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Pretty much any mage will zone the living hell out of you.
Teemo pokes very hard. His blind makes your ult basically useless for a few seconds. I just dodge when I face a Teemo lmao.
Aatrox's damage is pretty high. Especially when he hits them sweet spots. Just try to avoid being hit by the sweet spots. And for the love of god, dodge his W. It will be the end of you when he hits it.
Shen has a relatively decent damage. His Spirit's Refuge (W) counters your Conqueror and Ultimate very very hard.
Irelia is pretty fast and agile. It might take some time for you to pin her down. She might win trades if she lands her stun. If she ults, the best thing to do is just stay the **** in there and hit her as many times as you can without touching the ultimate.
Darius can sometimes be annoying to play against when you're Volibear. He will most likely proc your passive unintentionally after a trade which really sucks. Also his heal from his Q can sometimes be annoying when you're about to bite him.
A good Urgot player might even be a level 4 or 5 threat. Even if your passive procs, he can still execute you with his ultimate. Urgot also has high DPS, and he can actually be very hard to pin down.
Riven is as powerful champion if played correctly. But, in my experience laning against her, I almost always won every time. If ever she tries to all in you with her combo, you will most likely win the trade if you get to bite her. When she enters with Q, shut her down with your E.
Similar to Riven, Yasuo is a bit playful and moves a lot. But he relies on this tool (his E) to engage and disengage. If ever he engages you with his E, just shut him down with your own E followed by Q. After that it will be very hard for a Yasuo to even out the trade.
You can just basically right click Sion to death. Finish him off with a bite of your W. He isn't a very fast moving champion, so it's gonna be easy to proc your Conquerors and hit your empowered autos with your ult.
Garen literally does nothing agains Volibear. Volibear always wins the trade from early game to late game. Just don't let him regen his health. It's gonna be annoying.
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