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Volibear Build Guide by Njux

Support Volibear : The Tank of all Tanks

Support Volibear : The Tank of all Tanks

Updated on June 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Njux Build Guide By Njux 1,942 Views 0 Comments
1,942 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Njux Volibear Build Guide By Njux Updated on June 23, 2013
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Since this is my first guide for this game I apologize in start if I make some mistakes and say something wrong. If you can point them out or have some suggestions please tell.
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Pros / Cons

This build is mainly centered around Volibear's passive The Relentless Storm and his ability to fling opponents behind him with his Thundering Smash.

-Can withstand huge amounts of damage/ excellent for team fights.
-Very good initiator, high chance of surviving teamfights.
-Can solo against 4 heroes and maybe 5, but also high chance of dying. Usefull for buying time.
-Exellent support.

- Because of his low damage output has to rely on team members for help.
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Chosen of the Storm

When Volibear's health drops below 30% of his maximum health, he will heal for 30% of his maximum health over the next 6 seconds. This passive effect has a 120 second cooldown.

Rolling Thunder

For the next 4 seconds, Volibear will gain 15% movement speed. This bonus increases to 45% movement speed when moving toward a nearby visible enemy champion. Additionally, Volibear's next autoattack during this time will deal bonus physical damage and will fling the target behind him.


(Passive): Volibear temporarily gains bonus attack speed after an autoattack. This bonus stacks up to 3 times and lasts for 4 seconds.

(Active): While Volibear has 3 stacks of Frenzy, he can activate this ability to bite a target enemy. The stacks won't be consumed. The bite will deal physical damage that scales with his own bonus health. This damage will in turn be increased by 1% for every 1% of the target's missing health.

Majestic Roar

Volibear lets out a powerful roar that deals magic damage and slows nearby enemies for 3 seconds. Minions, monsters and pets are also feared for 3 seconds.

Thunder Claws

For the next 12 seconds, Volibear's autoattacks will blast his targets with lightning that will bounce to up to 3 nearby enemies. Each bolt of lightning will deal magic damage and will only hit each target once.
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I created this build for my lack of support champions and since I had Volibear I thought what the heck and gave it a few spins. To my surprise it worked like a charm.

The Relentless Storm in conjuncture with Spirit Visage gives you aditional time in team fights where your opponents have to seriously attack you, which gives enough time for the rest of your team to kill them.

Thornmail + Sunfire Aegis = CHARGE!!!! in the biggest crowd and don't need to worry for the lack of dammage you're dealing. The oponents themselves are doing it for you. Also add Sky Splitter in this equation and running away from you is impossible.

Also try using Heal after The Relentless Storm does it's magic to maximize the healing ability.

This build is intended to play agressive even if on first glance it seems deffensive but that isn't a problem is it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Njux
Njux Volibear Guide
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Volibear : The Tank of all Tanks

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