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Recommended Items
Runes: s12 grasp
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
Grandmasters S10
Top warwick has very few counters.
Warwick has one of the strongest natural sustainability out of all champions which makes top warwick incredibly powerful.
There are a few counters; however, even the toughest matchups are beatable if played to full potential.
Like many champions on the rift, Warwick is often misunderstood as a “boring, no mechanics” champion. He is also known to be an ad champ while his Q is based on AP damage. His R also has some Ap damage as well.
While I would agree he isn’t the toughest mechanical champion out there, he is viable in to challenger if played to full I’m potential.
He is an early game champion, and has a weaker scale than most top laners out there.
There are quite a few combos and skill sequences you can use on Warwick to make him more useful late game. There are also variation of items I juggle through to make him dominant post planning phase as well.
(I will list all the counters in a few days to come)
Warwick has one of the strongest natural sustainability out of all champions which makes top warwick incredibly powerful.
There are a few counters; however, even the toughest matchups are beatable if played to full potential.
Like many champions on the rift, Warwick is often misunderstood as a “boring, no mechanics” champion. He is also known to be an ad champ while his Q is based on AP damage. His R also has some Ap damage as well.
While I would agree he isn’t the toughest mechanical champion out there, he is viable in to challenger if played to full I’m potential.
He is an early game champion, and has a weaker scale than most top laners out there.
There are quite a few combos and skill sequences you can use on Warwick to make him more useful late game. There are also variation of items I juggle through to make him dominant post planning phase as well.
(I will list all the counters in a few days to come)
Warwick has a few skill sequence you must learn before using him well. Definitely different when he is pulling a gank off.
While ganking mid with warwick, get close enough but slightly out of vision: Press W for speed towards enemy champ. You want to hold Q down and follow the enemy through his/her flash/movement.
Most trades in top, you do not want to hold the Q because it can lunge you into a direction you might not want to go. (Depends on champion will explain more later)
If possible, hit the first E just before you Q follow. Press the 2nd E for Fear into enemy after possible flash or movement. Sometimes, you want to hold the second E because by not releasing it right away, you can reduce the damage coming into you.
You can use the combo E+R
on multiple enemy backline for that Mass Fear. Make sure to ULT as soon as your health starts to go low.
Remember, your ult will have more jump if you run into enemy with more speed (W or other movement speed from teammates). You can use ult to pick an enemy for your team , or use it to peel the enemy off your dmg carry.
While ganking mid with warwick, get close enough but slightly out of vision: Press W for speed towards enemy champ. You want to hold Q down and follow the enemy through his/her flash/movement.
Most trades in top, you do not want to hold the Q because it can lunge you into a direction you might not want to go. (Depends on champion will explain more later)
If possible, hit the first E just before you Q follow. Press the 2nd E for Fear into enemy after possible flash or movement. Sometimes, you want to hold the second E because by not releasing it right away, you can reduce the damage coming into you.
You can use the combo E+R
on multiple enemy backline for that Mass Fear. Make sure to ULT as soon as your health starts to go low.
Remember, your ult will have more jump if you run into enemy with more speed (W or other movement speed from teammates). You can use ult to pick an enemy for your team , or use it to peel the enemy off your dmg carry.
I like to first pick Warwick since it doesn’t have a lot of counters. I can also outplay against a lot of counters, so I don’t have too much fear picking Warwick into anyone below challenger.
I almost always bring barrier/flash as my spells because it counters ignites and gives Warwick additional time against bursts to life steal the health back.
I almost always bring barrier/flash as my spells because it counters ignites and gives Warwick additional time against bursts to life steal the health back.
HEllo, my name is ScottTheTeemo. Come say hi @ https://www.twitch.tv/scotttheteemo
As some of you might know this used to be a Warwick Jungle Guide.
Unfortunately warwick jungle has been pretty bad in the last season and a half.
I’ve peaked masters on warwick jungle while I climbed to 200 LP+ Grandmasters on Top warwick in season 10.
At this point, I can safely I am one of top 3 best warwick top players in the world, and can beat 90% of all top laners below challenger with him.
I’ve contemplated about making this guide.. because since my last 2 warwick guides, I’ve seen so many Warwick players on the rift. And so many bans for warwick. A lot of people used my build and I never got the credit for it so I didn’t want to make a new guide.
However, since my viewers on twitch have been asking NON-STOP for an updated Warwick guide. Here’s my advanced guide to Warwick in high Elo.
I decided To scrap the jungle warwick guides and rewrite a top warwick guide for season 11.
As some of you might know this used to be a Warwick Jungle Guide.
Unfortunately warwick jungle has been pretty bad in the last season and a half.
I’ve peaked masters on warwick jungle while I climbed to 200 LP+ Grandmasters on Top warwick in season 10.
At this point, I can safely I am one of top 3 best warwick top players in the world, and can beat 90% of all top laners below challenger with him.
I’ve contemplated about making this guide.. because since my last 2 warwick guides, I’ve seen so many Warwick players on the rift. And so many bans for warwick. A lot of people used my build and I never got the credit for it so I didn’t want to make a new guide.
However, since my viewers on twitch have been asking NON-STOP for an updated Warwick guide. Here’s my advanced guide to Warwick in high Elo.
I decided To scrap the jungle warwick guides and rewrite a top warwick guide for season 11.
Grasp is far better for early game domination for Warwick. In few match ups conquerer has better value; however, i prefer grasp in every match up for the powerful short trades.
Demolish for tower plates is preferred for secondary to snowball gold from early game to ensure less fall off mid game.
Conditioning and second wind are both fine. Second is much better against counters to have a better laning phase, and conditioning is better for late game tankiness. This is preference (I personally encourage second wind).
Revitalize is my go to for the last primary runes set up due to healing increase.
Two different sets:
Triumph, last stance for stronger 1 vs 1
Magical boots , 5 cdr for better scaling.
I prefer the first one.
Demolish for tower plates is preferred for secondary to snowball gold from early game to ensure less fall off mid game.
Conditioning and second wind are both fine. Second is much better against counters to have a better laning phase, and conditioning is better for late game tankiness. This is preference (I personally encourage second wind).
Revitalize is my go to for the last primary runes set up due to healing increase.
Two different sets:
Triumph, last stance for stronger 1 vs 1
Magical boots , 5 cdr for better scaling.
I prefer the first one.
Before we get into the intermediate stuff, make sure to get the fundamentals of laning mastered.
This includes wave management, freezes, reading jungle pathing, bluffing, trades between cs and reading 2vs1 potentials during ganks. There are many videos about top lane for beginners, and fundamentals of wave management out on Youtube.
If you are new to top lane, it wouldn’t matter what champion you use, it will be tough to make anything work.
I suggest you learn the fundamentals of top lane before getting into this guide.
From here, I will go through step by step process of why I choose certain
It might be a bit disorientating, since I am noting down anything that comes through my mind. (I’ll try to organize it as time passes)
This includes wave management, freezes, reading jungle pathing, bluffing, trades between cs and reading 2vs1 potentials during ganks. There are many videos about top lane for beginners, and fundamentals of wave management out on Youtube.
If you are new to top lane, it wouldn’t matter what champion you use, it will be tough to make anything work.
I suggest you learn the fundamentals of top lane before getting into this guide.
From here, I will go through step by step process of why I choose certain
It might be a bit disorientating, since I am noting down anything that comes through my mind. (I’ll try to organize it as time passes)
This is the big section, since we have full new sets of items for s11. (I still need to experiment with a few of them)
You can usually build one of two:
1. Tank warwick
Bruiser warwick.
There is a hybrid build between the two, but I won’t write it. The hybrid build requires a lot more adapting to the fedness of the ally/enemy champions.
Stating item
Warwick drains mana very quickly in lane. You need to get dorans ring or corrupting potions for mana regen early.
I prefer the corrupting potions since it charged every time you go back to the fountain.
I also like dorans blade and just return to base for tear.
You can only have one mythic item. Every mythic item gives you a different passive stat.
From my experience there are only two viable mythic items that work to maximize value in Warwick.
First is: Divine Sunderer (for damage warwick, bruiser)
This item gives you 20% haste (cdr)
It helps you shred tanks as an ad based champion.
Not to mention..every legendary item you build after gains you additional magic/armor pen.
(Since warwick does mostly ap damage on Q, this stat is amazing on him)
Second mythic item: Gore Drinker
This item is used on most tank champions in the entire game and warwick is no exception.
Since Warwick has a weak wave clear, so the active is really useful for clear. (If you do not build this mythic, you have to build a separate tiamat early for wave clear)
(Wits end) bruiser
Against Ap top and or Ap heavy team I like to go wits end. It gives you attack speed, attack damage and magic resist. It also grants you movement speed and additional magic damage making it an efficient item for most match ups.
(Zhonyas hourglass) tank, bruiser
Against Ad heavy champions, this is probably my favourite goto item. Most people it’s crazy to go zhonyas on warwick. I generally build this as my third core on him.
The stasis provides warwick extra aggro during teamfights. As many agree stopwatch is quite an amazing tool on the rift. Especially on a champion like Warwick who engages with a body lunge Ultimate, he needs durability to regain his cooldown back.
As I mentioned, most of warwick’s damage is based on Ap. And he can use armor Items as he is a semi tank/bruiser. Making zhonyas hourglass one of the best situational Item on Warwick. (Im probably the only Warwick player in masters+ who use zhonyas though....)
(Guardian angel) bruiser
Though similar to zhonyas, you can technically get a second life through it. I prefer zhonyas, but it wouldn’t look as “troll” to the eyes of your teammates.
(Spirit visage) tank/bruiser
Usually my third or fourth core against ap heavy teams.
Helps you heal a lot more in fights and gives you more mr/health.
(Bramble vest vs executioner’s) #halfcores
A lot of games in league will require you to build grievous wounds based item. These two items reduce healing on heal based champs.
I prefer executioners on warwick unless I’m going against a fed Draven, yi, vayne.
(Randuins omens) tank
This is usually my second or third core against ad heavy teams. If you prefer a tank warwick, this will help chase, slow, peel and cc.
(Sterak s gage) bruiser, tank
You gain additional healing during fights and a massive shield when you lose to 30% below health.
This item is my 4th or last core.
(Death s dance, bork) bruiser, tank
Both serve a similar purpose. More damage, more life steal and Warwick’s chase potential increases.
I build this situationally when I feel like i don’t have enough damage as my 3rd, 4th or last core.
(Knights vow) tank
Some games you are not the carry. Some games.... maybe you lost lane, you lose split to enemy top laner... you just need to build some tanky support item to help your adc/mid carry harder.
Knights Vow is handy in those games.
(Thornmail) tank
I usually don’t complete my thorn from bramble, but when it’s a ad heavy team... why not slam that thornmail.
(Frozen heart) tank
Goes hand in hand with thornmail. Not bad for 4th / last core.
Qss/hexdrinker #halfcores (tank, bruiser)
I usually leave these as half cores.
Qss for target cc heavy comps
hexdrinker for fed AP burst heavy enemy champs. (Good against outplaying mordekaiser, ryze and kayle top)
Tiamat (bruiser)
If you don’t build sunfire aegis, you need this.
You can choose to finish the titanic hydra or you can leave it as a half core til last item.
Warwick can use ap, ad , tank , attack speed so there are other options out there you could theoretically mix and match.
These are my go to items based on most games. It’s worked out for me so far.
Currently, I'm mostly using Sunderer + HYdra as the first 2 cores.
You can usually build one of two:
1. Tank warwick
Bruiser warwick.
There is a hybrid build between the two, but I won’t write it. The hybrid build requires a lot more adapting to the fedness of the ally/enemy champions.
Stating item
Warwick drains mana very quickly in lane. You need to get dorans ring or corrupting potions for mana regen early.
I prefer the corrupting potions since it charged every time you go back to the fountain.
I also like dorans blade and just return to base for tear.
You can only have one mythic item. Every mythic item gives you a different passive stat.
From my experience there are only two viable mythic items that work to maximize value in Warwick.
First is: Divine Sunderer (for damage warwick, bruiser)
This item gives you 20% haste (cdr)
It helps you shred tanks as an ad based champion.
Not to mention..every legendary item you build after gains you additional magic/armor pen.
(Since warwick does mostly ap damage on Q, this stat is amazing on him)
Second mythic item: Gore Drinker
This item is used on most tank champions in the entire game and warwick is no exception.
Since Warwick has a weak wave clear, so the active is really useful for clear. (If you do not build this mythic, you have to build a separate tiamat early for wave clear)
(Wits end) bruiser
Against Ap top and or Ap heavy team I like to go wits end. It gives you attack speed, attack damage and magic resist. It also grants you movement speed and additional magic damage making it an efficient item for most match ups.
(Zhonyas hourglass) tank, bruiser
Against Ad heavy champions, this is probably my favourite goto item. Most people it’s crazy to go zhonyas on warwick. I generally build this as my third core on him.
The stasis provides warwick extra aggro during teamfights. As many agree stopwatch is quite an amazing tool on the rift. Especially on a champion like Warwick who engages with a body lunge Ultimate, he needs durability to regain his cooldown back.
As I mentioned, most of warwick’s damage is based on Ap. And he can use armor Items as he is a semi tank/bruiser. Making zhonyas hourglass one of the best situational Item on Warwick. (Im probably the only Warwick player in masters+ who use zhonyas though....)
(Guardian angel) bruiser
Though similar to zhonyas, you can technically get a second life through it. I prefer zhonyas, but it wouldn’t look as “troll” to the eyes of your teammates.
(Spirit visage) tank/bruiser
Usually my third or fourth core against ap heavy teams.
Helps you heal a lot more in fights and gives you more mr/health.
(Bramble vest vs executioner’s) #halfcores
A lot of games in league will require you to build grievous wounds based item. These two items reduce healing on heal based champs.
I prefer executioners on warwick unless I’m going against a fed Draven, yi, vayne.
(Randuins omens) tank
This is usually my second or third core against ad heavy teams. If you prefer a tank warwick, this will help chase, slow, peel and cc.
(Sterak s gage) bruiser, tank
You gain additional healing during fights and a massive shield when you lose to 30% below health.
This item is my 4th or last core.
(Death s dance, bork) bruiser, tank
Both serve a similar purpose. More damage, more life steal and Warwick’s chase potential increases.
I build this situationally when I feel like i don’t have enough damage as my 3rd, 4th or last core.
(Knights vow) tank
Some games you are not the carry. Some games.... maybe you lost lane, you lose split to enemy top laner... you just need to build some tanky support item to help your adc/mid carry harder.
Knights Vow is handy in those games.
(Thornmail) tank
I usually don’t complete my thorn from bramble, but when it’s a ad heavy team... why not slam that thornmail.
(Frozen heart) tank
Goes hand in hand with thornmail. Not bad for 4th / last core.
Qss/hexdrinker #halfcores (tank, bruiser)
I usually leave these as half cores.
Qss for target cc heavy comps
hexdrinker for fed AP burst heavy enemy champs. (Good against outplaying mordekaiser, ryze and kayle top)
Tiamat (bruiser)
If you don’t build sunfire aegis, you need this.
You can choose to finish the titanic hydra or you can leave it as a half core til last item.
Warwick can use ap, ad , tank , attack speed so there are other options out there you could theoretically mix and match.
These are my go to items based on most games. It’s worked out for me so far.
Currently, I'm mostly using Sunderer + HYdra as the first 2 cores.
Learn the mechanics, and get comfortable with them. There's nothing more embarrassing than missing your ult in-front of your whole team. Practice a lot on moving targets.
Don't make ults too obvious, feint and try to line yourself well into the enemy if you need to .
You can use your ult to : Pick enemy champ for your team, lifesteal to survive when you're low, hold/peel for your carries , GET OUT USING ULT instead of flashing out, and stall time for your team to come help if you get caught....
ULT+E simultaneously to hit a mass fear on everyone near the champion you ulted.
Pressing the Q and Dragging follows flash or any movement. You follow enemies by practicing the drags. (BE CAREFUL OF DRAGGING when enemy flashes into the turret. DO NOT FOLLOW THAT... Turrets kill XD)
Don't make ults too obvious, feint and try to line yourself well into the enemy if you need to .
You can use your ult to : Pick enemy champ for your team, lifesteal to survive when you're low, hold/peel for your carries , GET OUT USING ULT instead of flashing out, and stall time for your team to come help if you get caught....
ULT+E simultaneously to hit a mass fear on everyone near the champion you ulted.
Pressing the Q and Dragging follows flash or any movement. You follow enemies by practicing the drags. (BE CAREFUL OF DRAGGING when enemy flashes into the turret. DO NOT FOLLOW THAT... Turrets kill XD)
You can engage first if the team has a big lead with Ult + E combo. If your team does not have a lead, use your ult to peel enemies off your carries. (adc/mage/etc)
Once you have used Q/R/E (all your skills), it's great to have a stopwatch handy. Use it to stay alive and recycle your skills again.
Once you have used Q/R/E (all your skills), it's great to have a stopwatch handy. Use it to stay alive and recycle your skills again.
Orianna is awesome to play with. She can put the ball on warwick, you Ult + E into enemy clumped, she ults on top with the ball on you, and it's a penta CC.
Teemo, vlad, kassadin, and Kayle are great to play with as well.
(Most AP scale based champs are great to play with)
Since Warwick does fall off late game, he is much better to snowball the game and help teammates out. They can carry after mid game.
I'll update more in time.
Teemo, vlad, kassadin, and Kayle are great to play with as well.
(Most AP scale based champs are great to play with)
Since Warwick does fall off late game, he is much better to snowball the game and help teammates out. They can carry after mid game.
I'll update more in time.
lvl 1 you can all in every match up (except olaf) and pretty much win with barrier.
Use your Q while low hp to cheese hard and get that easy first blood.
After first blood, most top laners with tp will return to lane. YOU WILL MOST LIKELY BE WEAKER. Call your jungle for a 2 vs 2 or to help push your lane!
Use your Q while low hp to cheese hard and get that easy first blood.
After first blood, most top laners with tp will return to lane. YOU WILL MOST LIKELY BE WEAKER. Call your jungle for a 2 vs 2 or to help push your lane!
Dragon timing
You have to decide if you want to join for dragon or not. First 2 dragons will be tough since you don't have tp. Either set up a timing to walk down after pushing the wave or tell the teammates to give and pressure top hard.
from 3rd dragon + 2nd rift; since there are no plates left, you can lose a wave, roam down earlier.
Make sure you position early for dragon souls no matter what.
You have to decide if you want to join for dragon or not. First 2 dragons will be tough since you don't have tp. Either set up a timing to walk down after pushing the wave or tell the teammates to give and pressure top hard.
from 3rd dragon + 2nd rift; since there are no plates left, you can lose a wave, roam down earlier.
Make sure you position early for dragon souls no matter what.
When baron is up you have two choices.
1. You split bot side to bring the enemy champions over, when they come for you the teammates can baron. (This only works if you are stronger than all the enemy champs in 1 vs 1)
2. You group up with teammates and shroom everywhere. Try to disengage with your ult rather than initiate the fight.
If your team is way stronger than the enemy, you can engage with it.
1. You split bot side to bring the enemy champions over, when they come for you the teammates can baron. (This only works if you are stronger than all the enemy champs in 1 vs 1)
2. You group up with teammates and shroom everywhere. Try to disengage with your ult rather than initiate the fight.
If your team is way stronger than the enemy, you can engage with it.
Okay, so I've been experimenting with playing without mythic for first 2 cores.
It's been pretty great.
1. You build tiamat for clear early.
2. You get Sterak first core (super beefy)
3. You finish tiamat, or something mana heavy. (sometimes bramble/executioner if you need to get anti healing)
4. Get mythic
This build up is good for winning lane and transitioning mid game without getting that fall off.
It's been pretty great.
1. You build tiamat for clear early.
2. You get Sterak first core (super beefy)
3. You finish tiamat, or something mana heavy. (sometimes bramble/executioner if you need to get anti healing)
4. Get mythic
This build up is good for winning lane and transitioning mid game without getting that fall off.
This is annoying as hell at the moment in the top lane. Trade Q + E and back away. Do not fight him too long. Work with your jungle to kill lee sin. Bait him in.
At level 6, he is killable, but you must outplay to beat him.
Always think to roll out with your Q on the minion behind you when going in deep for trades.
At level 6, he is killable, but you must outplay to beat him.
Always think to roll out with your Q on the minion behind you when going in deep for trades.
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