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Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
My Name is Joshua and i'm 18 Years old. I play LoL since a few weeks, thats why i'm not level 30 at this moment. Vladimir is one of my favourite champs. There are good guides how to play him, but I think I have a better Item combination than the guides in here. I hope you will do it like this and get all these dudes in LoL ;)
It's my first guide btw =)
If you have any questions about this guide, ask me and I will answer you as early as I can. :)
The Stats above are actually not correct, I don't know why. I wright the main stats all in here now how i get them infight (without the runes and without the full masterie (because im not lvl30^^))
Health: 4743
Health Regen: 60
Armor: 127
Movement Speed: 384
Magic Resist: 36
Ability Power: 691
Magic Penetration: 1/10%
Cooldown Reduction: 27,10%
Ok. Why did I choose these Items?
Everyone asks me, why do I choose the Ionian Boots of Lucidity and not the Sorcerer's Shoes. I think the Cooldown Reduction is better than Magic Penetration for Vladimir, because with a Cooldown Reduction from 27$ he can use his Q Spell every 2 seconds, thats quite good.
The other Items are good for him because of the big Magic Ability like Rabadons or Zhonyas and the Health like Warmogs. I also chose Rabadons 2 Times, because of his 140 Ability Power. The Second time buying it is at the end, because you need many gold to buy it. But if you have all these Items, nobody can stop you.
Health: 4743
Health Regen: 60
Armor: 127
Movement Speed: 384
Magic Resist: 36
Ability Power: 691
Magic Penetration: 1/10%
Cooldown Reduction: 27,10%
Ok. Why did I choose these Items?
Everyone asks me, why do I choose the Ionian Boots of Lucidity and not the Sorcerer's Shoes. I think the Cooldown Reduction is better than Magic Penetration for Vladimir, because with a Cooldown Reduction from 27$ he can use his Q Spell every 2 seconds, thats quite good.
The other Items are good for him because of the big Magic Ability like Rabadons or Zhonyas and the Health like Warmogs. I also chose Rabadons 2 Times, because of his 140 Ability Power. The Second time buying it is at the end, because you need many gold to buy it. But if you have all these Items, nobody can stop you.
Big Damage
Only has to go back by buying Items
One of the best Mid Chars
Can heal hisself with his Q spell
Good Teamfighter
He doesn't have mana or energy^^
He's often the first target
Needs many life (but 4743 is quite good i think xD)
The Item combination is very expensive
He's often played by those who can't play him :P
Big Damage
Only has to go back by buying Items
One of the best Mid Chars
Can heal hisself with his Q spell
Good Teamfighter
He doesn't have mana or energy^^
He's often the first target
Needs many life (but 4743 is quite good i think xD)
The Item combination is very expensive
He's often played by those who can't play him :P
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