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Jhin Build Guide by Riceyboll

Top Welcome to the Kashuri Armory | S13 Jhin Top Guide

Top Welcome to the Kashuri Armory | S13 Jhin Top Guide

Updated on June 13, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll Build Guide By Riceyboll 2,662 Views 0 Comments
2,662 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll Jhin Build Guide By Riceyboll Updated on June 13, 2023
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Runes: Dark Harvest | Lethal Jhin

Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Safe laning + map control
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Ability Order "And now, the curtain rises."

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Welcome to the Kashuri Armory | S13 Jhin Top Guide

By Riceyboll

Hello, I am Riceyboll a retiring Thresh top OTP looking to expand my champion pool into four champions to main and I just absolutely fell in love with Jhin as a champion.
He has simple abilities to understand but they are a bit tricky to master and it just feels so satisfying to hit the fourth shot and watch the enemy health crumble
Pros & Cons of Jhin Top


x Ranged top
x Amazing damage
x Relevant in all stages of the game
x Good range
x Easy to learn


x Squishy
x Not alot of mobility
x Weak if behind
x Hard to master

This is the default rune page for Jhin Top. Taking Fleet Footwork is okay if you need sustain, but personally I don't pick it for top since the Dark Harvest brings more value.


Dark Harvest is good for scaling and huge burst damage which Jhin already excells at.

Taste of Blood is only taken for the sustain and since the other runes from the first row have no use for Jhin.

Eyeball Collection is also a good rune for scaling, since you get a massive amoung of AD lategame with your finished collection

Treasure Hunter allows Jhin to get a good amount of gold for kills which allows you to get items earlier and scale faster. Relentless Hunter is another option for the last row, but in my opinion Treasure hunter is better.


Presence of Mind fixes Jhin's mana problems in lane, since you'll be poking the enemies alot PoM will constantly be active and give you mana.

Legend: Bloodline gives Jhin some valuable lifesteal allowing you to stay in lane for longer and it allows you to buy Bloodthirster as a last item.


Manaflow Band is a must have pick if you're going Sorcery secondary since you don't have PoM anymore you need mana to stay in lane!

Absolute Focus is a rune to amp your early power up allowing you to burst down enemies faster.

Gathering Storm is a good rune early, but if the game goes on you'll scale so much it's not even funny.

Youmuu's Ghostblade

Youmuu's Ghostblade is a great item for Jhin top since this item gives him movement soeed, really good stats and alot of "free" lethality which he can use to quickly burst down enemies.

"I do prefer my work to have a brisk tempo."

The Collector

The Collector is a really good item for Jhin allowing him to excecute enemies and make some extra gold from doing it.

"Gold is my power colour."

Lord Dominik's Regards

Lord Dominik's Regards gives Jhin armor penetration which is really good againts tanks you'll most likely be facing in the toplane.

"I prefer my equipment to make a bang."

Rapid Firecannon

Rapid Firecannon gives Jhin a good lot of attack range which is really useful for him allowing him to poke from further range or catch up and kill enemies who are trying to run away.

"Rapid fire?" "Where's the drama in that?"


Bloodthirster gives Jhin aot of survavibaility with the lifesteal it gives. Also it's passive "While above 50% maximum health, gain 10−40 bonus attack damage" is really useful.

"I have a thirst for melodrama."

Mortal Reminder

Mortal Reminder allows you to add antiheal/grievous wounds to your build. Situational item, you don't need to build this if your team already has GW.

"I always execute with style."

Mercurial Scimitar

Mercurial Scimitar is also a situational item. You'd build this if the enemy team has a Mordekaiser, Malzahar or a Skarner. But you don't have to if you arent the priority target for them or you don't think that you need it.

"Art is such a fickle thing."

Passive: Whisper

Jhin's hand cannon has a fixed attack speed, meaning that it cannot be increased.
Jhins hand cannon can be fired 4 times before needing to be reloaded.
The 4th shot always critically strikes, and deals 15 > 20 > 25% of the target's missing health as physical damage.

Jhin's passive also gives him 4−44% attack damage as bonus attack damage

Jhin's critical strikes deal 14% less damage but grant him 10% movement speed for 2 seconds.

Q Ability: Dancing Grenade

Jhin sends out a granade that deals 45 > 70 > 95 > 120 > 145 physical damage. The granade also bounces from the first target onto 3 other ones before exploding (Can't bounce on the same taarget twice.)

W Ability: Deadly Flourish

When activated Jhin shoots a long range shot dealing 60 > 95 > 130 > 165 > 200 physical damage to the first champion hit.

W Passive:

Enemy champions in range of Captive Audience or damaged by Jhin get marked with a flower symbol. If you hit your W on a champion with the symbol they will get rooted for a moment.

E Ability: Captive Audience

When activated Jhin will put down an invisible mine that lasts for 3 minutes, if an enemy steps into it they get slowed by 35%.
The trap will detonate after 4 seconds after being walked on dealing 20 > 80 > 140 > 200 > 260 magick damage

R Ability: Curtain Call

When activated Jhin will set up his sniper locking him in place and allowing him to shoot 4 bullets dealing
50 > 125 > 200 and 200 > 500 > 800 depending on the enemy's missing health. Every bullet that hits a champion slows them by 80% for 0.5 seconds. Also the fourth shot is a critical hit.

Early game

Early game can be summed down fairly simply. Since you are a ranged toplaner you need to poke at your enemy so you can eventually go for the kill. Also you have to keep yur CS up so you don't fall behind.

Remember to use your Q to both farm and poke at your enemy laner and keep your vision up! It's really important to have good vision so you don't die to ganks, so keep track of the enemy jungler and ward!

Mid & Late game

After earlygame you still must keep up your CS so you DO NOT fall behind. Also you need to start going to objectives and help secure them for your team.

Jhin's Early to Late game is really simple and if you don't feed youll be an unstoppable sniper with more damage than the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Jhin is a fun champion to play and even though it's sinful to play him toplane I just absolutely fell in love with it and would recommend that you try it!
Even though you might get some colorful words from your enemy toplaner for playing a ranged top remember that you can bathe in their tears and type /mute all in the chat

All and all Jhin Top is a super satisfying pick with a lot of skill expression and fun gameplay.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Riceyboll
Riceyboll Jhin Guide
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Welcome to the Kashuri Armory | S13 Jhin Top Guide

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