example( chargeE+R+Q+W for example).
I won t be showing you the combos in a video since i m sure you can find one online and this guide is already long enough.
Back a few patches ago practicing combos and stuff you could only do in game but since riot added a practice tool now you guys should have no problem learning these combos.
There isn t a certain combo since vladimir kit is versatile.
I have all abilities on smart-cast but there are some people who use normal cast for E since you can end it by using q on target.(find what works for you)
Trading in lane:
Animation Cancel
Q+W(masks Q animation)
E+Q(when releasing E and using Q can cancel the Q animation,not that useful since it s hard to reproduce always)
Q+R(If you Q+R vladimir will do the R animation first so it cancels your Q animation,practice needed)
Note:Using Q on a minion to get a stack then when you all in Q the champion and by the time you are out of pool you will have empowered Q up.
E+(flash optional)+R+Q+W (this combo works only against melee champs with no escapes)
E+Flash+R+Q(you need empowered Q , use flash to reach enemy with more range than you,keep W to escape from undertower if you dive or dodge their damage)
Late game teamfights:
If youre against a heavy cc team you better have fast fingers.
E+Flash+R+W(it s a bit slower but works if you catch them out)
Runes,Summoner Spells
This are my builds and if you do not agree it s completley fine everyone is free to run anything they like.
Setup-1 Electrocute
The new patch hit and Ravenous hunter was removed and replaced with treasure hunter(LIDER?), you can either go ultimate hunter or cdr.
Electrocute is a really strong rune on vladimir as it provides you with the damage vladimir lacks.
I do not recommend this setup into tanky teamcomps since electrocute won t do much for you.
Electrocute early BONKS, ok in some matchups electrocute provides you enough damage to kill your target(matchups like Yasuo,sylas,katarina,veigar) if you play it right you will be able to cheese a kill level 3 with ignite.
Secondary runes:
-Taste of blood bcuz it's really good for trading and helps you sustain
-Ghost poro is good ,since one provides you with vision and damage.
-RIP ravenous hunter
Secondary tree:
-Nimbus for that short bust to escape ganks or finish off enemies
-Transcendence for cooldown reduction
Bonus runes:
-more damage ofc
In comps where they are squishy but hard to reach run Flash + Ghost since ghost now has increased duration on kills allowing you to ZOOM INTO ETERNITY.
Setup 2 -Predator
Works in the same way as electrocute as it provides you with gap closing and damage but i prefer electrocute over this unless you can perma roam bot and yoink free kills.
Setup 3 - Scaling into infinty
Ok this is my most preffered setup since when i started playing vladimir this was the best setup, but of course riot ruined everything with the cdr changes and item changes add to that the Phase rush nerfs and this setup takes time until it kicks in.
Still for toplane and hard matchups is one of the best options even now, it provides you with engage and disengage and cdr to help you sustain + free stuff ofc.
Main rune:
Nimbus for movement speed
Transcedence for cdr since you want low cooldowns to spam abilities
Gathering storm since you are gonna focus on scaling this rune grants you free damage as the game goes longer
Secondary rune:
Cosmic insight for item and summoner cdr(protobelt cooldown and having ghost up most teamfights is massive)
Magical Footwear for free boots at 12 mins you can switch this for other runes ofc.
Setup 4 - haha perma poke
This rune allows you to poke the **** out of immobile low range matchups and win lane really hard add to that ghost and ignite and it becomes unplayable for them.
This setup is really matchup and comp dependent since it doesn t scale that good and you can go Ghost+ Ignite in some heavy cc comps.
Main tree:
Transcendence for cdr
Scorch for more poke or you can swith for Gathering storm but this is a Poke setup.
Magical foorwear for free boots ,toplane this rune is really good unless you want to go boots first.
Future Market (controversy?) ok if you farm properly and back with future market your buying power can make the difference in killing your laner or not.(can switch if you don t like this rune).
Summoner spells
Summoners can be teamcomp dependent for example in games where they have heavy cc you can t run GHOST+Ignite so you should run Flash and ghost.
If they have no CC the you can also run Flash+ignite or Ghost+Ignite.
For toplane the main options will be Flash+teleport or Flash+ghost(haha fk you tryndamere).
I m not gonna make this chapter long since the guide is already long and you might be bored.
If you are not experienced with vlad i suggest you don t purchase mejai since you will die more often and will not be efficient so skip it.
For starting items dark seal is great but in tougher matchups i prefer Doran ring since it gives you 20health and also heals you.
The best item for Vladimir right now is protobelt. Provides you with an active for gap closing that does damage and can be used in W(pool) as well, the stats are perfect for vlad and the passive gives you magic pen.
For boots your main choice would be Sorcerer's since it allows you to do more damage but if you want low cdr on your summoners CDR boots are an option.
But you will feel the difference in damage without sorcerer's.
Other Items
Void staff ofc since it makes you laugh at tanks and makes them cry in chat.
Instead of going mejai Horizon is a really good option.
If they are shields heavy and have a lot of hp just go shadowflame(or if you want to make yone/yasuo players cringe).
Rabadon's is just more damage how can you say not to that?.
Cosmic drive if you go scaling is really good(zooming around them with ghost).
Defensive items:
Zhonya in heavy ad teams and when you are the main engage(really good against zed and other assasins).
Banshee's when they have a lot of CC and AP damage.
Morello if they have a lot of healing and they are tanky so you can t oneshot them.
Spirit Visage if they have lots of AP and you just want to laugh at them while healing health bars(laughing in HELTH).
Note: As i said this is personal opinion build what you think works for you.
Laning Phase,Midgame,Lategame
Laning Phase
Usually you want to keep the wave in the middle and just farm as everything , if they are pushing match their push.
If you play against champions with wave clear you are just gonna get pushed in so you have to cs undertower.
Backing after crashing a wave is the best recall usually, but you can also setup a freeze if you kill the enemy while they wave is pushing into you.
If you are not a midlaner or you are a beginner at the game lookup on youtube midlane wave management since when it s explained visual it s easier to understand.
Adapting to vladimir , in hard matchup you don t want to push you want it to stagnate so you can farm and avoid ganks.
Don t use pool for waveclear unless you have vision on your enemy laner and know he backed.
Do not take any bad skirmishes where for example the wave is pushing and you will lose an entire WAVE to move for a bad fight that you end up losing setting you really behind.
If you are ahead make a slow push and crash it under his tower then just dive and kill him he won t be able to play the game.
You can take fights midgame if you are ahead but if the enemy team is ahead just drop into sideline and far up XP and GOLD.If you win sidelane don t group unless it s for an objective or defending base, when you re fed enough join and just blow them up.
If you played properly you should be really strong at this point but remember you are not invincible.
Make sure to utilize ultimate properly ,meaning you want to hit at least 2 or more enemies.(refer to teamfight combos).
If you have no engage you might need to become the engage in this case defensive items are a must ,zhonya will allow you to engage and keep you alive for your team to join.
In case you are way ahead just blow them up.
Note:I can t tell you exactly how to play or what you should do as every game has different scenarios and comps so you will have to play and experience this yourself.
I m sorry for the length of the guide.
This is my first guide and i wanted to include as much information as possible but there are areas that still are left untoched or places where i repeat stuff.
As disclaimed this is not a guide for high elo players.
Without any more blabbering, i hope you guys will enjoy playing vladimir and unleashing destruction on the rift.
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